Chapter 17

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I wipe my tears and press on the gas pedal getting away from that hospital as fast as I can. The emotions and the pain that hospital holds is too hard. Both of my grandparents died there... one from cancer and the other a heart attack, and now my mother is going to die in there. My life is in the worst place it's ever been in. People say being adult is hard, I never thought it would be this hard.

I'm so tired, I've been in the hospital for about 4 hours while they do some blood work and try to comfort her. There's honestly no point in doing blood work on her anymore. We already know what's going on.

I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in days now, last night was a party, the other night Harry was there... which clogged my emotions up even more. I dont even know how I'm going to make it through this 2 hour car ride back. And the whole way back is just a highway so for about 30 miles. Overall its a 50 mile, dreaded trip.

I never thought that I would start regretting going to college, or at least going to this college.

As I'm driving my eyes are shutting. I am so freaking tired. I shouldn't even be driving in the first place. I would call Raina and ask her to pick me up, but she's either drunk or asleep and I'd rather her stay like that and not be killed driving down here... plus my car, I don't know what I'd do with it.

I decide to pull over to the side of the highway. It would be safer to just sleep for about an hour on the side of the road instead of falling asleep behind the wheel.

I lock my car doors and lean my chair back.

Crying, I soon fall asleep.


"HEY!" The pounding on my window wakes me up. I jump and make sure the doors are still locked.

"LILIANA? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I recognize Harry's voice beaming through the closed window. Why is he yelling? Why is he here?

"Stop yelling, god." I say and put my seat back up.

"Open the damn window" he says and I oblige.

He's giving me the what the fuck look.

"Why are you on the side of the road sleeping?"

"Because... I was falling asleep driving." His hands now rest on my car window sill.

His eyes start to look a little weakened, but not crying.

"Do you understand someone could have ran into you and killed you, right then and there, Perhaps a drunk driver" His words hit a sudden stop. He's acting so weird. I dont want to deal or even think about his weirdness right now. Not even the fact why he's an hour away from where we live.

I sigh, "Harry I do not want to deal with your..." I try to sugarcoat it but honestly, theres no way I can, "weirdness"

He laughs, "No offense, but I wasn't the one sleeping in a car on the side of the fucking highway, where I'm asking to be killed." I flinch at his cuss words. I hate them.

Why the hell does he care anyways? Also, that whole conversation we had only two days ago, where did that go?

"Ok Harry, I'm depressed out of my mind about my mother, college, and everything else in my life. Especially you. You're the most confusing person I've ever met and I literally met you 3 weeks ago. My life is complete confusion"

He moves his elbows so they're resting on the window sill now. "I am confused too" When he realizes what he just said he stands up straight and looks at me. I give him the same look he gives me, wide eyes, very surprised.

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