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I'm sure you've all heard of the Patrick Kane scandal already. If not, well here you go. Peaks is currently under investigation by the police about a possible rape charge. That it. We have no more facts. Patrick hasn't said anything, his lawyer hasn't said anything and the police haven't said anything.

Branching off of that, I refuse to take sides in the case. Until we learn more about it, I won't defend Patrick or the girl. With that being said, if what we're hearing turns out to be true I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm been a fan of him every since I became a Blackhawks fan. To be honest, I was always a bigger fan of Kaner than Toews. So this is really hard for me. I looked up to him, but if he actually did do this, I can never forgive him. I will never support him or his career again. Rape isn't something this league should take lightly. If he did in fact rape this girl, I hope he gets kicked out of the NHL. I don't want young hockey players looking up to a rapist. If he get's off with just a fine, I'm going to be disgusted. He's made too many mistakes in his past to get off scratch free if what he's accused of is true. 

But as I said before, I'm not going to take a side until we know the whole story. I truly do hope the media just got the story wrong. This is going to be a lot to handle and I hope the police get the whole story right. I hope he can also still enjoy his day with the cup this Saturday without too much press and hatred.  

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