Love changes everything- 15

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Demi wakes up the next morning, wrapped in Olivia arms.

After they shared their first kiss, they just couldn't let go of each other. They needed to feel the other person, so they ended up snuggling into Olivia's bed together and falling asleep, wrapped in each others arms.

Olivia smiles, as she wakes up and sees that Demi is still next to her.

"Good morning, Demi" she says, as she sees that Demi is already awake.

"Good morning, beautiful" Demi replies, making Olivia's heart flutter.

"How are you?"

"I'm good"

"That's good. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, I did. You make a very good cuddle buddy" Demi laughs.

"Thank you. Go get dressed and I'll have breakfast ready for you" Olivia gets out of her bed and walks out of the room, leaving Demi to get dressed.

"Don't I get a good morning kiss?" Demi teases.
Olivia turns back to Demi and grabs her face, kissing her.
They're kissing for a few seconds, before Olivia deepens the kiss and licks Demi's bottom lip, asking for entrance.
Demi opens her mouth for Olivia's tongue to enter and they fight for dominance. Both of them exploring the others mouth.

They pull away once breathing becomes a problem, both panting.

"Wow" Demi smiles.

"Was that a good enough kiss?" Olivia laughs a little.

"More then good" Demi says, as she pecks Olivia's lips, again.

"Okay, now go get dressed so we can have breakfast. We both have to leave to work and class soon"

Demi looks at the time and sees that she had about an hour before she has to leave.
She quickly gets dressed, does her make up and goes to the kitchen, where she is greeted by the sight of Olivia standing in front of the stove, flipping a pancake.

She walks up to the girl she's in love with and hugs her from the back, resting her chin on the older girl's shoulder.

"That smells good, Liv" she compliments her host.

"Thanks, babe. Specially for you"

Demi stops breathing for a few seconds, as she heard Olivia's choice of words.
She called her babe.

A huge smile breaks into her face, as she grabs Olivia's face and kisses her a few times.

"What was that for?" Olivia laughs.
She loves it when the other one kisses her. She loves the feeling of Demi's lips on hers. The way their lips move in sync.
Exactly made for each other.

"Just because I can" Demi shrugs.

"Okay. Sit down, Dems. Your food is coming right up" Olivia sends the younger girl to go sit down, while she gets them both a plate with some pancakes.

They eat in silence, enjoying each others company.

"Do you have to get Liam today?" Demi asks.

"Yeah. Ben has to go to court today"


"Custody battle" Olivia sighs.
Ben has to deal with way too much bullshit, in his little sister's opinion.

"Oh" is all Demi says.
She doesn't know what else to say.
She feels bad for Liam, having to deal with this at such a young age.

"Yeah, his mom is crazy. She was normal when they started dating and eventually got married, but after three years, two years after Liam was born, she just started doing all these weird things. You could think she was mental, or something like that, but she wasn't. She is just insane. So they got divorced and she didn't have a job, leaving Liam in full custody of Ben, with limited visits to her side of the family. He wasn't allowed to see his mom for two years. Then he got to visit her three or four times, before she once again screwed it up for herself and now he hasn't seen her in more then two years. He still visits his grandparents and cousins, though"

"What did she do to him?"

"She just didn't take care of him. She would leave him without food for two days. She would let him walk outside on his own, in busy streets with lots of people and fast cars. He once almost got kidnaped and that's when Ben was like, 'this is it. I'm done with him visiting her' so she's not allowed to see him. A few weeks ago, though, she came up again, wanting to re-earn visiting time with him, but obviously Ben refused. So he has to go to court today, but they don't want Liam to be there"

"Yeah, I understand" Demi feels bad for the little boy.
He's been through a lot for a kid his age. That's why he's so much more grown up then most kids.
She had realized that he's different, that he's more experienced in life, and now that all made sense. He's dealt with more things then anyone his age should have to deal with.

"Yep. So I have to get him after school and I'll bring him to the gym with us and then ice cream, of course. Then he usually spends his time here, till his dad picks him up"

"My dad left us seven years ago" Demi silently says.
She doesn't know why, but she has this sudden urge of letting it out. Of telling someone how she really feels about it.

"I'm sorry" Olivia takes hold of Demi's hand, glad that Demi is opening up to her.
She rubs the back of the younger girl's hand, with her thumb, for comfort. Showing her that she can continue.
That Olivia is here to listen and try to make her feel better.

"We used to be a very close family. We were like the perfect family. The family most people could only dream of. My parents, deeply in love, raising three daughters, who all loved each other as well. Dad was our hero. And we were his everything. We were his princesses. Me, as well as my sisters and my mom. He never hesitated to show us how much we meant to him. He barely called us by our names. It was always 'my love', 'my princess' or 'my life'. He would tell us over and over again, how he cried when he first held us in his arms. How he loved it when we smiled at him. Just, how he loved every single thing about us and how he could not imagine his life without us. And then, just like that, he disappeared. All of it had been a lie. He had been lying to us our whole life, cause if it was really true, he wouldn't have done what he did. One night, he left. He left us a little note saying he had already signed the divorce papers and put down the phone number of the lawyer, so that mom could sign it, too. That was all. He left, leaving nothing behind but his heartbroken family, never looking back. I'm not even going to tell you the situation at home, the first few weeks after he had left. It was horrible. An absolute nightmare. Something you never want to experience. We learnt to move on. It took us a long time and lot of hard work, but we managed. Last week, he called. Out of the blue. We haven't heard anything from his all this time and all of a sudden he calls. He wants to see us again. He wants to meet up with us, but he can't do that. He hurt us. It was his choice to leave. He can't just come back like that. He can't just expect us to want to be around the person that caused us so much pain, without even an explanation. He just can't do that" Demi is crying by now and Olivia is trying her hardest to blink away her own tears, as she stands up and wraps the crying girl in her arms, comforting her the best way she can.

After Demi has calmed down and cleaned herself up, with Olivia's help of course, they both get ready to leave.

"I'm taking you on a date, Dems" the older girl announces, as she closes her apartment door behind them.

"Oh yeah? When?" Demi quirks and eyebrow.

"Tomorrow night. You can't say no"

"Oh, I won't" the shorter one laughs, "Believe me, I won't"

"You wanna go on a date with me?" Olivia is happy that Demi wants to, as much as she does.

"Of course I do. You think I'd kiss you if I didn't like you?"

"Okay, you have a point"

"I know" Demi laughs, as she hugs the taller girl, "Anyway, I really gotta go now. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, you will" the older girl smiles, "You definitely will. Have a good day at work. I'll see you soon" she gives Demi another hug and they both make their way to where they have to be. Already wanting the day to be over.

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now