Birthday Baby

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YEAR: 1965

Paul and I were doing our best with rebuilding our marriage, Heather was happy again and Mary had no idea what was going on. She wasn't even aware that her first birthday was right around the corner.
"Is everythin set for Mary's party?" Jude said to Eric.
"Uh, yeah, I think so," he said with a smile, "remind me again, why is the party at our house?"
"Cause Michelle always hosts the parties, I wanna give her a break."
"Thank ye for bein so okay with this," she said while kissing his cheek.
"Well its for yer family," Jude just stood there with a smile on her face. "What?"
"How did I get so lucky?"
"I dunno," he laughed, "I'd ask ye the same question."
"No, seriously, yer too good for me."
"Awe, thanks," he said with a small laugh.
This is a perfect moment; Eric thought. "Uh, Jude,"
"Can we talk?"

"I'm here, I'm here, calm down."
"I'm sorry, I'm so excited," I turned to Mary in her play pen and picked her up, "its our baby's first birthday."
Mary was like Julian, didn't like talking or being around people. Mary can walk, but she doesn't like doing it.
"C'mon Mary, speak for daddy." She just sat there and dug her face its my shoulder. "Why doesn't she like me?"
"Ye were gone for most of her life!" I chuckled.
"I know," he took her from my arms, "I'm sorry, but daddy loves ye," he kissed her forehead.
Mary began laughing and playfully hitting his face with her little hands.
"Alright, alright! We have to go, c'mon. HEATHER!"
"Here mummy!"
"We're goin to aunt Jude's."
"Yes, daddy will be there!"
"Don't worry Heather," he bent down to her height, "I'm never leavin again."

"John, are ye ready to go?"
"Almost Cyn, I need to finish getting Jules dressed."
"Well hurry up!"
"Shhh, don't yell, remember we got a noise complaint," he whispered walking out of Julian's room with Jules on his waist.
"We have to move out of this bloody apartment! Everyone has a house, except us. And we have a kid!"
"I know Cyn,"
"Ye want a house?"
"I do,"
"Then a house ye shall get," he gave her a kiss.
"Thank ye John,"
"Anythin for ye."

