Love changes everything- 13

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"Come on, just join me. They are dying to meet you"

Demi and Olivia are in their usual spot in the ice cream shop, after their workout and Demi is trying to convince Olivia to come home with her and have dinner with her mom and sisters.

She knows her sisters are going to be there for dinner, without their boyfriends, so she wants Olivia to meet them.
Olivia, however, is not so sure about it.

"But Demi, you didn't even tell you mother I was coming" she complains.

"Oh, that's just the lamest excuse ever. My mom wouldn't mind one bit. And if you're scared there won't be enough food, then I can assure you there is. Now, stop being so damn annoying and just come with me"

"Okay, on one condition"

"And what might that be?" Demi looks at the older girl in front of her, with an amused expression on her face.

"You come back to my apartment after dinner and you sleep over tonight"

Demi doesn't even try to fight the smile that forms on her face, as Olivia invites her to sleep over.

"I'll have to ask my mom" Demi jokes, in a serious voice, making Olivia think she's actually serious.

"You're twenty three, Demi. Do you honestly still have to ask your mom to sleep over at a friend's house?" Olivia is a little shocked that Demi can't make her own decisions.

"Of course not, dumbass. It was a joke" Demi laughs.
Olivia can't help but laugh too. She feels pretty stupid.

"Okay, let's go. I'm sure mom wants to start dinner soon" Demi stands up and drags the other girl along with her.

"This is your house?" Olivia asks, as they stand in front of Demi's house.

"Yep. This is it"

"You don't even live that far away from me. How come I've never run into you before?"

"Dunno. Let's go in" Demi is eager to have the three most important women in her life, meet the person that is now joining their group of important people in Demi's life.

She's eager to see her sister's and mom's reaction to her finally bringing Olivia home.
The girl she hasn't stopped talking about.
The girl she loves as more then just a friend.

She opens the door and tells Olivia to quietly follow her.

"Hey guys" she smiles, as she walks into the kitchen, where her mother and her two sisters are talking, leaving Olivia in the hallway.

"Hey Demi. How was your workout?" Nora asks her youngest daughter.

"It was good. I brought someone I want you all to meet"

Nathalie sees her youngest sister smile and she's already up from her chair, happy to finally be meeting the girl she's been waiting for.

"Please tell me you brought Olivia" she says, as she hears someone in the hallway coming closer to the kitchen.

"Yep. This is Olivia" Demi smiles, as she wraps one arm around the others shoulder.

"Finally. It's nice to meet you, Olivia. I'm Nathalie, Demi's oldest sister. She's told us so much about you. It nice to finally be able to put a face to the person she doesn't stop talking about"

Demi buries her head in her hands, embarrassed by her oldest sister.

"Nat, take it easy" Caroline laughs, as she sees her younger sister get embarrassed by her older sister, "I'm Caroline, by the way" she smiled at the girl Demi is in love with, while she walks over to her and gives her a hug, surprising Olivia a little.

Nora just stands there and watches her three daughters, talking to Olivia.

If she wasn't already convinced, she's definitely convinced now.
Olivia is the girl for Demi.
Olivia is exactly what Demi needs.
And in a way she feels like Olivia is also what she, and maybe her other two daughters also, need.
She feels like Olivia will make all of their lives better.

The smile that's plastered on her face. So genuine. So lovable. So peaceful.

She looks at Olivia and she knows this girl is here to stay. They're gonna make sure of that.
This girl is the one to bring joy and enthusiasm in their lives.
The one who will always have an answer to every question.
The one who will always know how to solve a problem.
The one who will always be able to comfort you when you need it.
The one who will always show you love and care.
The one everyone would want to be around.

Nora is happy that her little girl, but also the rest of her family, is fortunate enough to have Olivia. To have a person that, if she could, would be the one to bring peace into the world. Would be the one to make everything perfect.

"Hi there. I'm Olivia" Nora gets pulled out of her thoughts, by an outstretched arm in front of her.

"Don't be too formal, Olivia. I'm Nora. It's very nice to finally meet you" she pulls the girl into a hug.

Demi looks at her mother, pulling Olivia into a hug. She sees the smile on her mother's face, of pure joy. A smile she hasn't seen in a long time. A smile she's happy she could help put on her mother's face.

"Let's set the table" Nathalie suggests, as she pulls her two sisters with her to help her, while Olivia is talking with their mother.

Soon enough they're all seated by the table, eating dinner and getting to know each other better.

Olivia would be lying if she said she does not enjoy this.
The way Demi interacts with her family, is so beautiful to her.

She knew Demi is a person to be very caring and sweet, but that she was isolating herself from the outer world. So finally seeing the absolute real Demi, just makes her heart jump in joy.
To see the girl she's in love with, so happy, so carefree, so comfortable. It just makes her so happy to know Demi is okay.

Except for her own family, no one is more important to her then this girl sitting next to her.
Except for her own family, nothing is more important to her then Demi's happiness.

And Olivia can't help but enjoy ever second she spends with Demi and her family.

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