Chapter 22

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I'm woken up by a phone call. I check the time and it's 3 in the morning. Who the hell is calling me now. Of course it's a random number.

"What?" I croak into the phone. Whoever this is I'm going to be rude as ever.

"Hellooooo Lili" It's Harry's voice...

"Harry? Why are you calling me now?" I put my hand up like I'm actually talking to him.

"I just wanted to call.... seee howws it goin" I can tell he's drunk even at my state of mind. I'm so tired this better not last long.

"It's 3 am Harry, why are you calling me" I yawn into the phone.

"Really? Oh man. This night is gone by like a mother fuckin fly" He laughs at his own words. He's so dumb... and rude.

I repeat myself, "Why are you calling me."

"Because I had the picture of you on my, body" He tries to make his drunk self sound sexy when he says body, but I'm not turned on one bit.

"Good bye" I say and bring the phone down to end the call.

"Wait wait wait wait wait!!" I hear him yell.

I sigh and bring it back to my ear. "What"

"Wanna spend the night together?" He has got to be kidding.

"No, way to late, goodbye"

"No no no nooo! I'll come to you. When you wake up in the morning I'll just be laying next to you"

I do want him to sleep on the bed, only if he comes here. Wait, he's drunk.

"No Harry you cant, You're drunk..."

"I can get a ride"

My heart melts at the desperate tone in his voice, but his ride will probably someone who's drunk too.

"Harry, just stay where you are. Ill see you tomorrow in class." I hang up so he doesn't have another chance of trying to convince me.

Only when he's drunk he seems to be more open to me. He would never ask to just stay the night with me. Only if the night led into it. I know he will deny it and say he was just drunk and horny the next day.

He kind of woke me up, but I am still able to fall right asleep.


Today I decided to wear something a little nicer. I'm still majorly depressed but I just want to look put together. My shirt has a flower and my shorts are a navy blue jean material.

I got to class about 20 minutes early today so I can work on the packet. I'm a little behind from the news about my mom. I also want to get here before anyone else.

"Hello. Happy hump day everybody" Everybody just sits there and stares at him. Harry still isn't here. "Okay... No. Um so I said yesterday I was going to teach you a new formula for a problem. This is actually my first time teaching you guys as a whole class, holy crap."

He keeps going on about some weird formula that I can hardly understand. He's saying stuff about 'limits' and 'precine' I have no clue what those things mean.

Were already half way through class and Harry is still not here. I seem so paranoid about him.

The door swings open, It's Harry, making his grand entrance.

"Um excuse me Mr. Styles?" Hughes has such an attitude, perfect to put Harry in his place.

Harry clears his throat, "I'm sorry" the sarcasm in his voice is clear.

Hughes shoots him a side glare, "Next time, make a less exaggerated entrance."

The alcohol is still clear in him. I bet he didn't even sleep last night.

Harry plops sloppily in his seat, "How you doing?" He asks.

I look at him. For some reason I'm a little nervous. "Good, Harry now listen, you'll need to know this."

He rolls his neck and looks to the board where Hughes is writing how to do this stupid formula. It's so hard.

Harry's hand hits its famous place right on my thigh. He must have something for touching thighs cause he's done that to me quite a lot.

"Oh shit, would you look at that," Hughes says, "It's time to go! I guess teaching makes time go by faster! Maybe I'll do it more often so it doesn't feel like I'm trapped with a bunch of ants the entire time, A.K.A, you people"

Everyone looks around at each other because usually his jokes are funny and that was not. It didn't even make sense.

Harry walks by my side as we exit the class. I'm going to go to Starbucks and get a coffee and breakfast sense I didn't eat this morning.

Why is he walking next to me still? I'm already at my car and he is still right there.

"Do you like... need something?" I ask as polite as I can even though it sounds pretty rude.

"No... Where are you going?"

"Starbucks, why?" He's definitely sobered up a little during class.

"Can I comeeee?" He asks. No he's still pretty drunk.

I don't really care if he does or not. I'm just not paying for his stuff.

I let out a breath, "I suppose..."

We both sit into my car while he sloppily puts his hands over my shoulders.


***A/N There will be some surprising talk at Starbucks;) just you wait! I had to stop in the middle im sorry because I was falling asleep since I haven't gotten good sleep these last few days and so I feel that if I kept going the story wouldn't be as good if I were to just wait for tomorrow. And hey, maybe I'll give you a double update tomorrow since I wont be able to Saturday and this one ended on a weird part.Follow me on vine and vote this story! Share this with your friends

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