John, Cynthia, George, Pattie, and my family all arrived at the same time.
"Happy Birthday Mary!" Pattie said in her normal chipper voice.
"Say hi Mary," Paul said.
"Hi," she whispered.
"She likes ye Pattie," I said.
"Awe, I'm glad,"
George smiled at everyone and knocked on the door. Jude answered.
"Hello Jude."
"Hi George, please come in,"
"Thank ye,"
George walked in and shook Eric's hand. Pattie followed him with a gift for Mary in her arms. Then the Lennon's with Julian and a gift. Then us.
"Jude, yer house looks lovely," I said while taking a big gulp, "its big."
"Yeah, Eric is doin very well."
"That's good to hear."
"His solo career is going amazingly."
"That's good," I smiled.
"So boys," she showed everyone to the living room, "I hear that yer all millionaires, is it true?"
"Good, good. Be right back,"
Jude stepped out of the room and into the kitchen to get some drinks.
"Here ye all are," she started handing out beer, "and Michelle, I'll be right back with yer wine."
"Thank ye,"
When Jude was gone the phone started to ring.
"I got it," Eric said as he picked up the phone. He mumbled a few things then sat back down.
"That was Lucy and Ringo, they said that they're gonna be here soon."
"What's takin them so long?" Jude said as she walked back in, handing me my drink.
"They're pickin someone up," Eric replied.
"Didn't say."
The boys all sat down and talked, got to know Eric a little bit more. All the girls were in the kitchen, helping Jude with dinner. Mary and Heather were 'helping' with dessert, they were kinda just smearing frosting on their faces and smashing eggs into bowls, but hey, they were quiet.
About an hour later Lucy and Ringo arrived, with their guest.
"Ello Jude, yer house is lovely," Lucy said as she walked in the house. Ringo followed in, then Victoria.
"VICTORIA!" Jude yelled as she walked in. "I haven't seen ye in forever!" She have her a quick hug. "So how's Prudence?"
"Very well, she started school, top of her class."
"Where is she?"
"Right here!" Prudence yelled as she ran through the door, right into Jude's arms.
"Oh my goodness, look how big you've gotten," she continued hugging her, and never wanted to let go.
"So Jude, is this for your kids birthday?"
"No," she chuckled, "its for one of my nieces, Mary."
"Michelle has kids! I thought she had a, you know, back in America."
"She did, but she adopted her first daughter and had her second last year."
"Well, good for her."
Victoria smiled and walked into the living room to see John. He was talking to his mates, half buzzed.
He turned around to see who called him.
"Victoria!" He got up and gave her a big hug. "Its been forever! How's P?"
"She's doing well."
"Where is the lass?"
"Kitchen, I think."
"I'll let 'er be. Sit! We should catch up!"
"I was actually gonna help the girls in the kitchen," she said as she slowly started walking.
"No V, sit, please." He flashed her some puppy eyes.
"Fine!" She chuckled, "you're lucky you're my brother."
"Ew, ye still have yer old accent."
"You've been here for what, 6 years? GET YER LIVERPOOL ACCENT ALREADY!"
"I'll do my best John," she let out another chuckle.
As Victoria was talking to everyone in the living room, Lucy brought Prudence into the kitchen.
"Hey everyone," Lucy said as she entered the kitchen with Jude.
"Hey Lucy," we all said back.
"What took ye so long?" Cynthia asked as she looked up from the counter, "is that Prudence Lennon, I see?" Cynthia wiped her hands and walked over to say hello. "You've gotten so big! How old are ye now?"
"Y'know, my son, or yer cousin, is gonna be 3 soon."
"Who's me cousin?"
"Julian," Cynthia said while quickly walking into the living room.
"Hey P,"
"Hey Michelle," Prudence leaned onto the counter and whispered, "who's the lady over there?"
"That's Pattie, George's fiance."
"She's really pretty!"
"Well she's a model ye know."
"Do ye wanna talk to 'er?"
"Pattie yer bein summoned," I said as I picked Mary up.
"Hello, let me guess, yer Prudence,"
"How did ye know!"
Pattie let out a laugh, "just a hunch. Has anyone told ye, yer very pretty?"
Prudence began blushing, "thank ye Pattie!"
"Now, what I wanna know," Lucy said interrupting their conversation, "why does yer mother have that weird, New Zealand accent, and ye have a Liverpool accent?"
"Its because she was raised here, not in New Zealand," Pattie said rolling her eyes.
"Who's that?" Prudence said while pointing to Mary.
"This," I said walking back over to the counter, "this is Mary, my daughter."
"Is this her party? Or hers?" Prudence pointed to Heather.
"Its Marys birthday, Heathers birthday is in a few weeks."
"How old will she be?"
"Yes she is," I chuckled.
"DINNERS READY!" Jude yelled, placing the last plate on the dining table.

Everyone herded in and took a spot at the large dining table. Mary was at the end of the table, in her high chair, Paul and I were on opposite sides, taking turns feeding her. Heather sat next to me, then prudence, Victoria, then John, then Cynthia. On the other end of the table was Eric, then Jude, then Lucy, then Ringo, then Julian sat next to Paul.

It took about an hour for everyone to eat dinner, near the end, Paul stood up to make a little, half drunken speech.
"Okay, I'd like to thank everyone for joinin us today-"
"Oh sit down ye drunk," John yelled with a laugh.
"OK, I'd actually like to say somethin," Jude said as she stood up from the table. "Of course I'd like to say boys, congratulations on yer new album, Rubber Soul, already on the top of the charts, and its only been a day! So congratulations!" Everyone took a minute and cheered then Jude stopped them. "I have one more thing to say," she seemed a little less excited.
"What is it Jude?" I said, sounding slightly concerned.
"Well, uh," she looked to Eric, he gave her a small nod.
"What is it Jude!"
"Eric and I," tears came to her eyes, then came a smile, "we're gettin married."

Everyone got up and cheered, even Pattie, but George just sat there awkwardly. I glanced over, after hugging Jude and saw George. I walked over and grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the kitchen.
"Ow! What!"
"I know yer not happy about Jude gettin engaged, but try to be happy!"
"And why should I?"
"Cause shes me sista! Ye broke 'er heart, the least ye could do is pretend to be happy for 'er!"
"I'll try,"
"No! Ye won't try, ye'll do!"
"Fine! I'll do!"
"Good, now get out there and give her and Eric a hug!"
George narrowed his eyes and did as I said.
After the hugging fest we all migrated to the living room so Mary could open her gifts. She got a purple dress from George and Pattie, money for college from the Lennon's, a puzzle and a few stuffed animals from the Starr's, an old handmade blanket from Victoria, Prudence, and Mimi, and some coloring books from Eric and Jude. It was a fun night that I will remember forever.

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