We All Live in a Yellow Submarine

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YEAR: 1968

"Mummy, where's daddy?" Heather complained, "I'm hungry, I want to go to dinner!"
"I know baby, so do I, just daddy's been workin a lot."
"What has he been doin?"
"Makin music for a movie and he's makin his biggest album ever,"
"Oh, okay,"
"Okay, now Heather, go get Mary, make sure she's ready,"
"Alright mum," Heather pouted and walked up the stairs to her sisters room.
I sat down on the couch to watch Stella play with her feet on her little play mat on the floor.
"Oh Stella, yer one year old, ye should know what feet are by now," I chuckled.
As I relaxed on the couch, watching Stella, and waiting for Paul, I heard the girls arguing upstairs. Martha began growling and barking.
"Calm down Martha!" She didn't listen, she just continued barking. I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs, Martha followed, Stella stayed on her little mat. "What is goin on up here?"
"Mum, Mary stole my toys!"
"Heather give her a break, she's not as smart as ye. Ye know better than she does," I turned to Mary, in her ridiculous outfit that she picked out, "Mary, give Heather her stuff back and apologize,"
Mary pouted and did as I said, "Sorry Heather,"
"Good girl, now Heather, go downstairs and watch somethin on the telly, draw, I dunno, occupy yer self,"
"Kay, mummy," Heather walked downstairs with Martha and turned the telly on.
"Now Mary, lets get ye changed," I took her out of her mismatched outfit and put her in a light green dress with a ribbon around the waist and a white pair of slip on shoes. I braided her hair and tied the end with a green ribbon. "There, that's better. Ye look beautiful,"
"Thank ye mummy," she ran out of her room and down the stairs to join Heather on the couch.
As I was picking up the toys and clothes scattered throughout Mary's room, I heard a car pull up. I walked over to a mirror and noticed that I did nothing to my hair. I walked into the lou and put my long brown hair up into a pony tail and tied it with a red ribbon to match my dress and shoes.
"I'm home!" Paul shouted.
"Daddy!" Mary and Heather shouted as they ran into his arms giving him a big hug.
"Hey girls," he said hugging them back. "Where's mum?"
"Right here," I said, walking down the stairs. Paul grabbed his chest and smiled at me with his big doughy eyes. "What?" I chuckled.
"Ye get more beautiful each time I see ye,"
"Oh please, I look disgusting compared to the first time ye met me,"
"That's not true! I'd take ye now over then any day,"
"Yeah, yeah," I chuckled, "c'mon, we're all hungry, are ye ready to go to dinner?"
"Yeah, I am. Please tell me no ones joinin us, I just want a nice quiet, family dinner,"
"And that's what you'll get,"
"Thank ye love," he gave me a kiss and grabbed Mary and Heather's hands and led them to the car. I walked back into the living room to get Stella. She was all cuddled up with Martha on the floor. I cracked a smiled and walked over to them. I slowly picked Stella up and her diaper bag then walked to the car, locking the front door behind me.
"Ready love," Paul asked.
"I've been ready," I laughed, "just drive. We're all starvin!"

That night we had an amazing dinner. It was very calm, no reporters or crazed fans. Paul didn't wear any of his disguises so for once during a night out, I could see him instead of a man that sorta looks like my husband. When we got home, Paul put all of the kids to bed, so for once I didn't have to. When he walked into our room that night after putting the kids to bed, he found me sleeping, and Martha, curled up at the end of the bed, waiting for him. He crawled into bed an gave me a kiss on the forehead, then drifted off to sleep.

The next morning he woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs and pancakes. He walked downstairs, still in his pajamas and gave all of us a smile.

"Paul, why aren't ye dressed? Ye gotta be at the studio in an hour!"
"Do ye all wanna come with me?"
"YES!" Mary and Heather shouted.
"Alright then, get dressed when yer done with breakfast," he gave them a smile and sat down. The two girls rushed to finish breakfast and ran upstairs, they have never been to the studio before, so the were excited.
"Oh, and happy birthday darlin,"
"Thank ye Paul," I gave him a quick kiss and sat down at the table with him. "So when does this movie come out?"
"2 days, but we get to see an advanced screenin,"
"What's it called?"
"Yellow Submarine; he kids will like it,"
"That's all that matters then," I smiled. "So how many more songs do ye need for the White Album?"
"None, we just need to finish up sound effects, then get it processed onto two records, then it will be out for sale,"
"Do they know yer not recordin today?"
"No, but we'll just play a few songs to make them happy,"
"And yer givin me a break for the day," I laughed.
"Hey Michelle, about last night, what I said, I really meant it,"
"What are ye talkin about?"
"When I called ye beautiful and how I think yer more beautiful now then the day I met ye,"
"Thank ye, but I look so much worse,"
"Not in my eyes,"
"Paul," I chuckled, "I've had 3 kids-"
"2, ye had 2 kids,"
"I was 7 months the first time...I'm countin it. Anyway, I've had 3 kids, and I've been through so much stress, I'm surprised I don't have any gray hair," I chuckled, "but anyway thank ye for sayin I look nice," I gave him a quick passionate kiss.
"I love ye,"
"I know," I gave him another kiss, "now go get ready,"

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