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I walk up beside Austin, and look up at him as if saying 'do you still want to go into the city?' He looks at me and smiles as if saying 'bring it on' this man has guts.
I hear Alan gulp behind me, obviously not feeling the same way Austin does about the situation, but he doesn't dare object because he'll probably get yelled at too.

I watch Nori and Austin look up at each other for reassurance, I can just tell these two are going to be like brother and sister.
Austin smiles down at her, looking like he's ready for the challenge of making his way to the airport- me not so much, I'd rather just head to the country side, but as much as I'd like to I couldn't live with myself knowing that I would have given up on the chance of finding Tino, Aaron and Phil, and that they could still be alive.
I walk up beside the both of them, and give them a little nod, and start walking through the maze of cars- and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless.


Alan starts the march through the broken down cars, looking really unsure of himself.
The first car we approach, a little blue car with a cracked wind shield, which looks to have no one inside, but I take my chances and rummage through the glove box in search for anything useful- The Walking Dead has set me up good for this.

"Uhm, are you stealing?" Alan saids, scaring the shit out of me and making me jump and hit my head of the top of the car

"Dammit Alan don't do that," I say, rubbing the back of my head.

He giggles "sorry, didn't mean to,"

"I'm not stealing, I'm just looking for anything useful-" my eyes gaze upon a body in the back on the seat "I don't think he'd be needing it anyway," I say shrieking and backing away from the car and running into Austin

"Oops sorry, dead body in that car gave me a fright," I say, Austin smiles down at me and continues to walk ahead.
Jesus Christ all these dead bodies and grey eyed dead people are going to knock years off my life if they keep scarring me like that, especially Alan.

We huddle together and walk through the maze of cars, watching for movement, Austin's at the front, because me and Alan are both sissies and want to be protected (like really who wouldn't want to be protected by their idol- how romantic)
And when we cross the bridge, we all breathe out a sigh of relief, grateful that we didn't get ambushed by zombies which could easily have been hiding in the rows of cars- not that they're smart enough to hunt someone anyway.
Austin looks to the left- then the right, and then back at me and Alan- Alan of which has his hands on my shoulders and standing behind me hiding like a little girl- it's kinda cute but ya know- he's a princess, and *gasps* we couldn't think of him getting his hair messed up! I laugh to myself, I'm so funny (note the sarcasm there?)

"Do you have a phone on you?" Saids Austin, looking at me.

I slap my thighs.. Nothing.
"Shit," I mumble,
"I must have dropped it," I say, sad I let Austin down.

"It's okay, I was going to see if I could call one of the guys phones- but last time I checked there was no reception," he saids, turning back around and walking to the left.
The radio station must be out, no wonder our TV wasn't working.
The trip to the airport was only an hours walk away- it's just on the left side of the city, and the whole way there no one spoke, we were all tired and still in shock from all that's happened- and Austin seems to be pretty upset about not knowing how the other bands members are, it's probably why he's so on edge.
Alan just keeps to himself, he seems kinda shy- it's not what I pictured him as, I always thought of him as a bubbly ginger- who has the mind of a 5 year old, I guess it's not really the time to be full of energy and happy though.
We arrive at the airport, and it's deserted- and I'm not sure whether that's a good thing, or a bad thing.
We walk up the front entrance, and let ourselves in, it's not a pretty sight, there's bodies and blood everywhere, I don't see one living human- or zombie in this room, but our airport is a big building- it has to have at least 100 shops inside.

Me and Alan walk up beside Austin, and since I'm the only one who knows this airport- I take the lead.

"Do you know which port they came from?" I say to the both of them.

"23, on the second floor," Alan saids, looking at his surrounds and not me.

We walk to the escalator- it's not working, and there's blood over it- great.
I move to the right escalator- which has no blood, and start to walk up the stairs- but Alan's inner child springs to life and he runs past me up the stairs jumping 3 at a time and once he reaches the top- he puts his hands on his waist and lifts his head in triumph.

"You're such a dork," I say, laughing as I walk up the escalator with Austin behind me smiling, I'm sure he's happy to see Alan in his right mind set again.
We walk down a long corridor- passing bodies which makes us move to the opposite side of the corridor trying to avoid them incase they decide they're hungry.
We reach port 22- and Austin starts to walk faster and passes me and Alan, but Alan runs to catch up with Austin leaving me back by myself. I'm guessing they're really eager to see their band mates, but there's a big chance they're not even here.
And before Alan reaches Austin- Austin makes it to port 23- and drops to his knees after looking at the room for no longer than 10 seconds, and buries his face in his hands.


We pass port 22- and I rush past Nori and Alan desperate to see my mates- Alan comes up behind me too, but he's not as fast as me.
I reach the port, dread filling my stomach, and I take a heavy breath as I step into port 23. I look around- and no one is there, but there's a glass door which leads to the plane- and behind that door is Aaron- pawing at the door with Phil and Tino mixed in with a group of lifeless zombies, their grey eyes piercing through me, I fall to the ground and bury my face in my hands, absolutely shattered.


Dread falls over me- this is not the sight Austin was expecting to see.
Alan races up to his bestfriend, but soon falls down beside him and bursts into tears. 'This is so NOT good' I say. I haven't even seen what's happened yet- but I don't think I want to.
Reluctantly I walk up to the two on the ground, and sit my hands on their shoulders, and look up to see the 3 band members, along with other people staring at us with grey, soulless eyes.. I don't think I'll ever get that image out of my mind.
I crumble to the ground, and huddle with Alan and Austin, and cry.

I hope ya'll are enjoying the story as much as I am writing it! :D

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