Love changes everything- 2

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As Demi makes her way into the gym, she's happy to see that it's almost empty.
Just one girl, around her age, maybe a little older, and a little boy.

The first thought that comes to her mind is, who would bring their son to the gym with them? What is that kid supposed to do there?

But she sees as the girl helps her son, or whatever it may be of hers, run on the treadmill a little.

"That's it, bud. That's enough for today. Now you can go grab my phone from my purse, yeah?" she hears the girl say to the little guy.

She gets a better look of the girl and she loves the sight. This girl is insanely beautiful.

"Okay. Did you bring me a snack, too?" The boy replies.

"Yeah, it's in my purse, too. You'll find it there"

"Thank you, Liv" the little boy smiles, as he walks over to the girl's purse and makes himself comfortable on the floor, next to where the girl is now running on the treadmill.

Demi is a little weirded out, but glad that the gym is fairly empty.
She really can't deal with many people around her. It makes her uncomfortable.

She puts her stuff down and starts doing the usual stretching she does, before she starts her workout session.


Olivia is running on the treadmill, after having send Liam to go watch his cartoons, or whatever he watches, and doesn't realize that someone else came into the gym, until she decides she needs a drink.
She steps off the treadmill and walks over to her nephew, when she sees the other girl.
She's never seen her here before, she must be new.

The girl has headphones in and is busy with her thing, so Olivia decides not to bother her. She might introduce herself later.
Then she can also get a better look at the girl, cause now all she sees is her back.

She sips her water and watches as her young nephew crunches on his cookie, while he's watching SpongeBob.

That doesn't surprise her, at all.
He loves SpongeBob. It's his favorite cartoon.
She sees him turn up the volume, so that the whole gym is filled with the sound of her phone, but it doesn't bother her.
She loves it when Liam is happy, and if that's what makes him happy, she's okay with it.
She gives him a small pat on the head and a smile, as she walks past him to continue her workout.


Demi is too busy to even pay attention what goes on around her.
She's always like that. She loses herself in her music and doesn't give a shit about what happens just two feet next to her.

She's pulled out of her world by the sound of SpongeBob, though.
Annoyed, she pauses her music and pulls one of her earbuds out, as she turns her head to where the sound is coming from.
That little boy, of course.

When she sees that he isn't planing on turning down the volume and the girl he came with isn't planing on telling him to, either, she's debating with herself wether she should say something about or let it slide.

She decides to let it go for now, as she turns the volume to her own music up a little and continues doing her thing, trying not to be bothered by the annoying voices of SpongeBob and Patrick in the background.

After a few minutes, she can't take it anymore.
She can't even concentrate on what she's doing anymore, because all she hears is that stupid TV show she used to love as a kid.
She used to be so obsessed with it, that she even knows exactly what episode that little boy is watching and it bothers her.
She doesn't wanna think about her childhood now. She doesn't want to be remembered of the time that she would sit on the couch with her older sisters, watching SpongeBob, while their parents were making dinner in the kitchen.
She doesn't wanna think about that now, she wants to focus on her workout and getting her toned, muscled body.

She pauses her music again and takes out both of her earphones, this time, as she walks over to the little boy.
She's debating with herself, should she be her 'inside of the house' self and sweetly ask him to turn down the volume, cause come on, he's a pretty cute kid and she's never been one to get mad at little children.
Or should she be her 'outside of the house' self, like she would do with any stranger, cause he still is a stranger, so why treat him differently?

Fuck it, she thinks, I'm outside of the house. I have no idea who this annoying boy is, so why bother to be nice?

"Can you turn that down?" she asks, still rather friendly for her usual attitude.

The little boy looks up and his eyes meet Demi's.
He didn't even realize she was in here. He's used to it being only him and his aunt.
He just stares at her and doesn't do anything, while she's getting more annoyed by SpongeBob's voice filling the gym.

"I asked if you can turn that down" she asks, more harshly this time.

This catches the attention of the other girl, as she stops what she's doing and looks at Demi standing next to her nephew.

"What's the problem?" she asks, as she walks over to them.

"He needs to turn the fucking sound down. He's not the only one in here" Demi is so annoyed by now, that she doesn't even care how rude she sounds.

"Woah, calm down, dude. He's a little kid. You can ask him nicely" the girl seems taken aback, by Demi's outburst.

"Yeah, whatever. Just make him turn those damn voices down" Demi turns around to go back to her workout, but the girl holds her back.

"Don't just walk off like that. I have no idea who you think you are, but you're not the boss around here. You come in today and just like that start giving out orders. Okay, the noise bothers you, but have a little decency. It won't kill you to be a friendlier" the girl says, hitting Demi's soft spot.

She knows she shouldn't act this way. She knows she shouldn't have those high walls around her. She shouldn't isolate herself that much from everyone other then her family.
She should be more like she used to be. Nice, sweet, outgoing, caring. All of those things.
But she's never had anyone, other then her mom, point it out to her.

She sighs and looks at the little boy who's staring at her with his big ocean blue eyes.
She debates with herself again, but decides not to be bothered by what the girl said and turn around to go back to her workout.

"Please turn that down a little, bud. It's bothering other people and we don't want that now, do we?" she hears the girl say to the boy.

"Sure, Livia" she hears the boy reply, as the sound instantly gets softer and she can't even hear it over her music anymore.

She happy, but also not, with herself.
Yeah, she accomplished her mission. He turned down the volume. But she wasn't nice to neither him nor the girl.
It's never bothered her before, why does it now?

She tries to shake off the feeling, as she finishes her workout and head back home, not long after the little boy left with the girl.

The girl and boy and her behavior towards them, don't leave her mind, though.

Next update: Wednesday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now