Paul McCharmly

326 9 0

YEAR: 1958

After Paul and I were done whispering, Jane brought us breakfast, she was smiling and staring at Paul the entire time. When she set down our food we all smiled and said thank you. George of course had the most food. He was eating 6 pancakes and god knows how many strips of bacon. Jude just laughed at him as she had her 3 pancakes. Paul was a vegetarian so he didn't have any meat with his breakfast. He had 2 pancakes and an apple. I had the same just instead of an apple I had a small cup of of peaches. About half way through breakfast Lucy walked in. She immediately walked over to our table and pulled up a chair.
"Hey guys."
"Hey Lucy." We all spoke in unison, then there was George, still eating his breakfast.
"What are ye doin here Lucy?" I politely asked her.
"Its me mums birthday, we always go out. This year she chose this diner."
"That's cool. I'd ask ye to join us, but we're leaving as soon as George is done," Lucy and I shared a laugh.
"Rock n roll," She flashed us a smile. "Well it looks like ye have to go soon, and my mum is waitin, I see Jane already brought us coffee and tea. Bye."
"Bye." We all spoke in unison again, George just waved. A few minutes later George was done, we paid and left.
"Hey love, do ye want to go down to the pier?" Paul asked me.
"Sure!" I responded. "I'll see you two later. Don't do anythin stupid."
"We won't." I stared at Jude when she responded.
"I mean it, don't do anything stupid."
"We heard ye the first time."
"Alright, bye." They waved goodbye as I spoke. Paul put his arm around my waist and we started walking to the pier. "So...Jane."
"What about her?"
"You two seem close."
"If you are wonderin if I'm ever gonna leave ye for her then you have nothin to worry about. Michelle," Paul took a deep breath, "I love you." I was stunned, is he serious, does he really love me? He just stared at me with a face full of regret, apperently I was taking to long to reply.
"I love you too Paul," I flashed him a smile; his facial expression didn't change. "Paul, are ye alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure?" he nodded, same expression on his face. I feel awful. "Do ye want to go?" he shook his head no.
"No, I told ye, I'm fine," he gave me a fake smile.
"Paul," he looked to me, "tell me what's wrong." He took another deep breath and began to speak.
"I told you I love ye, and y'know, ye took a long time to reply, now I'm not sure that ye feel the same way." He looked at the ground, his eyes filled with tears. He sat down on a bench, I took the seat next to him; I started playing with his hair.
"Paul," he looked up at me, still near tears. I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. I'm surprised he didn't pull away right away; he put his hand on my cheek and after a few more seconds we both pulled away. "I love ye Paulie." He gave me a smile, a real smile and he no longer had tears in his eyes. I turned and put my head on his shoulder. We sat on the bench for a while, just sitting I'm silence, enjoying each others company.
"Well Michelle, yer a sight for sore eyes." It was John; I let out an annoyed groan.
"What do ye want John?"
"Looking for a friend on the pier."
"A friend like Pete or a friend ye want to fuck?" He let out a chuckle.
"I'm lookin for Marie."
"She's near concessions."
"Thank ye. See ye later Paul, Michelle." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Want to go Michelle?"
"Yeah we can go if ye want."
"I'll stay if ye want."
"No, I'm fine, but this was nice." We got up from the bench, he put his arm around my waist and we started walking back to my house. It took a while, maybe about 30 minutes, but I didn't care and I don't think Paul did either. When we arrived at my house we immediately went to the living room. We turned on the telly and just sat on the couch, my head was on his shoulder, his arm was around my shoulder. We would've actually laid down and cuddled, but last thing I need is mum walking in and seeing us laying on the couch together.

"George, why not?"
"Because Jude, I respect ye too much."
"No Jude!"

"Do ye hear that Paul?"
"Yeah, sounds like its comin from upstairs." I got up from the couch.
"I'll be right back," he nodded. I walked up the stairs to only find George and Jude arguing. "What the hell is goin on up here?"
"Nothin Michelle, not get out me room!"
"No, not until ye tell me what you two are yellin about!"
"Michelle, really, its nothing, I was just leaving." George started walking out of Jude's room.
"Jude! I have to talk to ye. Right now!" I shut the door to Jude's room.
"Don't you what me! What were you tryin to make George do?" She gave me a stern look. "Jude..." She gave me a huff.
"I tried to...I..."
"Ye tried to fuck him?"
"Ye could have sugar coated it!" She stood up from her bed; I got in her face.
"That is sugar coatin it ye slut!" I regretted saying that as soon as it left my mouth. "I...I'm sorry Jude, I didn't-"
"GET OUT!" She was crying, I really upset her, and the thing is, I didn't mean to. "GET OUT!" She shoved me out, closed the door behind her, and locked it. I could hear Paul running up the stairs. I turned around, he saw that I was crying; he came up to me and hugged me.
"I messed up Paul," I let out a few sobs, "I messed up."

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