Welcome George

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YEAR: 1958

"Knock knock," I slightly opened Jude's door the next morning, "Hey Jude, still mad at me?" She ignored me. "Jude I am so sorry, I didn't mean to snap at ye like that yesterday. Please, ye have to know-"
"Get out," she whispered.
"I said, get out!" I walked out, closing the door behind me. I got my jacket on and decided to walk to the guitar shop to visit Lucy. It took a while to get there, but I arrived eventually.
"Hey Michelle, what's up?"
"Jude's mad at me, so I decided to leave her alone."
"Wow, what'd ye do?"
"I called 'er a slut."
"You heard me."
"Why on earth would ye say that to her?"
"She wasn't in the right mind, I regret saying it."
"She was on drugs?"
"No, a few nights ago, our mum slapped her, and she's just in a really vulnerable place right now, like I said, she's not in the right mind." Lucy took a big sigh.
"Oh Michelle," she walked out from behind the counter and gave me a hug, "you two will work it out." She rubbed my back and gave it a few pats. Then John walked in with an old woman.
"Michelle, my angel face."
"Don't ever call me angel face."
"Aw why not?" he chuckled.
"Cause I'm not yer angel, I'm Paul's."
"Paul? Paul McCartney? Isn't that yer friend John?"
"Yes Mimi, he's my friend."
"So this is Mimi?" She stuck out her hand so I could shake it. "Nice to meet ye." I shook her hand and she smiled.
"Why don't yerself a nice girl like this John?" I rolled my eyes.
"Winston? What are ye doin here?"
"Lookin for a new washboard, last one broke."
"Ye know we only sell guitars, right?"
"Oh, well, then I'll be on my way, bye Michelle, Lucy."
"Winston." He squinted his eyes at Lucy, then looked to me and winked. Before John walked out he stopped and said, "By the way George agreed to join the Quarrymen, tell Jude," he winked once more and walked out.
"I have to tell Jude! Bye Lucy."

I didn't have time to walk home so I just hopped on a bus and hopped off when it was near my house. When I hopped off I burst through the front door of my house and ran up to Jude's room.
"Michelle get out, I don't want to talk to ye."
"I understand, and I'll go after I tell ye this."
"George is officially in the Quarrymen!" She stood up from her bed.
"Really!" I nodded. "Oh my god! We have to go out and celebrate!" She was about to leave her room and call him but I stopped her.
"His family's already throwin a party, the whole bands gonna be there, and we can go too."
"Yer jokin," I shook my head no.
"Its at George's house, 5 o'clock."
"GET OUT, I HAVE TO GET READY!" She shoved me out and I just laughed. I just put on a dress and gelled my hair. About an hour later I knocked on Jude's door.
"Jude, ye ready? We should go soon." I opened my door, she looked beautiful. She was wearing an outfit that suit her, her hair was all done up, I could tell she was ready to apologize to George.
"Well let's go!"
"No I'm waitin for Paul, ye can go if ye want."
"Is Lucy goin?"
"Yeah, she should be here any minute, ye can wait for her I guess." We heard a knock on the door.
"Hey girls!" It was Lucy. She wasn't dressed any different than usual, ripped jeans, ripped shirt, heels, slightly curled hair, and light make up.
"Is Paul with ye?"
"No, I'm afraid not."
"I'm right here love." He was dressed in some jeans and a nice shirt.
"Paul, yer hair!"
"Ye don't like it?" He looked in a mirror. "John told me to do it like this."
"I was going to say I like it," I let out a chuckle.
"Oh," he smiled, "so shall we go?" We all nodded. Paul put his arm around my waist, Jude and Lucy decided to link arms. I was playing with Paul's hair, he kept ducking me, apparently it took a long time to get his "teddy boy" hairdo. A few minutes later we got to George's house, it was nice and kind of big. We knocked on the door and George let us in.
"Thank ye George." Lucy smiled and walked in. Paul just shook his hand.
"Ta!" I walked past him to catch up with Paul. George just looked to me and smiled, I'm glad I didn't look back at him, last thing I need is Paul seeing me swoon over George.
"OH MY GOD! GEORGE CONGRATULATIONS!" He snapped out of his "ta" trance and hugged Jude.
"Thanks love."
"I'm so proud of ye!" She kissed him on the cheek. "What took John so long to ask ye?"
"I'm not sure," he shrugged and smiled.

"Want anythin to drink love?"
"No I'm fine Paulie, thank ye. Maybe Lucy would like somethin." He walked over to Lucy and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey Luc," she turned around, " want anythin to drink?"
"I'll have a beer, thanks Paulie."
"Ye know me so well." She smiled and russled with his hair.

"Well, well, well, Michelle."
"John." I was leaning against a wall with a glass of water in my hand.
"Why ye drinkin water?"
"Cause I feel like it."
John gasped, "Are ye pregnant?"
"What? No! I just don't like beer."
"How can ye not like beer?"
"Just don't like it," I took a sip of my water, "I'd take tea over beer any day." John laughed.
"Yer just like yer boyfriend."
"And that's a bad thing?" I let out a chuckle.
"No." He smiled and leaned up against the wall with me. "So where is Paul?"
"Over there with Lucy " I pointed to where Paul was.
"Watch out, she might steal Paul from ye," he laughed.
"No she won't, she likes drummers."
When John and I were talking, George walked by and gave John a look. Then he walked up to Paul.
"Hey Paul.
"Hey George."
"Can I tell ye somethin?"
"Yeah, what's wrong?"
"Its John,"
"What about him?" Paul got a stern tone in his voice.
"He's with Michelle right now, I'd go keep an eye on them."
"Thanks George." Paul pat him on the back then walked up to me and John. "Hey Michelle, wanna dance?"
"I'd love to," I set down my drink, "let's go, bye John, it was nice talkin to ye," I walked away smiling.
"Look Lennon, don't be flirtin with Michelle."
"Don't worry, I wasn't."
"Don't flirt with Jude OR Lucy either."
"Wasn't plannin on it." He smiled, gave John a pat on the back then walked into the crowd of people in the living room.
Paul followed him until he found Michelle, when he did, he took her hand and started dancing.

"Hey George."
"Hey love."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Bah, don't worry about it." He smiled and kissed her on the cheek; Jude started to blush. George brought her into the living room where they started dancing. Everyone had an amazing time, well almost everyone.
John was sulking in the corner, drinking his beer and whispering, "I will get you Michelle," he took a sip of his beer, "you will be mine."

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