Love changes everything- 6

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"Come on, buddy. Let's get going" Olivia grabs her nephew's hand, as he's taking an unusual long time to get moving.

"Can we go to the park?" he asks.

"No, we're going to the gym. We're already later then usual and I don't want to be there when there are a lot of people"

"Okay, but I don't wanna work out today. I just wanna sit and watch you work out"

"Is everything alright?" his aunt starts getting worried. He always loves going to the gym. Why not today?

"Yeah, I'm good"

"You sure?"


"You wanna go home? Skip the gym today?"

"No, that wouldn't be fair to you"

Olivia's heart melts a little, at Liam's cute comment. He's such a sweet little boy.

"What's wrong, bud?" she stops walking and crouches down in front of him.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just not in the mood of doing anything today"

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yeah. Now let's go. We're late" he starts dragging his aunt to the gym.

They enter and Olivia sees that Demi is already there, furiously lifting weights.
She can immediately see that something is bothering Demi, a lot.
She barely knows the girl, so she decides not to butt into her life, but she can't help but be bothered by what's going on with Demi.

"Here. You wanna watch SpongeBob?" Olivia hand the little boy her phone, as he settles himself on the floor.


"Why not?"

"Too loud"

"I brought earphones for you" she smiles, proud of herself for having remembered to bring extra earphones.

"Okay, then I will" he smiles back, as she hands him her extra earphones.
He plugs them in and start watching his show, as his aunt turns her iPod on and start running on the treadmill.

Demi is too busy outing all her frustration and anger in her workout, that she doesn't realize Olivia came in with that little boy.
That is, until she decides she needs a little break and goes to grab her water bottle.
She looks up and sees the little boy sitting on the floor, with earphones, probably watching SpongeBob.

She smiles to herself, at the sight. It's absolutely adorable. And the fact that they brought along earphones, so as not to bother her, warms her heart. It's been a long time since strangers actually cared enough about her to make sure they're not bothering her.
She knows that's mostly her own fault, but still.

As soon as she realizes she's smiling, she immediately wipes it off her face.
No, she can't smile in public. She can't be happy in front of other people. She can't talk to anyone. She can't let anyone in. She has to distance herself from everyone and everything.

She lets out a deep breath and gulps down her water, as the little boy looks up at her.
They're looking at each other for a few minutes, before his face breaks out into a smile. She can resist the smile she feels creeping onto her face, as well.

Liam looks at the lady drinking water and he sees her looking back, so he smiles at her, making her smile, too.
He remembers his aunt saying something about the lady maybe having a bad day, that that was why she got mad, so he decides to talk to her a little.

He's always been an outgoing boy, and just like his aunt, he likes to make sure everyone is okay. Even if he doesn't know the person.

He pauses his show and takes out his earbuds, as he stands up to walk closer to the lady.
He sees her looking a little confused, but he doesn't care.

"Hi, I'm Liam" he waves, as he stands in front of her.
She's just looking at him with an unreadable expression on her face, so he just takes her hand and shakes it.

"Now you're supposed to say your name, too. And then I'll say nice to meet you and you'll say nice to meet you, too" he explains it to her, thinking she maybe doesn't know that that's how it works.

Demi can't help but be absolutely melted by this little boy.
Her lips form into a huge smile, as she looks at Liam.
As much as she hates it, she can't keep to herself anymore.
She knows she shouldn't be talking to this boy. She shouldn't be smiling. She shouldn't be introducing herself. She should be minding her own business and let them be, but she can't help it.
He reminds her of all those good times. When everything was perfect.
He makes her forget the anger, hurt and disappointment that she was feeling just half a minute ago.
He makes her whole body fill up with joy, just by smiling at her.

"I know, Liam. I know what I'm supposed to do. I was just thinking a little" she smiles at the boy, and he nods his head in understanding.

"So then we can start over, okay?" he asks, making her laugh a little.

It's been so long since she's laughed outside of the house, that it's a strange feeling for her. She's not used to it anymore.

"Hi, I'm Liam" the boy says again.

"Hi Liam. I'm Demi" she chuckles, as he shakes her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Demi" he sound so more grown up then he looks.

Demi can see that he's a smart boy. And also that he's getting a good upbringing. He's polite and nice. Exactly what she used to be. He's someone his parents should be very proud of. Someone who everyone should learn from. Someone who knows how to act at the right time.
Those are the kind of people needed in this world.
That's the kind of person Demi once used to be.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Liam" she gives him another small smile.

"Are you gonna come here every day?" Liam jumps into a conversation, right away.

"I think so, yeah" Demi is starting to get used to the feeling of talking to a stranger again.
It's been long since she's said more then a few words, so this is kind of new for her. But she's starting to like it already.

"Olivia comes here too, everyday. She's my aunt. And whenever she has to pick me up from school, she takes me along with her. I like it here. I like it when she gets me. Sometimes she lets me do a little bit of working out too, but today I didn't feel like it. But one day, when I'm old enough to go by myself, I'm gonna come here every day, just like Liv"

Demi loves it how he can talk without a care in the world. How it doesn't even bother him that he doesn't know Demi.
He reminds her of her younger self a lot. And in a way that bothers her, cause it brings back happy memories, which she doesn't wanna think about.

Most people love thinking about happy times. They love reliving happy memories. But to Demi, they only make her sad. They make her remember when she was so carefree. When nothing mattered. When everything was great and when she didn't have any problems.
It makes her sad, cause that's not how life is. And if she would've known that, it wouldn't have bothered her so much when everything turned out not to be so perfect. It wouldn't have such a big effect on her, when she started seeing that life isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

As Olivia decides to take a break to drink some water, she sees her nephew talking to Demi.
She stands from a distance and looks at how Demi is smiling and talking to Liam.

The sight is beautiful to her. Demi's face, smiling, is one of the most beautiful things she's ever seen.
And her little nephew, talking away, probably about absolute nonsense, but still catching Demi's interest, makes her smile.

From what she's seen and got from Demi, she doesn't look like a person to talk to a little six year old. But at the same time she does.

Olivia has already thought about this. She could see that Demi is not the person she pretends to be.
The person she pretends to be, would not talk to Liam.
The person she really is, would.
So it makes Olivia happy to see that her little boy can change something in Demi to be the person she really is.

She wants to get closer and join the conversation, but she's scared that it'll scare Demi off, or make her shut down.
She's debating with herself, but the urge to talk to Demi and hear her voice, gets the best of her, as she slowly makes her way over to the only two people, besides her, in the room.

Love changes everything - demi lovatoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن