Love changes everything- 4

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Olivia walks out of the coffee shop after her shift is over and makes her way back to her apartment.

She texts her brother asking if she needs to get Liam from school again, but he replied with a negative.

Today, he's done in time to get his son from school himself, so he's gonna spent some quality time with him.

Olivia smiles as she reads her brothers text, knowing he would make sure his little boy would have fun.
He loves Liam a lot, and he doesn't like having him in others people's care everyday, so he tries to spent as much time as possible with his son.
But with Liam's mother not around, it can sometimes be a little too much, so it warms Olivia's heart, knowing they're gonna have some father-son quality time.

Olivia enters her apartment and gets herself a little snack and something to drink, before she gets herself ready for the gym.

She thinks back to that girl yesterday. Would she be here again today?

Only one way to find out.
She gets her stuff and heads out, smiling at her neighbors walking past her.
She arrives at the gym a little later then usual, but as usual it's empty.

She takes out her iPod and plugs in her earphones, as she starts doing push ups, to the beat of the music.
A few minutes later she hears footsteps, but doesn't look up yet.
As the song finishes, so does she. She sits up and grabs her water bottle, as she looks up to who those footsteps belong to.
The same girl as yesterday.

She sees the girl look at her and her face breaks into a smile. She's so beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous.
The girl doesn't smile back, though. She just keeps on looking at her, with a distant look in her eyes.

"Hey. I'm Olivia" Olivia stands up from the ground and stretches her arm out, for the girl to shake her hand and introduce herself, as well.

She sees the girl debating with herself, as she looks back and forth from Olivia's outstretched hand to her smiling face.
After a few minutes, she lets out a sigh and takes hold of Olivia's hand, shaking it lightly.

"Demi" she mumbles, almost inaudible.

"It's nice to meet you, Demi" Olivia smiles.

Demi gives her a small nod, before she turns around and puts her earphones in, starting her workout.

Olivia finds it rather unfriendly how she just turns around like that, but decided to let it slide. At least she isn't as rude as she was yesterday.

They both continue in silence, Olivia glancing at Demi every so often, but not saying anything.
Seeing the way Demi does her workout, makes Olivia smile. She's such a gorgeous woman and she moves her body so beautifully. Olivia knows that her personality matches that beauty. Only, she is not showing it. But it's there. Olivia is sure of it.

Olivia has always been good at reading people and she knows there's much more to this Demi girl, then what she has seen.
She can see that this girl isn't who she makes herself seem to be.
Demi isn't unfriendly. She isn't rude. She just pretends to be.

Olivia tries to just concentrate on her workout, but it's hard when all she can think about it why such a lovely person would pretend to be so cold hearted.
She knows she shouldn't butt into people's lives, but it's just always been a thing of hers.
She's pretty nosy and likes to know everyone and everything about the people she meets.
She knows, though, that if she'll even get a little close to this Demi, she will have to be careful with her words and wait for Demi to be ready to tell her anything about herself, cause if she doesn't, Demi will only shut her out.

She surprises herself by even thinking that way, cause come on, she doesn't know Demi and why would she befriend a girl that goes to the same gym as her? It's not like she's desperately in need of friends and it doesn't look like Demi is planning on befriending her, either.

But as she keeps on stealing glances at Demi, she keeps on seeing the beauty in this girl. Not only in her face, but in her body as well. The kind of body all girls would kill to have.

Now, Olivia is not one to jump into relationships and all that, but she can't help imagining herself kissing Demi's, what look like, soft lips.
She hasn't been in a relationship for over a year and it's not like she's looking for one, but looking at Demi makes her feel the longing of having the person she loves most, wrapped in her arms. Of spending all her free time with that one special person.

She shakes her head at her own thoughts.
She shouldn't be thinking like this.
She doesn't know Demi and they have nothing to do with each other, except that they have gone to the same gym for the past two days. Nothing more.

She looks at the time and sees that she's here already more then an hour. She decided to wrap it up, collect her stuff and head back home.

Before she walks out, she looks at Demi one more time and sees that she's currently just drinking, so she walks over to her.

"It was nice meeting you, Demi. If you'll come again tomorrow then we'll most likely see each other again. See you around" she smiles, before giving Demi a small wave and slowly making her way out of the gym.

She doesn't wanna make Demi feel pressured to answer her, so she makes her way out slowly, still giving her the chance.
Secretly, she's hoping for Demi to say something, but as she gets closer to the door, she doesn't really think it'll happen.

As she opens the door and one foot is already out, she hears Demi's soft voice, immediately brining a smile to her face.

"See you around" a simple three words, and she's beaming with happiness.

She turns around, giving Demi another smile and then closes the door behind her, hoping to, indeed, see Demi again the next day.

I'm sorry for the late update, but we're on vacation and we were supposed to be having wifi, but ended up without wifi.
I'm now in some tourist information thingy where they have free wifi for an hour a day, so I'm just gonna have to make use of that..

Anyway, I'm going to update this whole story within this and next week, cause I'm not doing so great and I'm gonna take a break from wattpad, but I don't know how long that will be, so I don't wanna let you go with an unfinished story.
So, you can expect a lot of updated from as well this story, as my other one that's not finished yet, in this and next week.

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now