Love changes everything- 3

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Liam slips his hand into Olivia's, as they make their way out of the gym, leaving that rude girl behind.

"Are you picking me up again tomorrow?" Liam asks, as they step outside.

"I don't know, Liam. We'll have to see tomorrow"

"If you do, will you go to the gym again?" he loves the gym so much, that he's always looking forward to going again.

"I don't know. You know what, since this girl was there today, I'll go by myself tomorrow and see if she's there again. Cause if she'll be there regularly, then maybe it's not such a good idea to go at the same time as her" she says.

She's still a little unhappy about what happened there.
Yeah, she understands that not everyone loves SpongeBob. She also understands that some people want peace and quiet while they're working out. However, she doesn't understand why that girl had to be so rude.

She had looked at that girl, doing her exercise.
She looked like a girl, very close to her own age. She looked like a very sweet person. A person that would be very caring and nice, that would make sure everyone was feeling alright, that would sweetly interact with cute little kids.
She had that kind of face. A face that looked beautiful, not only on the outside, but on the inside, as well. A face that showed a good personality. A sweet one.

So it surprised Olivia that she isn't like that. That she isn't the sweet, nice person you'd expect her to be, if you just look at her.

"I don't understand, though" her nephew interrupts her thoughts.

"You don't understand what, honey?"

"How can someone not like SpongeBob?"
This makes Olivia laugh.

"Not everyone is a fan of cartoons, buds. Some people just don't like it"

"But how can you not? Didn't she at least like it when she was a kid?"

"Maybe she did. But when people grow up, sometimes those things get a little too childish for them"

"Oh well, she could've asked it nicely. That's what dad always tells me to do"

"Yeah, but maybe she was just having a bad day today" Olivia always tries to find the good in people and she refuses to believe that this girl they met today, really is as unfriendly as she acted. It just can't be.

"Maybe, if I can come with you tomorrow and she's there too, we can cheer her up together" Liam suggests.

"You're a sneaky one, buddy. I told you already, I don't think we'll go together tomorrow" she smiles a little at his love for the gym.

"Are we going to your house now?"

"Yeah. We are and then daddy is coming to get you soon"

"Can you take me to the park then, till daddy comes?"

"Well, I first have to take a shower and then we'll see. It depends on what time your dad is finished with work" Olivia replies.

Sometimes her brother gets back, as soon as she gets back. Sometimes, it can take him up to two hours later to come get his son.

"Okay. I'll just be waiting till you're out then" Liam says, as they enter her apartment and he sits himself down on the couch.
She turns on the TV on Nickelodeon for him, as she makes her way to the bathroom to wash all the sweat off of her body.


Demi makes her way home and is greeted by her two sisters and their boyfriends, as well as her mom.
Immediately, her body is filled with warmth and love, as she drops her cold personality and turns into her sweet self, happy to be with her family.

"Hey guys. I'm gonna take a shower and I'll be back in a few" she waves at everyone and goes to take a quick shower, not wanting to miss out on the time she can spent with her family.

She comes back down and gives her sisters both a tight hug and their boyfriends a fist bump.

It took her some time to warm up to Andrew and Greg and see them as family. Even though they're not married to her sisters, they still are kind of like family to her, now.
They came in shortly before she started changing. She liked them a lot, but then all of a sudden she pushed them away from her.
They were both confused when she would give them the cold shoulder, when she always used to be very friendly. They were very confused when they saw her changing her attitude when they were around, so now that she is back to her cheery self again, they are happy, too.

"Sit down, guys. I'll bring out dinner" Nora smiles, as she sees all her daughters smile and take their seat, with their loved ones next to them.

"So, Dems, how are you?" Natalie, Demi's oldest sister, asks.

"I'm good. You?"

"Yeah, me too. So did you just come back from the gym?"

"Yeah. I went to this other one, not far from where I usually go"

"We should go together again. I need to get back to it" Caroline pipes in.

Natalie, Caroline and Demi always used to work out together, until Natalie stopped, which eventually lead Caroline to stop too, leaving Demi to do it in her own.
Demi is happy about that, though. She doesn't like being out with her family, cause then who is she supposed to be? Her 'inside of the house' self, or her 'outside of the house' self?
She prefers to be alone, when she's not home, but she doesn't wanna hurt her sister and tell her not to join, so she just gives her a small smile, as if to approve if that idea, knowing it's most probably not going to happen anyway.
Both of her sisters are too busy with their job and their boyfriend, to be making time to go to the gym.
Demi should be happy to be able to see them more then twice a week, because they are so busy.

Throughout dinner Demi continues to talk to her family and enjoy their company.

Her two sisters see their mom glance worriedly at their youngest sister, every so often, and they know Demi's change bothers their mother a lot.
It worries them, too.

Back in their childhood, Demi was always the more social one, always smiling and talking to everybody.
It is hard seeing how she now completely shuts the wold out, when she's not at home.
They both have their own theories of what could have caused Demi's change in personality, but they both know Demi doesn't like talking about it and they both want to see her happy, so they don't bother brining it up, knowing it will upset her and she'll anyway not give them the answer they're looking for.

They are both waiting for that one person to come into Demi's life and bring back the girl she used to be. That one person that Demi, as well as the rest of the family, needs.

Next update: Friday

Message me if you need someone to talk to.
Stay strong,
I love you!

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now