Love changes everything- 5

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Demi is a little surprised by herself.
Why did she do that?
What's the difference between this girl and all the other strangers she meets on the street or where ever, daily?

She decides not to put too much thought into it, though, as she finished her workout and makes her way back home.

Her mom is already waiting for her, with a smile on her face.

"Hey Demi" she gives her daughter a hug.

"Hi mom"

"How was your workout?"

"It was good. I went to that other one again. There's only one other girl there at that time, so I think I'll stick to that one"

"Good for you, baby" her mom smiles at her, as she starts making her way to the shower.

Nora sighs, as she looks at her little girl walking up the stairs.
She's still so worried about her. Yeah, she's still nice to the family, but she can see how that changes slightly, too. She's becoming more distant to her family now, too.

It worries Nora that she doesn't know what the cause of this change is, now more then ever.
Especially since she got a call today. It was Demi's dad. He hasn't seen his daughters, since he decided to disappear, about seven years ago. And now he called to ask if he could come visit, or that they should visit him.
Demi's mom knows especially Demi, but her other two daughters as well, won't be too thrilled to see their dad.
Of course, they love him, but he left them. He left them at the hardest moments in their lives and he didn't even come back until now.

Nora finishes making dinner for her and Demi, as she debates with herself wether she should tell Demi.
She thinks this might lead Demi to totally shut out everyone that's close to her now, which is actually only her mom, sisters and their boyfriends. And maybe one of her colleagues.

"Are you okay, mom? You look a little stressed out" Demi shakes her mom out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I was just thinking" her mom smiles sweetly at her, as Demi start setting the table for the two of them.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Just some stuff. Not too important" her mom decides not to tell her about her dad, yet.

"Okay. How was work today?"

Nora loves how Demi cares enough to ask her mom how her day at work was.

"It was good. Thank you for asking. How was your work?"

"It's getting pretty boring" Demi lets out a small chuckle.

"Well, do you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, it's fun. It's just, I have to do the same thing the whole time, so it gets a little boring. It's still interesting, though"

"As long as you don't hate your job, you're good" her mom laughs.
She's had her fair share of jobs, so she knows what she's talking about.

"Thanks for the advice, mom" Demi laughs with her mom, as they continue eating in silence.

Nora looks at her daughter, as she clears the table after dinner and starts doing the dishes.

The light in Demi's eyes is slowly fading and that's slowly killing her mom.
The excitement, the happiness, the love, all the positive feelings. They're all slowly fading and Nora doesn't know what to do to prevent that. To prevent her daughter isolating herself from the last people she kept close.

She lets out another sigh, without noticing it.

"Really, mom, what's wrong?" Demi asks her mom, again.

She knows when something's wrong with her mother. She gets this troubled look in her eyes, making it clear that something is bothering her.
Demi knows, however, that it's more then just her change in attitude, that's bothering her mom today. There's something else going on.

"Your father called today" Nora silently admits, after a few minutes of not saying anything.

"What did he want?" Demi tries not to get mad, but her mom can already see that this is having a bad affect on Demi and wishes she can take back her words.

"He wants to see you guys again"

"That asshole" Demi mutters.

"I didn't say yes, sweetie. He said he'll call back tomorrow"

"Well, you can tell him not to bother. I don't want to see him" Demi says rather harshly, as she stomps her way upstairs, not finishing the dishes.

Nora shakes her head at herself. That was such a stupid move.
Why did she have to say that? She would have had to discuss it with her older daughters first, before bringing it up to Demi.

She continues cleaning the undone kitchen, as she curses herself out for doing something so stupid.
If Demi was gonna isolate herself more now, she knew who to blame it on. Herself.

Demi is upstairs in her bedroom. She sits on her bed and stares at absolutely nothing.

"Your father called. He wants to see you again" her mom's words rings through her mind.
She misses her dad a lot. They used to be very close, before he decided to run away and never look back. Well, until now.

Thinking of her dad brings memories. They are good memories, of good times, but she doesn't like thinking about it. She was so naive back then, thinking everything was perfect.

It brings back memories of her happy childhood. Everything was perfect.
Perfect close family.
Perfect friends.
Perfect school.
Perfect world.
Perfect everything.
Perfect life.

But that's not life. Life's not perfect. Nothing's perfect.
Not family.
Not friends.
Not school.
And definitely not life. That's for sure.

Demi is mad at herself for letting a tear escape her eye. She shouldn't be crying about this. Her dad was the one who left, he should be the one crying, not her.
He doesn't deserve the love she still has for him.
He doesn't deserve to see her again.
He doesn't deserve anything.
He's an asshole.
A douche.
A dickface.
An undeserving person.
Someone you don't wanna be around.

All these thoughts only make her cry more.
How can she think like this about her dad?
She loves him, but she doesn't want to.
At the same time, she hates him, which she doesn't want to, either.

Demi is extremely frustrated with herself, as she let's her tears take over and starts sobbing, uncontrollably.

Nora is restless, as she's sitting on the couch downstairs.
Usually they spent the evening together, downstairs, watching TV and enjoying each others presence. But Demi is still upstairs.

She hears faint sobs, but decides to give Demi her own time, to figure things out herself. She's scared that if she'll go up there now, she'll only drive her even further away then needed.

Demi lays down on her bed and buries her head in her pillow, letting her sleep take over.

I got sunburned and now I have a big ass ugly blister on my nose. And I wanted to wear glasses instead of my contacts to cover it up, but that hurt. So now I'm walking around with an ugly red thing on my nose...

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now