Chapter 39

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AND YOU DID THAT BECAUSE 'You were getting too close'??? ARE YA FUCKIN KIDDING ME?? WHAT A SELFISH BASTARD YOU ARE. IVE NEVER HATED SOME ONE SO MUCH." She stops pacing to stare me straight in the eyes. Her eyes begin to fill up with tears, starting to flow down.

"And like some one, so much"

I walk up slowly and hug her. She doesn't hug back but that's okay. She's letting me.

I know this is all she needs and wants.


Liliana's P.O.V
I wrap my arms around him. It feel so good to be in them again. In a way, he always makes me feel better when I'm at my worst. I know this is probably the worst thing I could do right now, making him feel he won me over and I'm finally hugging him and giving him what he wanted.

It was nice of him to come down here and apologize but I don't want him to come here.

The only reason why I'm letting him hug me is because I have no one else to hug. My dad is still around but he is in no mental state where he's able to do anything. He's currently at home trying my mothers clothes on because he doesn't want anyone to take it... He's just not okay right now.

"It's okay Lili, I won't hurt you again"

As soon as he talks I realize the huge wet stain on his shirt from where I was crying.

"I'm sorry" I say about the tear stain. Wait, why the fuck am I apologizing for a tear stain when he's half the reason why I have a tear stain on his shirt.

"Never mind" I say immediately. I could tell he knew why I said that.

He continues to hold me in his arms as I sob into his shoulder. I don't think after today I'll be seeing Harry anymore. He has put me through too much hell that wouldn't happen if I was with someone else. For instance, Niall. He is really sweet. No one has ever asked me on a date before, not even Harry. Unless you consider driving down to my parents house with me a date then we haven't had one.

I feel Harry's wet lips kiss the top of my head, making me have fireworks go off every where in my body. I want to kiss him back but if I do I know I wouldn't want to stop.

I get out of Harry's embrace, even though I want to stay there forever.

He looks in my eyes trying to find any clues about what is going on in me.

He starts to speak up, "When I was asking the front desk lady for a key to your hotel room-" I cut him off.

"That's how you got in? How could you convince them?" He looks at me and continues.

"-I said to her 'my girlfriend and I have been locked out of our room'"

I look at him, he said I was his girlfriend. Hearing him say that sounds so beautiful.

"I called you my girlfriend" he looks to the floor, "It felt very foreign, but it sounded so good. I don't know why I just wanted you to know."

I walk up to him, only inches apart.

"It sounds amazing," his eyes light up, "but I could never do that with you" he looks back down. I feel bad, when really I shouldn't. I know he desperately wants to have a relationship but I don't think he understands that you can't treat the person you want to be friends with like shit.

"I heard that you and Niall were going on a date next week" his eyes stay glued to the ground.

"yeah, he asked me on a date. The first guy to ask me out on one." I send a Que to Harry so he tries to see Niall is going to be my first in a lot of things, even if Harry thinks he was my first in most. Sure Harry was my first intimate experience but not other things.

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