It's Over

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YEAR: 1990

"Today's the day Michelle. Are ye nervous?" Paul asked.
"Of course I'm nervous," I struggled to say, "Thanks for giving me some of yer bone marrow," I smiled.
"Anything for my love," he kissed my forehead. "I only gave ye enough the fix half the infected areas...who gave ye the rest?"
"I don't know," I lied.

I knew who gave me the rest so my body could fully heal. It was John. Every night, after Paul left for the night, John would always sneak into my room when he thought I was sleeping, and either say something nice, kiss me, or both. I hate to say it, but I kind of liked it, but I also felt bad for not telling Paul. But if I did tell Paul, John would realize that I wasn't sleeping all those nights, so I'm deciding to keep it a secret which is killing me faster than the cancer.

Before I knew it, I was asleep for my surgery. The entire time I could only think about John, and it was killing me because I don't love him. I mean how could I? He caused mulitple break-ups between Paul and I, he has caused trust issues in my relationship, he molested me, he cheated on his wives, among many other things.

But then there's the sweet side of him. The side of him that talks Paul into getting back together with me, the side secretly kisses me goodnight every night, the part of him that gives me his bone marrow so he can save my life.

Am I forming feelings for John? No I can't! I'm married to Paul! I love lovely Paul. Paul has done more for me than John ever could. I thought to myself.

As I woke up from my surgery, I was surrounded by my family...and John. They all had worried looks on their faces.

"When do ye think she's gonna wake up?" James asked.
What do ye mean James? I'm awake!
"I don't know, hard to say," Paul replied.
A-Am I in a coma? I thought to myself.
"How did her surgery go dad?" Stella asked.
"I think it went well...she just needs to wake up,"
Soon everyone turned their heads to see who entered the room.
"When will my mum wake up?" Beatrice cried.
"Well, the surgery looks like it went well, but for the time being, she is comitose,"
"For how long?" John gritted his teeth.
"A week at the most. Now I think you should all leave, we need to run a few more tests,"
"Alright, thank ye," Paul said as he pushed all of the kids out of the room. "John, are ye comin?"
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. I'll meet ye at the house,"
"Alright," Paul sighed as he walked out of the room.
"Don't be long," the doctor said as he walked out of the room.
Once the docotr shut the door John pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed. He didn't say anything, he just sat there, holding my hand.
Lennon, get out of here! God I hope Paul walks in on ye doin this!
"Mr. Lennon can ye please leave," the doctor said.
Thank ye!
"Oh, sure," he got up from his chair and headed for the door.
"Ye can visit her tonight if ye want, we should be done by then,"
"Alright, thanks,"
No! No! No! Don't allow him in here! Oh whats the point, ye can't hear me!

Later that night my family, and John, all showed up at the hosptial to see how I was doing.

"Dad why did ye bring us down here? Julian and I are tired and we need to get Polly to sleep," Heather complained.
"Are ye sayin ye don't care about yer mother?" Paul asked.
For god sake Paul just let her go home!
"No, that's not what I'm sayin! I love mum and all I want is for her to get better but I can't just put my life on hold and come down here whenever ye want me to!"
"Fine then go home," Paul said with a disappointed tone in his voice.
Paul don't be mad at her.
"Alright," Heather whispered, "See ye tomorrow," she walked out of the room with Polly and Julian.
"I'll join ye guys," Stella said.
"Yer leavin too?" Paul asked.
"B and James have school tomorrow! Dad it's fuckin 2 in the mornin!"
"They can skip a day,"
"Dad, we're really tired," Beatrice pouted.
"Oh, alright," he gave James and Beatrice a hug.
"I'll see ye two tomorrow mornin,"
"Dad come home with us," James pleaded.
"Fine," he sighed, "C'mon Mary,"
"I'll meet ye guys there," Paul shrugged and walked out of the room. As soon as the door closed Mary turned to John.
"Ye need to get over my mum. She's probably gonna die and ye know it!"
"Don't ye think I've been tryin to get over her? I've been tryin for nearly 33 years Mary!" Mary just glared at him with a shocked look on her face. "Mary, I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I wish I had died instead of Yoko-"
"John don't say that!"
"Let me finish Mary! I wish I had died instead so I would be free from the pain of knowin I'll never have her,"
"Well John, yer alive, a-and" Mary stuttered, "and that's it...yer gonna have to deal with it,"
"I know," he sighed.
"I'm gonna go...night John,"
"Night Mary," as she walked out, John pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed. He grabbed my hand and began thinking to himself. "I love ye Michelle,"
I know ye do! Now get out of here!
He got up from his chair, still holding my hand, and gave me a soft, passionate kiss. As soon as he touched my cold, dead lips, I regained life in my body. I cupped his face and leaned into the kiss. As soon as he felt me move he let go of my hand and backed away.
"Michelle! I-I-I am s-so-" I cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling him into another kiss. When I pushed him away I soon became worried.
"What am I doin?" I whispered to myself. I soon felt light headed again. "John go find a doc-" I passed out before I could finished my sentence.
"I-I'm gonna go get a doctor," he panicked. He rushed out of the room to try and find someone. A few minutes later he came back in with my doctor.
"What happened Mr. Lennon?"
"Sh-She woke up!"
The doctor reached for my arm so he could feel my pulse.
"Mr. Lennon, I don't know what yer talkin about, she hasn't moved, but we will keep an eye on her. Please go home and get some rest,"
"Alright, please call me if she wakes up,"
"You'll be the second person we call,"
"Mr. Lennon, we are required to call the spouse first,"
"Goodnight John,"

