Chapter 30

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I put on my diamond earrings my mother gave me to complete my outfit. I know I'm only going to this stupid party but I really am starting to get hit by the fact that she's dying, and I won't have her for much longer. I'm wearing a floral crop top with high waisted skinny jeans. Raina is wearing shorty-shorts with a bralette, that's it. I don't understand how she can be so confident with everything about herself. Not that she has something bad just I could never be able to have the confidence to wear that.

Harry should be here in about 10 minutes. I haven't heard from him since he dropped me off earlier. It is so hard to break his shell, but I know when and if I do, it's going to be the most amazing thing I'll ever see. I just hope it's soon out of curiosity.

"Lili, do you have a tampon?" I hear Raina yell across the house. I'm glad she broke me from the deep thought about, of course, Harry.

"Yeah, it's in my drawer. Just look in the back right." I yell. I don't feel like walking over there.


There's a loud knock on the front door. Wow, this is a first. He always just walks in.

When I get to the front door it swings open and Harry steps through.

"Harry! I really thought you were going to wait for me to get to the door!"

"Well, you thought wrong" he says and rocks back and forth on his heels.

What the hell? I knew he would do something like this. To 'make up for the kindness'. He is giving me such an attitude. I really think it's that song.

"Harry, you need to tell me about that song." I look up at him.

He rolls his eyes and sighs, "No"

I give him the same look and sigh he just gave me. "That's the only way I can get you. I feel like when ever that song comes on you get all mad at me or something..."

"What do you mean 'get' me. There's nothing that you need to know. Where's Raina"

I'm not done trying. I'm going to get it out of him today, or tomorrow. All I know is soon.

"She's... Getting ready." I look away from annoyance. "I'm going to go put some shoes on." I leave him standing by the door and start walking up towards my room. He doesn't make a sound.

"Lili!" Raina yells again.


"Can you come here?"

I can't imagine what she needs now. I walk into her room and see her crying.

"Oh my god, what's wrong?" I ask.

She points to her phone signaling me to look at it. I rush over to her bed and pick up the phone. I read,

"I couldn't reach Lili, but Katrina just had a seizure that put her in a coma. The doctor did not expect this to happen and sadly her life expectancy has decreased to 1 week. Please tell her this nicely and appropriately. Thank you."

My entire life pauses. I stare at the phone with no emotion. It's almost like I'm paralyzed. I have the feeling of screaming, crying, dying, but I can only stand her shaking.

"Lili, I'm so sorry." Raina has a tear go down her cheek. As soon as I saw that a loud sob escapes. A long-awaited sob.

Raina runs up to me and hugs me tightly.
What am I going to do without her. In a coma I can't talk to her, I can't get a reply, I can't do anything. If I knew earlier today would be my last time I would be able to talk to her, I would've done it a little differently.

Raina's door swings open revealing Harry. I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong"

I still am hugging Raina, and I don't plan to move.

"Not now Harry, I'll tell you in a few minutes"

"No I'll tell him, just not right now." Another loud sob follows my words.

How could my life turn to the bad so fast. Only a month ago I found out she had cancer and there was a small amount of days to live.

Harry's hand leaves my shoulder and he walks out, closing the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry, Lili. You'll be okay. I promise. When my grandma died I felt the same way. I thought my life was over, that I was going to die without her, but look at me, that was over 6 years ago. And if you take a week off of school then it'll impact your mental being even more. Seeing her connected to a machine unresponsive will only hurt you. I don't think you should go down there. Remember her last alive and happy."

I don't know if I'll do that, only because that's my last time really seeing her alive.
"Maybe. I would still see her alive."

"But would you really? She's not able to do anything. Just stay here and remember her last hugging you, saying 'I love you'" when she finished saying 'I love you' I begin to cry again.
I notice the tear stain on her bralette and decide to stop hugging. I really need to think this all over.

"Thank you, Raina. I'll consider what you said."
I give her one last tight hug and walk out to the door. Harry is probably so confused. As soon as I open the door I see Harry biting his nails leaning against the wall. When he sees me he walks up to me and touches my hair. His touch brings tears by it self.

"What's wrong, Liliana"

"Let's go to my room" I avoid eye contact.
He places his hand on my back and guides me to my room. I close the door and stand there with my arms down, eyes blood shot red, and makeup smeared across my face. Why is he even here.

He doesn't have his hand on me but he stands there trying to read my expression.

"Is it something with your mom?" He already knows.

I just nod.

"Oh, what happened" he puts his hand through his hair. It's almost like this entire room is spinning. I can't stand it. I have to sit on my bed to steady myself.

"Uh. She had a really bad seizure and she's in a coma right now" my bottom lip begins to twitch fast.

Harry's eyes drop.

"And she's expected to pass in" I have to stop for a second. I can't believe I'm saying this. "-in a week"

His eyes meet mine, "Oh my gosh, Lili I'm so sorry."

He pulls me into an embrace on the bed. His hug is the best hug I've had. I feel it's the best because he's been hiding affection.
Let's stay here tonight, alright?"

"Yeah I'm not going anywhere." I stare at my wall.

I get out of his embrace and look at Harry, "Are you staying here tonight?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you Harry" relief fills my body but depression still hovers it. I'm ready to just lay in bed and die. I just want to die with her.

*A/N yep there will be an update tomorrow. I always say that but I always am doing stuff. And sorry if something's are misspelled or something. I did this chapter on my phone.

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