Chapter 32

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I open the door to find an angry look on Harry's face, oh well! I grab his wrist and lead him towards the speakers to dance and try to make him a little less angry looking.

"Lighten up Harry!" I yell. I notice is eyebrows soften as well as his eyes. I like that he has a nicer face now.

"Lili what are you doing" He lets out a small laugh, it stops me.

"Oh my god..." I say blankly, all expression left my face.

"What" He says.

"You laughed" I slowly start to smile. "You laughed!"

Harry rolls his eyes at my stupid remark. He probably thinks im so fucking annoying when im drunk since I don't have a filter.

I start to dance again and this time I grab Harry's hands and shake them around. His hands are so strong and fit perfectly in mine. Damn he is soooo sexy. I notice him looking straight down at our hands with a strong gaze.

"Whats wrong?" I stop shaking around our arms but still hold his.

His eyes slowly come up to mine, "You"

I reach for the remote and turn off the music so we could hear each other better.

"What?" He removes his hands from mine and puts them against his forehead.

"Me..... us" Harry's eyes scan me.

"There's nothing wrong with me, you, or us... what do you mean Harry?"

"It's me. I have this weird feeling I've never felt before.. and-"

I cut him off, "I know. I heard you."

His eyes widen and his hands fall from his forehead. He sits on the couch and looks away from me. I sit next to him slowly but close. He makes me so curious.

"Harry, you can tell me." All my bubbliness has gone away. Some how the effects of the alcohol isn't so strong. I'm determined to get him to talk.

"Lili, I just cant." He says.


"I dont ever want to get close with anyone. I don't want to care about anyone. For about 6 years, I made it that way. But now you come to this fucking college and of course, fuck me up. There you go.. I told you something." He looks up at me with red eyes. Almost like he wants to cry. There's something haunting him that I just can't figure out.

"Oh" I say, unsure of what else I could say.

"You know, I've never opened to someone the way I just did to you. If you ever fucking dare tell anyone, you can forget about ever seeing me again. I've been nice and I've never been nice. Those fuck ups I hang out with I couldn't care less if anything happened to them. They're not my friends, they're fuckin' screw ups anyways.."

He looks away from me back to forwards.

"Thank you" I say. I finally broke a hole that he's been hiding for years. I just now need to break the rest of them but I can work with this.


"Thank you, Harry. I'm glad you told me something about yourself that I kind of figured, but glad you told me."

"Lili, we're getting too close"

"No we're not, it's a normal relationship"

"Yeah well I'm not normal... And I don't do relationships."

"You can do this one."

"No I can't!" He stand up and stares at me, "Again, I need to leave. I really can't stay here with you. I just really need to remember what I decided I would be."

I stand up to seem more fierce, "Maybe this is what you need! Harry you haven't had a relationship in anyway for 6 years apparently and it's driving you crazy just give it a chance. I won't hurt you"

He turns around while walking to the door, "you won't hurt me purposefully, you will hurt me beyond your ability" he opens and slams the door.

He comes he goes, he comes goes, he comes, then he goes. Like usual. I know he'll come back. I turn around and hear the door swing open, causing me to jump. I see Harry speed walking towards me. To my surprise, he cups my cheeks and begins to kiss me. I don't hesitate to kiss him back.

His tongue slides around my mouth taking me in fully. I never want him to pull away. I know he really has a feeling he doesn't want to have.

Harry pulls away, still cupping my cheeks.

"See" he says and goes back out the door, leaving me here speechless and slightly turned on.

What the fuck was that. He came and he left before I could think through it properly.

I sit back down on the couch in silence. The alcohol doesn't seem to have much of an effect anymore besides my unstableness and slur of words. All I know is I want Harry to come back badly. He's who I want right now. I don't think I could ever have the same feeling from another guys other than Harry.

A/N. Thank you for reading yea I know I never update anymore but I will be now! I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot! Hopefully update tomorrow!

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