Chapter 24

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Since today is Saturday and my dad and mom has said it's okay for me to come down I am going back home today. Just for the night. Harry offered to drive me and I already pretty much said yes to him. I am a little nervous about what my mother is going to ask me in front of Harry, meaning what's our relationship status, why am I hanging out with a man with a lip piercing and tattoos all over his body, well if he's not your boyfriend then who is he. All that. I'm not even sure if she'll ask me if he's my boyfriend since she thinks that I would never date a man like Harry.

Today I'm wearing something nice to my parents house. I don't want to make it look like my mothers condition is really negatively affecting me for her sake. I have a pair of skinny jeans on with Rainas black combat boots with a jean jacket and normal gray T-shirt.

I hope Harry doesn't embarrass me in front of them, if he does then I will never talk to him again.

There's a knock on my bedroom door, without giving me a chance to open or turn around and go for it, the door opens.

"Hello, there" Harry smiles. It's 6 a.m so I'm very surprised Harry is sticking with this.

"Hi" I stand awkwardly, but ready to go.

"You look ho-" He stops him self and looks away from me, "Ready"

My cheeks blush but I don't care. I wonder why he stopped though, I knew he was going to say 'hot'. Still I don't see how he finds me hot. 

He stands stiff and not so comfortable as before. He gets that way a lot recently.

"Yeah... I'm ready" I grab my bag and walk past him as he follows behind me.


We're already half way through the two hour trip and Harry hasn't said a word to me, in fact he's been as stiff as he was when we left the apartments. It's weird really because he offered and seemed to want to drive me down here but he seems so awkward. I'm usually the awkward one in situations but now it's him.

I decide to speak up, "Are you okay?"

He takes a deep breath and lets it out fast. "Why?" He snaps his head towards me.

His hand lifts off the steering wheel to push his long hair back, that's another thing my parents are going to say about.

"Well you haven't talked in the past hour..." I say defensively.

"You haven't talked either" His eyebrows burrow.

He is right, but I mean I have a reason. My head is drowning in thoughts of my mother.  

"Yeah sure, but I just want to know like why you're being so... I don't know... tense" I don't want to call him stiff since that could be taken as an insult.

"Okay" He rolls his eyes and stays quiet.

I'm just going to change the subject rather than get him all mad.

"So I was thinking of coming back down here next Saturday, you can drive me if you really want to" I hope he wants to.

"No" He replies almost immediately. 

I look over at him with a confused look. Why would he want to drive me now but not drive me next Saturday? 

"Why?" I ask. 

"I just cant" I notice his hands grip tighter on the steering wheel causing his knuckles to pop out. What is his problem gosh... 

"Seriously Harry you can tell me if I'm bothering you..." I hope I'm not honestly. I don't know what would be bothering him either anyways. 

"Oh my fucking god" He mumbles under his breath, "We're hanging out too much." He says. What the hell is he talking about. 

"What do you even mean, Harry" I don't sound convinced or affected because I know he always says these kinds of things and comes back when he's either drunk or doing something wrong.

"I mean, we're getting too close" He looks straight forward not taking an eye off the road. This is probably about the whole label thing.

"Oh so is it about what the others think, that you're hanging out with me a lot and they are going to think we're friends?" I roll my eyes at the thought that he's just saying that so his friends think other wise about us.

"I don't give a fuck about what those other people think about me. Look I'm trying so hard to be nice to you right now since we're going to see your mother, so please, don't try and get me mad" I hear him cuss under his breath.

Well then if it isn't about his whatever he calls them then what the heck is it? Seriously I don't understand what is bothering him so much.

"Then please tell me, what is the problem?"

He sucks in, "You"

I stare at him with a confused look. What have I done to him that I am his problem. I used to be the one to stay away from him now it's Harry trying to stay away from me. I wonder if he is actually starting to consider a friendship and he's just scared to have one. I laugh at my thought.

When he looks over at me with a dirty look I realize what that looked like. Right after he said I was his problem I laughed.

"I wasn't laughing at you" I smile. I am taken back a little that I am his problem. Out of all things to be a problem I am. Just I think it's weird.

***A/N Update later today!! take note on everything Harry does.

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