The next morning, when John woke up, he sat by the phone and drank his tea, waiting for the doctor to call. After about 5 hours of waiting, the hospital finally called John to tell him that I woke up. He rushed down to the hospital and burst through my door.

"Michelle, I'm here!" he yelled.
"John...she only woke up for a's sleepin again. Her heartbeat is droppin," Paul's voice died out.
"I'm sorry...I'll leave ye alone with her," John walked out and waited in the waiting room.
"Thanks," Paul whispered. As soon as John left, Paul grabbed my hands and began crying. "Michelle, I wanted to say, I'm sorry for all of our late night fights, all the times I didn't trust ye, all the times I made ye upset," Paul took a deep breath, "I know ye can't hear me, but I just wanted to tell ye I love ye, one last time," as he spoke, tears stained his cheeks.
"Paul," John whispered, "I thought the kids should see her, ye know, so they can say goodbye,"
"Thanks John," Paul got up and gave him a hug.
"Well, I'll be waitin out here,"
"Stay with us," Heather said, "Can he dad?"
"Of course," Paul tried to smile.

Everyone surrounded my bed, waiting for my heart beat to stop. They all cried and said their goodbyes, but John refused to say anything. As Paul held my cold body close, he whispered in my ear, "I love ye, I have always loved ye, and I will never stop lovin ye. Ye will always be my belle. I love ye."

As he whispered the last of his message in my ear, my heart beat stopped. All of the kids craddled each other and John comforted Paul. As everyone was heart beat picked up again. I slowly opened my eyes and tiredly looked around the room.

"I'm not dead yet, ye fuckers," I muttered.
"Mum!" all the kids cheered as they hugged me.
"Michelle, yer okay," Paul began kissing my face as he smiled.
"Michelle, I...we thought we lost ye," John grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"I-I'm gonna go get a doctor!" Stella rushed out to find someone. "I found someone!" she yelled as she ran back in my room.
"Mrs. McCartney, yer alright!"
"Ye sound surprised," I chuckled.
"We thought the surgery went south, but ye apear to be fine,"
"Well...she sort of died for about 10 seconds," John whispered.
"She's fine now, that's all that matters," the doctor said while checking my pulse. "Let's see how ye are in a month, then we'll talk about releasin ye," Everyone cheered and hugged.
"Thank ye for everythin," I said.

A month later the doctor said I was okay to leave to hosptial, although the cancer wasn't completly gone. I had to have 3 visits a week from a doctor or nurse for 5 months to see how my body is healing. 4 months later and the cancer was officially gone from my body.

"I'm so glad yer okay love!" Paul said as he walked me to our front door.
"Paul, I don't need help anymore," I chuckled, "I'm free remember?"
"Yeah I do," he gave me a hug before we entered the house, "My belle is finally free."

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