Wings Takes Flight

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YEAR: 1973

James and Beatrice just turned one and Paul thinks that it's time to try going on tour again. Over the year, we practiced as often as possible and Paul wrote new songs as often as he could. Wings has a new album out and it became more popular than anything The Plastic Ono Band has ever released. Yoko had her kid, it was a boy, his name is Sean and he's cute as can be. One morning, before any of the kids got up, Paul headed over to Abbey Road Studio to talk with our manager. I was up around 7, watching the telly and drinking my tea, and snuggling with Martha on the couch. Around 7:15 somone knocked on the door and Martha began barking.

"Shhh, calm down girl," I whispered. I set me tea down on the coffee table and walked to the front door, Martha stayed in the living room. I opened the door and my eyes widened. "John...yer a sight for sore eyes," I chuckled. I gave him a hug and a smile and let him inside. "How long has it been? 3 years?"
"Is Paul home?"
"No...why do ye care?"
"Are the kids up?"
"No...John-" I was cut off by him pushing me against the wall and kissing me. I tried pushing him off but his grip on me was too strong. "John..." I struggled to get free; I began crying. His grip finally weakened and I was able to push him off. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I struck him across the face. "YE HAVE A WIFE! I HAVE A HUSBAND!"
"That means nothin," he trapped me against the wall again.
"JOHN! STOP IT!" I kept crying. I soon heard Heather run down the stairs. I made eye contact with her and mouthed the words, "Call for help," she gave me a panicked look and ran back upstairs.
"Heather, what's wrong?" Mary asked walking out of her room, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Who are ye callin?"
"Mum needs help," she whispered.
"What's wrong? Why does she need help?"
"John is on top of her and won't let go of her," Heather began crying as she made the phone call.
"Hello?" Paul said picking up the phone.
"Heather, are ye alright? Why are ye cryin?" he became worried.
"John's here...and I think he's hurtin mum," Heather heard Paul drop the phone and she became even more frightened. "Dad..." no response, "dad...please answer me..."
"Heather honey he left," our manager, David, said.
"Oh...thanks David,"
"No problem sweetie. Have a nice day,"
"Ye too," Heather hung up the phone, still crying. "Mary, go back in yer room,"
"But Heather-" Mary was cut off by Heather pushing her into her room. Heather locked herself and her sister in Mary's room, and began waiting for Paul to get home.

John still had me trapped against the wall and he began feeling me up and I could do nothing about it. His grip was too strong and I was in a vulnerbale position, so I just had to sit there, and wait for help to come.

A few minutes later Martha heard Paul pull into the driveway and she began barking.

"Shut yer fuckin dog up!" John yelled.
"M-Martha, c-calm d-down," I shakily said, still crying.
"See now yer cooperatin. I knew ye would come to like it," he began kissing my neck. As he moved his hands down my body Paul kicked the door open to find John.
"LENNON!" Paul grabbed John's collar and threw him to the ground. I slid my back down the wall and continued crying into my knees. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YE DOIN TO MY WIFE!"
"Well, I thought, I'm movin to America in two days, it's my last chance to touch Michelle," he gave Paul a smug smile.
"What makes ye think that they'll believe ye?" John chuckled.
"Michelle never lies!"
"Whatever, Yoko would never leave me!"

John wiped the blood from his nose away and walked out of the house. Paul closed and locked the door behind him. When the kids heard the door close they rushed downstairs and sat by my side.

"Mum! Are ye alright?" Heather asked.
"Mum, did he hurt ye?" Mary asked.
"Mum, what happened?" Stella asked.
My head was still in me lap.
"Girls, go into the livin room. Leave yer mother alone for a little bit, alright?" They all nodded and slowly walked into the living room and began talking. After they left the room, Paul kneeled down and began talking to me. "What did he do to ye? Are ye alright? Michelle, talk to me!"
I lifted my head, my hair covered my face, and I refused to move it. Paul took my hair and put it behind me ear. As he did this he saw a bruise on my neck.
"Paul he hurt me," I cried.
"I see ye wanna go to a doctor?" I shook my head no. "We gotta do somethin,"
"Paul, he's leavin the counrty in two days. There's nothin we can do!"
"Where else did he hurt ye?" he unfolded my arms from my stomach and looked at them. "Michelle, ye got bruises on yer wrists!" I pulled away from his lose grip.
"Paul, please stop touchin me," I whispered.
"Michelle, I need to see where he hurt ye, cause I know that ye won't tell me! Stand up please..." he tried getting me off the floor, but I kept refusing. "Michelle, please! I need to see if ye need to go to the hosptial!" I continued crying and stood up. "Thank ye, now take of yer bathrobe,"
"Fine! Just please stop yellin!" I took my bathrobe off and folded my arms across my stomach once more.
"He hurt yer stomach...didn't he?"
"I dunno..."
"Michelle...let me see," I took a step away from him. "When have I ever hurt ye?"
"Daddy, is mum okay?"
"I dunno Stella, please stay in the livin room with yer sisters,"
"Michelle, lift up yer shirt so I can see yer sides," I did what Paul told me to do. "Oh my god...there are scratch marks all over yer sides...I think he even drew blood over here. Be right back," he walked into the kitchen and came out a few minutes later with a wet dish towel. "Here," he began dabbing the scratch marks so they wouldn't be so inflammed. "I know yer not gonna like this, but pull down yer pants,"
"I need to see if he hurt ye below the waist,"
"Fine," I huffed. He began looking at my legs and hips, he saw scratch marks on my hips and thighs.
"Ye poor thing," he dabbed my hips and thighs with the dish towel as well. "Alright, ye can pull yer pants up," he tried to laugh.
"So what did David say?"
"We start our tour in two months,"
"Where are we goin first?"
"That should be fun," I whispered. I walked away from Paul and into the living room. "Girls, ye should get ready for school. The bus gets here in an hour,"
"Heather, I don't wanna talk about it. Just go into the kitchen, I'll be there in a minute to make breakfast."
"Okay mum," all the girls spoke in unison.
"Here love," he handed me my bathrobe.
"Thanks," I flashed him a weak smile and dried my eyes. I walked into the kitchen to make the kids breakfast. "So what do ye girls want?"
"Cereals fine mum," Heather spoke for everyone.
"Are ye sure?"
"Yeah mum, ye went through a lot this mornin, ye deserve a break,"
I began tearing up and smiling. I walked over to Heather and gave her a hug.
"How did I ever get so lucky to get a daughter like ye? I love ye Heather,"
"I love ye too mum," I kissed her on her head and went to the cupboard to grab a box of cornflakes and three bowls and spoons.
"Here ye are girls," I set down the bowls in front of each of the girls. "Hey Paul, what do ye want?"
"I'll take care of breakfast, love, go take a shower," he whispered in my ear, "go get cleaned up,"
"Alright," I set down the cereal and walked upstairs.

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