Love changes everything- 18

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"So he's moving back in?" Olivia asks happily, as she hands her girlfriend her cup of tea.

They're in Olivia's living room and Demi is very happy to announce that her father is moving back in with his mother and her.

"Yeah. I'm so excited"

"That's great. I'm so glad" Olivia really is happy for the younger girl.
She had seen the way Demi reacted when her dad explained everything to them.
She was more then happy to see her father again.

"What about Liam?" Demi asks, knowing his dad had to go to count again the day before.

"Once a month, two hours, under supervision" Olivia says.

"So he can visit his mom once a month?"

"Yep. Two hours, max. And never alone"

"Does her family qualify as supervision?"

"Nope. It has to be either Ben, my mom, my dad, me or Ben's best friend. No one else is considered supervision"

"How does Liam feel about it? Does he like going to see his mom?"

"Well, since he hasn't seen her in more then two years, he doesn't really remember her that well. He knows she exists, but he doesn't remember a lot about her, so we don't know"

"When is he going to visit her?"

"Next week. Ben is gonna accompany him, in case something happens. He wants to be there the first time they meet again, just to make sure everything is alright"

"Yeah, I understand. It must be horrible going through all of that" Demi feels bad for the little boy she's come to love, a lot.

"It is. It's very hard. It's already hard for me, so I can only imagine what Ben goes through"

Demi just nods, as they sit in silence. Not uncomfortable, or anything. They're both just deep in though.

"Hey, Liv?" Demi is the first one to speak up.


"When do I get to meet your family? You've already met my whole family, including the boyfriends and I haven't met anyone, except Liam, in your family"

"My parents are actually on vacation right now. They won't be back for another two weeks"

"Oh, that's a shame. I want to meet the people who gave birth to the most beautiful girl in the world"

"Don't get cheesy, Demi. If I remember correctly, you told me you're not a copy cat" the older girl smirks.

"Oh shut up. You know you love it when I say stuff like that"

"Yeah, I do actually" Demi's girlfriend laughs.

"See? I know what I'm doing"

"So, I wanted to ask you a question, too" The blue eyed girl is not totally sure if this is a good question and if it's the right time for it, but she just needs to ask it. She can't help herself.


"Since we're already dating for like almost a month and your dad is moving into your house, would you maybe want to move in with me? You know, give your parents some privacy and stuff"

Demi is beaming with happiness, as she looks at her girlfriend.

"I would absolutely love that" she replies, as tears start to form in her eyes.

"Hello" they all of a sudden hear a weird voice say.

"Oh my fucking god, that was not your parrot" Demi starts laughing.

"Oh my god, Perry likes you" Livia jumps up in excitement, "He likes you, Dem. He just talked. I told you I wasn't a liar"

"That was just a recording or something that you put on. It was so not Perry"

"Yes, it was"

"No, it wasn't. Why would he all of a sudden talk now?"

"Because he likes you. And now that you're moving in, you'll hear him talk a lot" Olivia laughs.

"You are like one of the weirdest people I've ever met, but I love you" the brown haired girl laughs.

"I love you so much, Demi" Olivia smiles, as she kisses the girl in front of her.

"I love you too. So, so much. And I can't wait to grow old with you" Demi smiles into the kiss.

Olivia can't help but smile at her accomplishment.
Demi's sisters, Nathalie and Caroline, as well as Demi's mom, have told her countless times how much she has made a good change in Demi.
Little do they know, that Demi has made a good change in her, as well. Not only her, but also her little nephew, Liam.

Even though the both of them weren't as low as Demi had been, they were both not very happy anymore. Not as happy as they used to be.
Especially Olivia.
The whole situation with her brother got to her, a lot. It bothered her. It hurt her to see her brother go through all of that and not being able to help more.
It bothered her to see that her little nephew did not get to grow up in a nice family. In a house where all you could feel was love.
His dad showed him a lot of love, but being busy with work and court and all of that, he didn't have much time for his little son.
That got to Olivia, as well as to Liam.
And when Demi came along, they both started getting happier again.

Demi made their joy for life come back.

Without even knowing it, Demi changed her girlfriend's life for the better, just like her girlfriend has done for her.

Demi and Olivia stare at each other, as big huge smiles are playing on their lips.
They don't have to say anything, to know how much they mean to the other one.

And even though most people will think it's way too early in their relationship to be able to love each other as much as they do, the both of them are totally head over heels in love with the other girl sitting on the couch.
The both of them are thankful for everything the other one has done for them, without even knowing it.
The both of them can't help themselves, as they throw themselves at each other and laugh, as they continue to kiss each other.

Love changes everything.
Neither of them can disagree to that.
They've both seen it more then ever, because of the love they have for the person they love most.
The love they have, that has changed the both of them.

Nora, Nathalie, Caroline and even Scott, see how much change the love, these two girls have for each other, brings.
Not only to themselves, but also to the people around them.

Liam, even though he's still a little boy, can see that his aunt and Demi have something special.
He doesn't know that much about love yet, but whoever is around Olivia and Demi feels something special in the air, and so does Liam.

"I am so happy I decided to go to the other gym" Demi smiles, after they break apart from the kiss, but still stay culled up against each other.

"Me too. And I'm happy that you told Liam to turn that damn sound down" Olivia laughs.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that" Demi chuckles.

"Hey, it's all good. Look where it ended us"

"Deeply in love" Demi smiles.

"Deeply in love" Olivia confirms.


Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story.
I'm sorry that it's so short.
I hope you enjoyed it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you all very much!
I love you!

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now