Cynthia Says Goodbye

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YEAR: 1966

"Mum, I don't wanna go!" Julian cried.
"I know ye don't Julian."
" Because, daddy doesn't want us here,"
"But...daddy's gone..." He was right, John was gone, he had left with Yoko a few weeks ago. "I want to stay mum!"
"I know ye do Julian, but we can't!"
"BECAUSE WE JUST CAN'T!" When Cynthia snapped, Julian became silent, and Cynthia felt awful. "I'm sorry I snapped at ye Julian. Its just that mummy has to get away from here."
"But-but," Julian couldn't find the right words.
"But what dear?"
"I wanna stay with Heather."


Early that morning I had just dropped Heather and Mary off at day care and I was home, cleaning up the toys that were scattered throughout the house. Paul was still asleep so I was trying my best to remain quiet. As I was finishing up the living room, Paul snuck up behind me and gave me a tight hug.
"Mornin love," he said.
"Mornin princess. How'd ye sleep?"
"Fine, I guess," he let out a yawn, "where are the kids?"
"I dropped 'em off at day care an hour ago."
"So we're all alone?" He asked with a sly smile.
"Yes, we are," I chuckled.

He turned me around and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back; we both kept smiling into the kisses. Paul worked his hands down the my hips and pulled me close. He moved his hands a little higher and began unbuttoning my blouse; I placed my hands around his waist so he could undo the top buttons; I began doing the same to him. When he took my shirt off, he walked me over to the couch and he laid me down and got on top of me. He leaned down again and continued kissing me. He began feeling around for the top of my trousers. As soon as he began pulling them off, someone rang the doorbell. I let out a sigh and playfully pushed Paul off of me. I quickly grabbed my shirt and ran over to the door. As I answered I was still buttoning up my shirt.
"Whenever I want to come over, yer always havin sex. Now why is that?" Cynthia chuckled.
"Sorry Cyn." I finished buttoning my shirt. "I see ye haven't left yet."
"Do ye want me to leave!"
"NO!" I let out a laugh. "So why are ye here?"
"Julian wanted to come by."
"Oh," I smiled and looked down to Julian, "I'll get Paul right now."
"Oh, he doesn't wanna see Paul."
"Oh? Who does he wanna see then?"
"Oh, I dropped her off at daycare an hour ago," I pouted and looked down at Julian. "I'm sorry Jules."
"I can go get her," Paul began to say, walking over, buttoning his shirt, "when are ye leavin?"
"Yeah, Paul go get Heather?" I quickly said.
"Should I get Mary too?"
"No, leave her there," I sarcastically said.
"Don't gotta technical about it."
"Shut up," I chuckled. "Come in Cyn. So ye want any tea?"
"Uh, no, I'm fine for now. Thank ye."
"Do ye know how," I looked down to Julian and cleared my throat, "Winston has been?"
"Not well. She had a miscarriage and he's not handling it well."
"Thats awful! Poor thing."
"BECAUSE CYNTHIA!" I looked down and began crying. "It happened to me and I don't like seein it happen to other people."
"Aw Mich, I forgot. I-I'm sorry."
"Its alright."
"Hey, at least ye got Heather out of all of it," she smiled.
"Yeah, I guess."
We stood there in silence for a bit, but because of Julian, it didn't last long.
"Mummy, where's Heather?"
"She'll be here soon."
"Okay!" Julian ran off into the living room and turned on the telly.
"Michelle, I want ye to have me house."
"Cause, I know yer gonna have more kids-"
I cut her off, "and why do ye think that?"
"WHY? Cause you and Paul are havin sex whenever yer left alone!"
I nodded in agreement, "fine. I'll take yer house."
"Do ye want all the house keepers as well?"
"No, we can clean up after ourselves."
"Okay, ye can move in whenever ye want," she handed me the keys, "here ye are."
"Thank ye Cyn," I gave her a hug, "good luck in Spain."
"MUMMY!" Julain yelled.
"WHAT DARLIN?" Cynthia yelled back from the dining room.
"What?" She got up and walked into the living room.
"Look!" Julian pointed to the telly.
"Oh my god," I let out a few snickers. "Why the fuck is George Scottish?" I continued laughing.
"Poor Ringo, they keep makin fun of him."
As we sat down, we heard Paul pull up in the driveway.
"Hey love, I'm back," he walked in the door with Mary in his arms and Heather walking by his side. Julian ran up to her and started talking.
"Hi Heather," his cheeks got red as he smiled.
"Hi Julian," Heather waved and gave him a smile.
"Why don't ye two go outside and play on the playground," Paul insisted.
"Okay daddy! C'mon Julian!" She grabbed his hand and ran outside.
"Does she know he's leavin?" Cynthia asked. I shook my head no. "Bring her to the airport tomorrow. Ye know, so they can say goodbye."
"Okay," I smiled and looked to Paul, "so we have a new house!"
"When did ye buy a new house?"
"I didn't," I chuckled, "Cynthia gave it to us. She thinks we're gonna end up havin another kid, so she wants us to have a bigger house."
"Thank ye Cyn," he quickly hugged her.

The rest of that day was spent talking and having fun before we said goodbye to Cynthia and Julian. Around 10 o'clock we said our goodbyes and how we'd see them tomorrow. After they left Paul and I put Mary and Heather to bed; we spent another hour cleaning up the kitchen and the living room.

"So, when should we go see the house?" Paul asked.
"I dunno, tomorrow, if yer not workin."
"I'm always workin Michelle," he smiled.
"I know, I know. At least yer not goin on tours anymore."
"Did ye know that ye guys have a cartoon show?"
"Yeah, Brian asked us if it was okay to do one."
"And ye never told me?"
"Its rubbish made by Americans."
"Yeah, I suppose yer right."

Paul continued doing the dishes as I scrubbed the counters. It was quiet for a good 10 minutes... It was peaceful.

"We should have another kid," Paul said.
"What? Why? Aren't ye happy with the two we have now?"
"Michelle, ye know I love them both to death, but c'mon, bigger house, more room for more kids," he smiled.
"And how many more kids do ye want?" I chuckled.
"2 or 3."
"Why not?!"
"C'mon Michelle!"
"Why not!"
"Paul, I'm all for havin another kid, but no more than one!"
"Good," I gave him a quick kiss, "goodnight princess."

The next morning we woke the kids up bright and early so we could meet Cynthia and Julian at the airport.
We got there about 30 minutes before they had to board the plane. Everyone showed up, the Starr's, the Harrison's, the soon to be Clapton's, everyone except the Ono Lennon's. We spoke and cried and hugged until they had to get on the plane.
"Goodbye everyone," Cynthia cried, "say goodbye Julian."
He waved goodbye and looked to Heather.
"Mummy wait!" He got out of Cynthia's grip and ran over to Heather. "Bye. I'm gonna miss ye," he said with rosy cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss ye too Julian."
When he wasn't looking Heather leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"C'mon Julian," Cynthia said.

Julain waved goodbye while smiling, Heather waved back and gave him a smile. Before we knew it, the Lennon's were gone. We all cried and tried to wipe away our tears.
"They're gone..." Lucy quietly said.
"Yeah," Jude whispered back.
We stood in silence for a while, until someone told us we had to leave.
"Hey Jude,"
"Yeah Mich," I twisted my face, "Michelle," she chuckled.
"Can ye watch Heather and Mary for a few hours?"
"Yeah sure. Where are ye goin?"
"Lookin at a new house."
"Cause it was given to us and we just wanna check it out, that's all."
"Alright," she rolled her eyes.
"Ta," I gave her a hug, "I'll pick 'em up later."

Paul and I left the airport and drove to our new home.
"Long driveway," Paul said.
"Yeah, but hey, its closer to yer studio."
"Yeah, I guess. C'mon let's go inside."
We walked in and the furniture was still there, nothing except silverware, pictures, bed sheets, mattresses and toys were gone.
"Look, there's a note," Paul pointed out.
I picked it up and began reading.

Michelle and Paul,
Thank you so much for always being there for me. I would like you to have my house and everything I left inside. I hope you and your family have a very happy life.
Love, Cynthia and Julian.

"Everythin is ours."
"Thanks nice of her!"
"Big house. Lotta rooms."
"Yeah," Paul grabbed my waist, "there are."
"Not now Paul," I chuckled while trying to nudge him off of me.
"C'mon love, ye agreed to have another kid," he kissed my neck, "so let's have one."
"Yer so difficult Paul!" I chuckled.
"C'mon Michelle," he started undoing my shirt, "please?"

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