Love changes everything- 14

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Demi is upstairs to get her stuff ready and Nathalie is in the kitchen helping her mother clean up dinner, leaving Olivia on the couch with Caroline.

"You know, Demi really likes you" Caroline says, to the girl who's sitting next to her.

"I like her a lot, too"

"I don't know if you know, but you've changed Demi, a lot. In a good way, of course. She always isolated herself from everyone and everything that is not family. She left all her friends and completely didn't talk to anyone anymore. You changed that in her. As a little girl, she used to be exactly like you are. She was the most outgoing of us three. She was the more sociable and caring girl, out of us three. She lost that, but you're bringing it back. You're bringing the Demi she once used to be, back. And that's something we will never be able to thank you for. Me, as well as Nathalie and my mom. We were very worried about Demi and we still are. But you're doing such a good job and we really are very thankful for that"

Olivia isn't sure how to reply, so she just smiles and nods her head.
She's happy that she can be the person to change Demi.
She's happy that she can be the person to bring Demi back. And to make her family happier, too.

"I just ask one thing of you" Caroline continues.

"Sure, anything" Olivia smiles.
She likes Demi's family. She likes how they are all so welcoming to her.
How they included her in their conversation during dinner.
How they hugged her, instead of shaking her hand.
How they show her love and gratitude.

She knows this is a kind of family she wants to be a part of.
She knows she will do everything she can do for this family.

"Please, just don't break her. She's fragile. One small thing, can make her fall apart. So please, I'm just asking you to be very careful with her. To love her and to hold her. To guide her and to help her. To care for her and to be the person she needs you to be, which is exactly who you are now. Please, I'm begging you not to break her" Caroline can't help it, as her voice cracks a little.
Demi is her only little sister. Demi means the world to her and she needs her little sister to be okay. She needs her baby girl to be more then okay.

She knows Olivia is the one to accomplish that. That's why she's asking this girl, to please take good care of her little sister. To please be careful with Demi.

"I promise I'll do my best. She means a lot to me, even if I haven't told her that yet. I do love her and I do want her to be happy. I have absolutely no intention of hurting her, whatsoever. I will do my absolute best to be the person she needs" Olivia says and Caroline can hear how sincere she is.

Caroline is now even more sure then before, that this is the one. This is the person she's been waiting for. The person that completes her younger sister.

"Thank you" she smiles at the girl sitting next to her.

"It's my pleasure" Olivia smiles back.

Demi is still upstairs, as Nathalie enters the living room, sitting herself on the other side of Caroline.

"So, Olivia, are you planning on asking Demi out on a date?" she asks, making all three of them laugh.

"Yeah, I do"

"Listen, Demi can be a little picky, okay? So, before you actually take her anywhere, call me and check if it's okay. I know Demi well enough to know what she likes. She won't admit it to you, if you take her to some place she doesn't like, until you get home from that place. And then, you won't hear the end of it. So, spare yourself the annoyance and make sure you're taking her to something she won't complain about for the rest of your life, deal?"

Love changes everything - demi lovatoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum