Love changes everything- 12

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The next few days, Olivia and Demi, most of the times together with Liam, would go to get ice cream after the gym.
They would laugh and talk and enjoy each others presence.

Liam is very fond of Demi. He loves it when she's around. He loves it that she joins them to get ice cream and then jokes with him and his aunt. He loves it when she laughs. When she makes a comment about him. When she hugs him. Or ruffles his hair.
He loves that she's happy to spent time with him, as well as his aunt.

He listened closely when his aunt tried to explain to him why Demi had acted the way she did, when they first met. He wanted to ask Demi, but Olivia told him not to. And he always listened to her, so he didn't.

Olivia knows she's falling for Demi. Falling hard.
Every minute that they spent together, makes her feel things she's never felt before. Things she only feels when she's around Demi.
And every time they're together and she hears Demi's voice, sees Demi's smile, listens to Demi's laughter, she can't help but imagine having that with her all day, every day.
She can't help but imagine Demi living under the same roof as her, standing in the kitchen together making dinner, laughing and joking. Growing old with Demi. Getting married. Building a family.

In a way Olivia feels like she's crazy for thinking that way, because why would that happen?
But then again, it seems to her like Demi is enjoying her presence, too.
And she is the person Demi opened up to, which means she has something that other people don't have.

Demi is absolutely head over heels in love with Olivia, and she's not sad about it. She's not ashamed of it, either.
She has told her mother, as well as her sisters, that she's in love with the girl from the gym. And she shamelessly flirts with the older girl, every time they are together.
She even once grabbed the girl's hand, as they were walking down the street, and intervened their fingers. Much to her delight, the other one didn't pull away.

Olivia didn't mind holding Demi's hand and that's when Demi realized, that maybe Livia feels the same about her. Maybe the blue eyes girl likes her, too. Maybe Olivia would want a relationship with her, as much as she wants a relationship with Olivia.

Demi sees herself change back, too.
She sees herself occasionally smiling at the old people she passes on the street, or the little kids she passes in the park.
She sees herself wondering why the woman she just walked next to, has a frown on her face. And why the guy she saw walking across the street, looks stressed out.
She sees herself wanting to make sure those people are okay. Hoping nothing bad will happen to them.
She sees a change in herself.
A good change.
A very good change.
A change she always knew she has to make, but didn't know how to.
A change she knew she wants in her life.
A change that makes her be who she used to be, and who she deep down still was all this time.

Nora is more then thankful for that Olivia girl, she still wants to meet.
She is so thankful to the girl, for being the person her youngest daughter needs.

She sees that her daughter is turning back into the outgoing, caring girl she always used to be. Her daughter smiles more. Laughs more. Is happier.

Nora, as well as Nathalie and Caroline, are extremely happy. The worry they had, for their little girl, is starting to fade, all because of Olivia.

They never hear the end of it.
Olivia this, Olivia that. Olivia this, Olivia that.
That's all that escapes Demi's mouth.
And even though they usually would get annoyed with it, they do not get even the slightest bit tired of the light that shines in Demi's eyes, whenever she's talking about the girl she's in love with.

The only thing the three of them are still waiting for, is for Olivia and Demi to be together. To make each other even happier then they do now. To officially be in a relationship.

And even though none of the three ladies have met this Olivia yet, they will never be able to thank her enough for bringing out the best in their little girl.
For doing what they wanted to do, but didn't know how.
For helping them make Demi happy and cheerful.
For taking away part of the worry they had.
For being herself and turn Demi into herself, too.

Just for everything she has done for Demi.
And everything she is still doing for Demi.
Hoping this will be the thing to change their lives.
Knowing it's already getting there.

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now