Sky of Diamonds

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YEAR: 1958

It was late, people were roudy and drunk. People were smoking throughout the house. As is got darker outside, it became harder to breathe inside. There was so much smoke in the house you could barley see across the room. Paul and I we sitting on the couch his arm was around my shoulder and I was leaning into him. He was smoking a fag, he was taking long drags. I started coughing, my lungs couldn't handle the smoke.
"Are ye okay love?"
I let out a few coughs, "um actually, I think I'll go outside for a bit."
"Alright love." He kissed me on the cheek, "be safe." I smiled and walked outside to the top of the hill near Georges house. I ran into someone.
"Well hello angel face." He gave me a big smile.
"John, are ye drunk?"
"Not yet love." He lent me a hand to help me up the hill.
"Ta." He gave me a smirk.
"So what are ye doin out here?"
"Too much smoke inside."
"Couldn't handle it?" I shook my head no. "You'll learn."
"So what are ye doin out here?"
"About what?"
"Just...thinking." He looked to me and smiled; he got uncomfortably close.
"John what are ye doin?" He leaned in and kissed me. I was stunned; it took me a few seconds to process what was going on. Eventually I pushed him off. I was furious. "What's wrong love?" I looked to him and slapped him as hard as I could.
"I know yer with him, doesn't mean ye actually love him."
"Look Michelle, I'm sorry, I just had to be sure."
"Had to be sure? With what?"
"I had to be sure that I love ye."
"I thought I did, but I don't," he smiled. "Look I'm sorry. Ye obviously came out here to relax. Just lay down and we'll"
I laid down on the grass and John laid opposite on my. Our heads were opposite of each other. We both laid down and looked up at the sky.
"Lucy always had an amazing perspective on life." I said while looking up at the stars.
"Why do ye say that."
"She always said to me, ye know since I met her, that she always wanted to live in the sky. Ye know, with the diamonds." John sat up and looked at me. "What? Was it something I said?" He kept staring. "John!"
"Uh, no, just, I've never thought of anything like that before. Yer right, she does have a great perspective on life." He stared for a little while longer. "Well you should go back inside, Paul's probably worried about ye." John helped me up.
"Hey John."
"Your goin off to University next year right?" He nodded. "When ye get there, please don't be all over every girl ye see. Try to find that one girl ye want to spend the rest of yer life with. Alright?"
"I'll try." He gave me a smile. I kissed him on the forehead.
"Thank ye." I walked down the hill, he just stayed there...thinking.

I walked down the hill back into George's house. I walked in, once again it was hard to breathe. I tried to find Paul. He found me first.
"Hey Michelle, can we please talk?"
"Sure." When he said that my heart was racing, eventually I couldn't breathe at all. He walked me into the kitchen.
"Michelle, I saw ye with John."
"Oh my god Paul, no, its not what it looked like."
"Then what was it?" Tears were forming in his eyes.
"I dunno. Lennon was already out there, he said he was thinking."
"About what?"
"He didn't tell me,"I cried. "He got really close, then he kissed me, I pushed him off and slapped him. That's it. That's all that happened."
"I'm gonna kick his ass." Paul started walking out of the kitchen but I stopped him.
"PAUL NO! DO NOT STOOP TO HIS LEVEL!" He stopped, turned back, and hugged me. I could hear him crying. "Paul, I'm never gonna leave ye, I'm never gonna cheat on ye. Ye should know that."
"I do. But just...Lennon makes everything complicated. I've never seen a girl turn him down."
"Aw, Paulie." He hugged me even tighter, I never wanted him to let go. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." He pulled away and gave me a quick kiss. We heard someone fall in the living room. We rushed in only to find Jude passed out on the floor.
"Oh my god. Paul help me get her up." Paul came to help, Lucy jumped in too. "Well, goodbye George, thank ye so much, it was a lovely evening. See ye Monday."

He didn't smile, he just rushed to open to door. He stopped us before we walked out. He lifted Jude's head and kissed her on the forehead. We walked out and down the block to my house. I unlocked the front door.

"Lucy can ye bring Jude upstairs?" She nodded as she continued dragging Jude into the house.
"Second door on the right, right?" I nodded at her and she dragged her upstairs.
"Well I should leave," Paul began walking away. I grabbed his hand before he left.
"No stay, at least for a little bit. My mum is sleepin."
"What would we do?"
"Lay on the couch, turn on the telly, and just cuddle and enjoy each others company," I smiled.
"Alright, fine. My dad won't miss me, probably won't even know I'm gone." I started laughing.
"Terrific. Come on." I pulled him inside as Lucy was coming down the stairs.
"She's in her bed, nice and safe."
"Thank ye Lucy."
"It was no trouble. Bye." She put up her hand and made the rock n roll sign with her fingers.
"Bye Luc." She turned back, smiled then closed the front door. I locked it behind her. I went to go turn on the telly, but Paul stopped me.
"How about we just lay down on the couch, cuddle, in silence, and enjoy each others company?"

I smiled and he dragged me onto the couch. And we cuddled. That's it, we just cuddled and enjoyed each others company. We must have fallen asleep. I woke up the next morning, on the couch, with Paul's arm around my waist. I rubbed it and smiled. I must've woken him up.

"Mornin love."
"Good mornin Paul."
"What time is it?"
"Alright. Are ye hungry?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Wanna go out?"
"No, I'll just make somethin."
"Alright." He took his arm off of me. I got off the couch and lent him and hand so he could get off too. "Please go start the stove, make some tea or somethin. I'm gonna go check on Jude." Paul walked into the kitchen as I walked upstairs. I opened Jude's door and walked to her bed. I shook her to make sure she was still alive.
"Good, yer not dead. C'mon breakfast."
"Shhh, ye don't have to be so loud." I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go wake mum up and see if she wants anythin." I nodded at Jude and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. When I saw Paul at the stove I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew he was smiling.
"What are ye cookin?"
"Yer favorite."
"Yeah love." He turned around and gave me a kiss.
"AAAHHH!" I heard Jude scream and I pushed Paul away. I ran upstairs to see what was wrong. I burst through my mums bedroom door.
"Oh my god."

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