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YEAR: 2013

"Hey Mich," Paul called from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I said while walking in with Polly's daughter, Julia, in my arms.
"I'm gonna head to the studio,"
"Manager wants to see me, I'm leaving for tour next week,"
"Sorry I can't go with ye, Polly needs help,"
"I know," he took Julia from my arms, "its a shame her boyfriend walked out on her,"
"I know, but hey that's why Nana's here," I smiled at the sleeping baby in Paul's arms.
"So why didn't Polly go to Heather?"
"Cause Heather's busy raisin her own kid!"
"But we helped raise god knows how many children that weren't ours, AND we still successfully raised 5 great kids,"
"Its not the 60's anymore Paul, things are different,"
"I know, I know," his phone buzzed in his pocket. "I gotta go love," he handed Julia back to me.
"Alright, have fun,"
"Bye," he gave me a quick kiss, "love ye,"
"Love ye too,"

"Hey Paul," his manager, Jordan, said.
"Hey, why'd ye call me down here?"
"When is yer anniversary?"
"I don't know...maybe 3 weeks. Why?"
"How many years have ye been married?"
"This year will be 51,"
"I think ye should write a song for Michelle,"
"Why? I've written tons of songs about her,"
"But, this won't be a song about her, it'll be a song about both of ye...can ye do that?"
Paul thought to himself.
"Ye know what, I can,"

Around 5 Polly came to pick Julia up.

"Hey gram," she gave me a hug.
"Hey love, we're havin dinner, wanna join us?"
"I'd love to," she smiles and followed me into the dining room. "Hey Jules," she said as she kissed her head. "Where's grandpa?"
"Still at the studio," I rolled my eyes.
"How long will he be gone?"
"I don't know maybe another hour,"
"That's not what I meant..."
"Oh...I don't know, he said he'll try to stop by after each set of concerts,"
"Where's he goin first?"
"Wasn't he arrested in Japan?" she chuckled.
"Yeah," I laughed back.
"Gram if ye wanna go with him, ye can. I can see if Jude will take care of Julia,"
"No, she has her hands full with George,"
"Isn't he like 7?"
"Yes, but yer not takin Julia to yer mum cause she's takin care of Ali! And she's 10!"
"Yer right...sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, ye have to work, I get it. I like spendin time with her,"
"But yer not gonna have grandpa,"
"Its fine, he's left for tours before, and I was stuck behind, takin care of the kids, and even helpin Jude with Dhani,"
"Not what I meant Gram!"
"I'll be fine," I whispered.
"Ye sure?"

A week later, it was time for Paul to leave for is Out There tour. We went to the airport around 5 in the morning.

"I'm gonna miss ye," I said while hugging him.
"I'll be back before ye know it," he hugged me tighter.
"Have a safe flight, call me as soon as ye get to the hotel,"
"I will," he gave me a quick kiss, grabbed his luggage, and got on the plane.

A week later I was babysitting Julia, she was staying over night, so Polly could have a night off. I was giving her, her 2 o'clock feeding when the phone in the living room. I let out a tired groan and walked downstairs will Julia in my arms.

"Hello? Who is this and why are ye callin at this hour?"
"Hello Mrs. McCartney, this is Dr. Grant of Saint Vincent's hospital. I'm callin to inform you that yer husband got sick in Japan,"
"Is he in the hospital now?"
"Yes, we are in the sane room at the moment. He isn't doin well. Please get down here as soon as possible,"

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