Love changes everything- 10

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Demi is totally out of breath, as she runs as fast as she can to the gym.
She's an hour later then she usually is, so Olivia should actually already have left, but she's hoping that she might still be there.

She's panting and she finally sees the gym and makes her way closer to it.
The door opens right in front of her and someone steps out, bumping into her.
She takes a step back, trying to catch her breath, as she looks up to the person she bumped into.

"Olivia!" she surprises herself, as well as the girl in front of her, by launching herself into the other, tightly wrapping her arms around Olivia.

It would be an understatement to say that Olivia is surprised, but she doesn't waist a moment to hug Demi back.
They hug for about two minutes, before they pull away.
Olivia looks and Demi and smiled widely.

"Hey Demi"

"Hi" Demi smiles back.

"It's good to see you. I thought you weren't gonna come" Olivia says, honestly.

Demi surprises the both of them again, by letting out a small giggle.

"Family drama" she replies.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, that's fine. I'm just happy that you didn't leave, yet"

"I was about to" Olivia chuckles.

"Yeah, I can see that. Sorry"

"That's okay. You wanna join me for some ice cream? I always go after the gym and usually Liam is with me, but not today. So, you wanna come with me?" Olivia asks, desperately wanting to spent time with Demi.

"Yeah, sure"

They both walk in silence, Demi following Olivia, to go get ice cream.

Demi doesn't know if it's good or bad, that she's acting like she knows Olivia for a long time already. But she just feels at home with her. She belongs with the other girl.

"Sit down and I'll get you one. I know their absolute best flavor. You're gonna love it" Olivia smiles, as she sends Demi to go sit down, while she gets them their ice cream.
She is happy. She didn't think Demi would agree to join her.
Damn, she didn't even close to imagine Demi hugging her.
Only yesterday, she was still so closed, so isolated. And today, she's the one who hugged Olivia. Not the other way around.

It warms Olivia's heart, knowing the brown eyes girl is now comfortable around her, to even join her to get ice cream.
She likes being around Demi. She feels like they belong together. They're meant to be spending time with each other.

After getting their orders, she walks to Demi and sits down across for her, handing the other her ice cream.

"It better be good" Demi laughs a little, as she accepts her ice cream.

"What if it's not?" Olivia smirks.

"You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" the girl teases back.

"So, tell me about yourself" Olivia wants to know more about Demi.

She wants to befriend this girl, and maybe become even more then just friends.
She wants to get to know her and spends a lot of time with her. Make memories with her. Enjoy life with her. Experience new things with her.

"What do you wanna know?"

"I don't know. Just tell me something"

"Like what?"

"How old are you? What do you do for a living? Tell me about your family. Friends. School. I don't know, whatever you're comfortable telling me"

"Okay, well, I'm twenty three. I live with my mom. I have two older sisters, who both live with their boyfriends. I work in an office, as a secretary. It's fun, but also a little boring. I graduated high school a long time ago an I didn't go to college, so there's not school to talk about. Now tell me about you"

"Well, I'm twenty four. I live alone in a small apartment. I have one older brother and Liam is his son. I go to college in the mornings and in the afternoons I work in a coffee shop not far from here. I go to the gym every day. I love to read and cook. I have a parrot as a pet and he can talk, so you gotta come visit me one day and you can listen to him. He's absolutely adorable and super funny. Oh, and I'm single" Olivia adds the last sentence, with a smirk on her face, as she quirks her eyebrow, making Demi laugh.

"Is that so?" she asks, "I must say, I'm surprised. Why would a pretty lady like you be single?"

"What about you? Seeing anyone?"


"What?" Olivia is a little shocked. What does the other girl mean?

"I'm seeing you right now. If I look that way, I'm seeing the guy behind the counter. If I look the other way, I'm seeing the couple who's sitting over there. But right now, I'm looking at you, so I'm seeing you"

Olivia starts laughing a little at Demi's sarcasm.

She's extremely happy that Demi is acting like this, as if they've known each other for way more then two days.
Even though she still doesn't know Demi that well, from the things she's seen and from the way she can read people that well, she knows that Demi is an isolated girl when it comes to strangers. She knows that Demi is not one to just join a girl she barely knows to get ice cream, or tell that person about herself.
It flatters her to know that Demi is different with her then she would be with other people. That Demi likes her enough to do things she won't normally do.

"Ugh, you know what I mean. Are you dating anyone?"

"I know, I was just kidding" Demi replies, ignoring the questions, making Olivia a little suspicious.

"You still didn't answer my question"

"Tell me, what do you think the answer to that question is" Demi laughs, as she says it in a weird voice.

Demi's laugh is like music to Olivia's ears.
Olivia is smiling so big, as she heard Demi's laughter, enjoying every thing about it.

She thinks of herself as a little pathetic, feeling this way about a person she doesn't know that well, yet. But she can't help the feeling. She can't make it go away, and she wouldn't want to either.

"Well, I would be surprised if a beautiful girl like you is single"

"Don't go bullshitting on me" Demi laughs.

"I'm not bullshitting. It's true" Olivia tries to defend herself.

"Of course it is" Demi snorts, "You would so not be surprised that I'm single. You're just trying to be cheesy"

"What's wrong with being cheesy?"

"It's cliché as fuck"

"Your reaction to it is not, though"

"That's because I'm not a copy cat"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Olivia laughs.

Demi is very surprised with herself.
She hasn't planed for this happening. She was just gonna go to the gym and see Olivia there and enjoy her company, but not start a whole conversation with her.

She feels good, though. She's happy, sitting here, with the other across from her, joking around a little.

"Am I going to see you again tomorrow?" Olivia asks, as they make their way back outside.

"If you'll be at the gym, then probably"

"Unless you come late again" Olivia jokes, but regrets it right away, as she sees Demi's smile fade a little.

"I hope to be in time" Demi sighs and rolls her eyes, as she looks at her feet.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that"

"No, that's okay" Demi gives the older girl a smile.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go now. You have my number, so call me whenever. I'd love to talk to you more. I'll see you around" Olivia gives Demi a tight hug and Demi hugs her back.

"I'll see you" she mumbles, as they pull away and both start making their way home.

Love changes everything - demi lovatoWhere stories live. Discover now