Innocent? Not anymore

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We walk past the walkers stuck on the stakes, and they attempt to grab us, but like their simple minds they can try as they might, but they won't reach us.

"It's too quiet," says Alan scanning the buildings we're walking past,

"Definitely," I say still looking up at the windows.

"It's a shop," says Austin pointing at a little building and walking towards it, but of course it would have been cleared out since people have definitely been here.
I look up towards a 3 story building which keeps giving me the heeby jeebies, I feel as though something's watching me all the time.

"You're getting that feel too huh?" Says Alan walking over to me,

"Do you think it'd be good idea to check it out?" I say looking over Alan's shoulder at Austin and Trent inspecting the old shop,

"Yeah, we'll take a gun just in case though."

"We'll be back in 5," I yell and they nod at us.
We walk up to the door and push it open, it's not locked and we let ourselves in. It kinda looks like an apartment building, actually I wouldn't really be surprised if it was, there's not many houses around here.

"I'll check the second floor," I say,

"I'll check this one then." Says Alan. I walk off upstairs with my knife in hand cautiously, and I find myself in a corridor with 4 doors. One which is open and facing the road, so I decide that one is the one to inspect.

I tiptoe over to the door and push it open slightly, but nothing is in the room but a bloody stained couch and some boxes.
It's not worth inspecting the other rooms, they aren't facing the street so they weren't the ones bothering me.

"Alan," I yell

"What?" He yells back making me smile,

"It's fine up here, come check the third floor with me."
I hear him coming up the stairs a few seconds later and we climb the second flight of stairs to the top and I find myself in the exact same set up, 4 rooms, except all doors are closed.

"That one there faces the street," I say pointing at the door on the right hand side.
We walk towards it, weapons drawn and Alan opens the door.
Nothing, except a body laying in the middle of the room.

"Oh my god," I say lowering my knife.
It's a skinny boy, he must be about 10, crawled up in a ball in the middle of the room.

"Little boy?" I say, making him shudder again from the noise of my voice.

He sits up shakily, he's facing away from us, but I know something is wrong by his heavy breathing. He turns his head towards us, and I'm saddened by the sight.
Grey eyes, sunken cheeks, emotionless face, and suddenly I feel dizzy.

"I can't-" I say running out of the room, that's way too much for me to handle.. The poor boy.

I run out on the streets and I'm greeted by Austin and Trent chatting away outside the building. I stand in the middle of the street and sob when Alan comes out behind me after I hear a gun shot from the apartment.

"Is everything okay, what happened?" Says Trent and Austin jogging over to us,

"I don't wanna talk about it." I say walking off,

"Young zombie boy, I put him out of his misery," says Alan and I hear a "ohh" come from Austin.

"We should set up a place to stay," says Trent, "it'll be dark in a few hours."

*later that night*

We found a little old house with bard windows so we decided to camp out there.
My mood was brightened when Austin flashed a can of spaghetti which he had found under the desk in that old shop, and damn it was good to have one of my favourites.

"Have you every wondered, what it would be like after the apocalypse is over?" Says Alan lying on his back,

"I haven't thought that far yet," I say chuckling, "but I do know I'm super tired, and there is a double bed in that room over there that's calling to me."

"Okay, well I guess I'll hit the sack too." Says Alan, then Austin agrees and they all climb onto the couches.

"So, I get the floor?" Says Trent pouting ,

"I'm sure Nori wouldn't mind sharing her bed with you," says Alan still laying on one of the two couches,

"I got you boy," I say and I stumble towards the room and flop on the bed which is unbelievably comfortable.

I toss the sheets and climb in and snuggle up on the left side on the bed, and Trent soon gets in and sleeps on the right, and it's very awkward.
We lay in silence for a while, and I know he's awake and staring into the darkness too because he has the same awkward presence that I must have.
He turns over and pokes me in the back, and again.

"Hey, stop," I say giggling and he continues to poke me,

"I'm not ticklish," I say, I'm lying.

"I'm sure you're not," and he starts tickling me on the back of the neck,

"Eeep!" I yelp and I flip over and accidentally punch him in the nose,

"Oh god, I'm so sorry," I say feeling extremely bad,

"It's okay," he says rubbing his nose but laughing. He takes his hand away from his nose, I can't see his face but I can make it out from the moonlight coming through the windows.

He leans in and kisses me and puts his hand on the side of the my face, and slides it down my back where he pushes me closer to him to the point we're brushing against each other.

I pull my lips away from his and smile and he continues to tickle me and climbs on top of me and stares down at me in the eyes, and leans down to kiss me again, this time tugging on my pants.

I jolt and he shoots up,

"Oh, sorry- are you?" He says awkwardly, and I nod.
He stops and looks down at me, but I bend up to kiss him on the lips and bring him back down, letting him know it's okay. He takes off his shirt and I take off mine, and before I know it I'm no longer the innocent, little Nori I once was.

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