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"I'll keep watch," says Maggie,

"I'll make sure the boys don't eat it all," I say smiling back at her, and we all run downstairs.

"Nala, get off the table," says Austin picking her up and plopping on her on the floor where she continues to be a pest.

"Alex did you kill the pig?" I ask while patting Nala,

"Yep, went hunting this morning," he says smiling at me,

"I didn't know you could cook," I say to Austin,

"Neither did I," he says giggling, and he hands us a plate with some potatoes and pork, and we happily dig in.

"I haven't had a meal like this is a long time," I say with a mouth full of potato,

"I know right, it's like a gift from the heavens," says Alan stuffing his face and Trent gives him a funny look and shakes his head smiling.

"I better take Maggies watch," says Travis as he finishes his food and he goes upstairs, and Maggie appears a minute later and Austin hands her a plate.

"Thanks Austin," she says smelling her food and groaning, and she eats her food sensibly- like a lady, I can't say the same for me.

"Wanna go for a walk Nori?" Says Trent putting his plate away,

"Yeah sure, grab a gun and let's go." I say,

"Don't go too far- not with zombies expected," says Austin,

"I'll fire twice if we're in trouble," says Trent to Austin and he nods.

The building we live in is 3 stories, it used to be a storage unit I believe, or some sort of car port, but it has a little living area with a couples couches, it must have been where the owner crashed.

We walk down to the first floor and wind our way through the stakes that Travis and Alex had made as a defence against any walkers that decide they want in, and Trent takes me to the left of the building and down a road. The building is set near a train station, the train tracks are about 50m away from the building and 200m away is a cute little train station.
We walk over in silence and Trent sits down on the seat outside the station and pats for me to sit next to him, and of course, I do.

"So Nori," says Trent, and I know what's coming.

"We've known each other for a little over a month now," says Trent, "and I was uhm..."

"Uhm?" I say giggling, but he stops my giggles by leaning and kissing me on the lips.
He breaks away and looks me in the eyes and smiles, "hey, I'm Trent, wanna hook up?" He says laughing and pressing his forehead against mine,

"I'd love to," and his lips meet mine again.
He pulls me up out of the chair holding my hand and drags me into the station, it hasn't really been touched, some things are knocked over and broken, but it's been brushed to the side as Travis and Alex have already been exploring here.
He pulls me to the middle of the room and let's go of my hand and walks over to an old electric piano, turns it on and jumps with excitement as it's battery powered and there's still power left, he presses a button after inspecting it for a few seconds and some slow music plays. He turns and smiles at me and grabs my hand and spins me in a circle.
I giggle and put my hand on his shoulder and he sits his hand on my waste, and we dance around the room, having the most fun I've had since the apocalypse started- this boy brings so much joy to me, I don't know what I'd do without him.

Two chapters in one night since I have a lot of inspiration 😝

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