Happiness And Peace

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*later that night*

"HAHAHAHA you're kidding right?" Says Alex laughing so hard he can barely breathe,

"Oh here's another one," I say, "we ordered pizza one time and the pizza man said 'enjoy your pizza' and you know what I replied with? 'Yeah you too,"

"Well that's embarrassing," says Austin giggling,

"He was cute too!" I say, "sorry Trent," I say grinning over at Trent and he smiles back at me and shakes his head.

"Ohhh Trent, are you jealous?" Says Travis wiggling his eyebrows at us,

"Maybe," Trent says quietly pouting cutely but we're distracted by a noise downstairs.
"I'll go check it out," says Trent and Austin follows.

We all sit tight... Until they open fire,

"Get to the top of the building and shut the door!" Yells Trent, the herd must of arrived.

"We can't leave them down there," I say,

"Do what they say," says Maggie pushing me up on the roof and Alan follows,

"We'll help defend," says Travis. Alex, me, Alan and Maggie huddle together in the corner and wait for it to end when I hear screams,

"I can't sit here and do nothing!" I yell lunging forward opening the latch leading to the second floor, and I see a horrible sight. Piles of zombies and Travis having a zombie latching onto his arm as he screams for help.

"Don't!" Yells Maggie and grabs me and stops me from helping Travis,

"We can't help him," says Maggie sadly.

"How dare you stay up here and cower in the corner, leaving them to die!" I yell and I punch Maggie in the head and run to help but Trent grabs me and runs up to the roof and Alex follows, and the last thing I see is Travis being eaten the latch being closed on a dozen zombies leaving them to paw on the inside.

I turn around and see Alan staring down at the ground, wide eyed and pale.
I walk over and sit next to him, and Maggie stands stiff by herself and Alex starts to cry.

"He died protecting us," sobs Alex.
I stay on the ground, in shock. It all happened so fast, one second we were all sitting together laughing and the next we've lost one of our group.

"We can't stay up here," says Austin looking at us huddled on the ground,
"We either leave, or fight back for our home."
I can't imagine what the mess would be downstairs, maybe it would just be better to leave.

"Austin is right," says Trent, "let's kick some zombie butt," he stays smiling at me.

"Okay, all of you get a gun and spread out in a straight line," says Austin, "and I'm going to open the latch, and when I do, fire."

We all nod nervously as we grab a gun, but Alex just stays on the ground hugging his knees.

"Ready?" Says Austin,

"Ready," we reply, and Austin pulls back on the latch.
For a few seconds no zombies come out, but when they realise they have a free ticket to us they start swarming out from the second floor like flies and we open fire.

We step over the zombies, there must be at least 20, and get a glimpse of inside of our building.

It's trashed, and just when I hear Alan gasp I realise we forgot Nala.

I turn to him, it's funny how a human boy I've known for a week who has just died doesn't upset me as much as losing a pet.

"Oh my god Nori-" he says walking over to me and hugging me. Alan promised that he'd look after Nala for me, since I basically gave her to him after Sooky died.
He let's go and we scan the room for her, Alan calls but she's no where to be found.

"She could have ran away," says Austin sadly, but we all know there was no way for her to get out without falling to her death or being grabbed by a zombie.

"Can you all stop spooking over a cat and realise that my brother is dead?" Says Alex looking pissed,

"Hey, she's allowed to mourn, just like you are," says Trent, "they're both tragedies."

Alex stomps to the roof top and runs into Maggie on the way down who doesn't say a word, but gives us the same pissed look Alex did.

"I think it would be best if you all left." Says Maggie sternly,

"Maggie-" I say walking over to her but she cuts me off,

"I think it'd be better for us, and Travis if you left."

She's kicking us out because????

"We didn't even do anything," says Alan sounding pissed,

"Who gives you the right to kick us out when half of the supplies are ours!?" Says Austin getting increasingly angry and stomping over to Maggie,

"Don't come closer," she says holding a gun up,

"You wouldn't dare." Says Austin, he's kinda scaring me- I've never seen him this angry, no one messes with his family.

"Austin, let's just grab our stuff and go," I say pulling on the back of his shirt, and Maggie lowers her gun as we grab our belongings, some food and guns, and we walk out the door, stepping over shot walkers and I spot some bloody cat fur on the floor.
I make a little squeal and cover my mouth trying not to cry. Trent puts his arm around me and guides me out of the door into the cold night air.

Happiness and peace never lasts.

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