Love changes everything- 8

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Olivia smiles, as she sees her nephew walking hand in hand with Demi, towards her.

Liam has that knowing look on his face. She knows he's bringing Demi to her for comfort.
It's this thing they have between the two. Always trying to comfort people, together. And even though Liam doesn't realize how much comfort he already brings to that person, he always gets Olivia involved.

Olivia looks at Demi and Demi gives her a faint smile. Olivia can see in Demi's eyes that she is not up to talking. She just needs a hug.
So before any of them can say anything, she wraps her arms around the girl in front of her, while Liam releases his hand from hers and walks over to continue watching his show, leaving the two girls alone.

Olivia doesn't say anything, as she rubs Demi's back.
Demi doesn't hug her back, but it doesn't bother Olivia.
She knows it's hard for Demi. Even though she doesn't know her, she can see how she's feeling. She knows Demi doesn't like being vulnerable around people. Especially not strangers.

Olivia just has this talent of reading people without having to know them.
That's one of the things that attracts her so much to Demi. She can see behind Demi's mask. She knows that Demi is not like this, but she isolates herself from the world.
She also knows that this is hard for Demi. To be wrapped in a strangers arm. And even though it's hard for her, it's still something that she needs, so Olivia doesn't let go.

Demi is surprised by this gesture of love. This feeling is so foreign to her. It's been such a long time since something like this happened. But in a way, it feels like home. It feels like it's meant to be. Like she's meant to be wrapped in Olivia's arms.
She doesn't hug Olivia back, but she enjoys being in her embrace.

After a few minutes, Olivia pulls back a little and looks Demi right in the eye, giving her a big reassuring smile.

"Everything will be okay" she whispers, as she once again wraps her arms around Demi. This time even tighter.

That's when Demi, unwillingly, let's her emotions take over, and a tear makes it's way out of her eye, rolling down her cheek, falling on Olivia's shoulder.

Olivia suddenly feels a drop on her shoulder, as if it's raining. It takes her a few seconds to realize that Demi is probably crying.
She pulls back a little and looks at Demi again, as another tears slips out of Demi's eye.
Demi looks away and Olivia knows she's not too thrilled about the fact that she's crying in front of a stranger.
Olivia turns Demi's head to face hers and wipes away the tear, as she wraps her arms around Demi, yet again.

"I don't know what's going on, but I promise you it will be okay. Just keep going. Be strong. And everything will work out just fine" she whispers.

As Demi hears those words, the waterworks start going crazy and she can't help it anymore. Tear after tear after tear roll down her cheeks and she would think Olivia would pull away by now and mind her own business, but she doesn't.

Demi gets this warm feeling in her body. The feeling she usually only gets when she's at home with her mom and sisters.
But now, still wrapped in the strangers arms, she feels it too.
It feels like home. Like she belongs here. Wrapped in this girl's arms.

Their hug gets interrupted by Olivia's phone.

Olivia mentally groans, as she reluctantly pulls away from her hug, while Liam walks over to her with her ringing phone.

"Shit" she mutters.
It's Ben. She should've brought Liam home already. She totally lost track of time.

"Hey Ben" she answers.

Demi wipes away her tears, as Olivia answers her phone.
She heard Olivia curse, so she knows it's not something good happening.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm on my way" she hears Olivia say and then hang up.

"Liam, can you please get our stuff together. Daddy is waiting for you" Olivia says to her nephew, while she writes down her number on a piece of paper, to give to Demi.

"I'm sorry I have to leave you like this. Here's my number. Please feel free to call me whenever you need to. I'm always here to listen. And you can find me here every day, at the same time, if you just need a hug. And remember, everything will turn out fine" she gives Demi another hug, as she gives her the piece of paper and then rushes out of the gym, with Liam dragging right behind her.
Ben has been knocking on her front door for at least five minutes, until he decided to call her.
Olivia feels very bad for leaving him to wait, so she tries to get there as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, Demi doesn't move at all, as she looks at the phone number in her hand, with a little heart next to it.
She feels extremely stupid for letting herself be so sensitive in front of Olivia. For letting herself break down and cry.
But at the same time, she misses Olivia's arms around her. And Olivia's sweet voice, telling her everything will be okay.

She smiles to herself, as she saves Olivia's number in her contact list, collects her stuff and makes her way back home.

As soon as Demi comes home, Nora can see that Demi had experienced something unusual.
It looked like it was something good, which makes Nora very happy.

"Hey mom" Demi chirps.

"Hi sweetheart. How was your workout?" Nora replies with her usual question.

"It was good. I'm just gonna take a shower"

Nora smiles, as her daughter walks up the stairs.

Nora is happy.
When Demi left the house, she wasn't as cheerful as she's now. That was because Demi's dad was on her mind. Now that she came home, it looks like that was totally forgotten.

"Hey mom?" Demi asks, as she makes her way back downstairs.

While in the shower, Demi thought about today's event. It makes her happy, but not, at the same time.
She's worked so hard to finally be who she is today. She's worked so hard not to show emotion to strangers.
And just like that, within a day, she dropped everything she's worked for. That makes her sad.
On the other hand, she knows it's good for her. She knows she enjoyed life a lot more when she wasn't so isolated from the world, and this is the first step back to enjoying life. That makes her happy.
Thoughts of her dad invaded her mind again, though.

"Yes, sweetheart" her mom gives her a loving smile.

"What's happening with dad?" she asks, and the smile on her mother's face disappears.

Nora hoped her daughter wasn't gonna bring that up. No such luck.

"I don't know yet. He didn't call today. Nat and Caroline also didn't know if they wanted to see him, yet. So we'll have to wait and see what happens" she sighs.

She sees the light in Demi's eyes fade and once again she's mad at herself.
She should've just never told Demi about it. It doesn't do her any good.

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now