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YEAR: 1964

Paul and I had been in our new home for a month, and the boys were already halfway done with filiming A Hard Days Night. I was 3 months pregnant and going to my first doctor appointment.
"Can I please go with ye love?"
"Paul, ye don't want to do that."
"I can skip filmin for a day!"
"No ye can't, its fine, ye don't need to come with me."
"But I want to!"
As Paul and I were talking, we heard a bang come from the living room. We rushed in to see Heather sitting on the floor crying, holding her plush octopus in her small arms. I walked over to her and picked her up.
"Did ye bang yer head on the table?"
She nodded while crying. I brought her into the kitchen and placed her onto the counter, her little legs were dangling off the counter top. She was firmly holding her octopus as she cried. I grabbed some ice from the freezer and placed some on her head.
"All better?" She shook her head no. I rolled my eyes while smiling, and let out a chuckle, I kissed her forehead and pulled her close. "Feelin better now?"
"Yes mummy," she quietly said while sniffling her nose.
I put the ice in the sink and grabbed a band aid out of the kitchen drawer and placed it on her bruised forehead, laying a soft kiss over the band aid.
"Sorry darlin."
"Michelle," Paul walked into the kitchen, "ye better get goin, or yer gonna be late."
"Shit!" I looked to Heather, "don't say shit," I looked back to Paul, "I completely forgot!"
"Well then, let's go!"
"Yer not comin!"
"Yes I am!" I rolled my eyes at Paul.
"Whatever Princess, go start the car." Paul gave me a smile and rushed outside. I looked to Heather again, "boys are stupid." She nodded and I laughed. I picked Heather off the counter and followed Paul to the car.

"Mrs. McCartney, ye seem to be doin well, everythin is normal, just please, don't do anythin stressful, or anythin that may harm the baby."
"Alright, no problem, thank ye."
The doctor flashed me a smile and shook Paul's hand as we walked out of the office. The car ride was rather long, but we didn't care, it was away from everyone, all the commotion, all the crazed fans.
"So," I tried to start a conversation, "anythin interestin happen on set?"
"Uh, yes, actually."
"Yer not gonna like it."
"Oh just tell me!" Paul looked to me as we stopped at a stop sign.
"George is gonna break up with Jude."
"There's this girl that came in to film a scene,"
"First week of filmin."
"What's her name?"
"Pattie? Pattie what?"
"Pattie Boyd, nice bird, pretty too, she's a model."
"Jude is gonna be heart broken!"
"I know love, but George just has this connection with Pattie."
"Can I meet her?"
"Sure, I'll call 'er up for ye, I'll invite her over for dinner tomorrow."
"Good," Paul continued driving, "and Michelle,"
"Be nice."

Later that day Paul had to go out and film. Heather and I always had fun when we were alone. She liked me a lot more than Paul, maybe because he isn't always there.
"So what do ye want to do?" Heather pointed toward the little table in front of the couch. "Ye want to color?"
I flashed her a smile as I picked her up and placed her on the couch. I walked over to the telly and flipped it to some cartoons. That night when Paul came home, he found a sleeping Heather on the couch and a tired wife, cleaning dishes in the kitchen.
"Hey love," he came up behind me and gave me a hug, "sorry I'm home so late."
"Its alright, Heather and I had fun."
"Yer tired, go to bed, I'll finish the dishes love."
I turned around to face Paul. I looked into his big, beautiful, tired, hazel, eyes. Paul grabbed my waist and pulled me close and gave me a soft, passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist tighter. I finally pulled away.
"I love ye so much."
"I love ye too," he kissed the top of my head, "now go to bed." I gave him a small smile and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
I woke up the next morning with Paul wrapped around me. I just laid there, thinking. Then he woke up.
"Good morning love." He kissed my cheek.
"Morning princess," he gave me another kiss, "why are ye bein so lovey, dovey?"
"I haven't been around lately, I just miss ye. That's all. Do ye want me to stop?"
"I never said that." I laughed while swinging my legs out of bed. "So what time is Patti's comin over?"
"Around 6, George is gonna join her." I let out an annoyed groan. "Michelle, yer gonna like her."
"But I don't want George and Jude to separate!"
"Michelle, they have so many problems, and ye know it. Stop actin like they're a perfect couple!"
"I know, but Jude has never liked anyone else!"
"She'll find someone, don't worry."
After Paul and I finished talking, he got in his suit and left for filming. I walked downstairs and made some tea, the high pitched sound the tea pot made when it was done, woke Heather up. I dragged myself upstairs.
"Morning darlin."
"MUMMY!" Heather stood up in her crib and looked around the room. "Daddy?"
"Daddy's at work, he'll be back later."
I let out a sigh as I picked Heather up. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. As I placed Heather in her high chair someone knocked on the door.
"No honey, I told ye, Daddy's at work. Its probably just a neighbor."
Heathers smile faded, I frowned when she stopped smiling. I walked to the front door to see who it was.
"Hey girl."
"Lucy!" I gave her a hug and showed her inside, I started closing the door.
"No! Leave it open!"
"Jude and Cyn are still in the car."
"We're right here."
Cynthia walked in with Julian on her hip and Jude followed, she refused to look up from the floor. I took Julian from Cynthia and placed him in the corner.
"C'mon, I was just about to start breakfast. Do any of ye want tea?"
"I'll have a cup," Cynthia tiredly said.
Jude still wasn't talking. They all took a seat at the dining room table. I brought in two cups of tea and set them on the table.
"Jude, what's wrong?" She looked up, she'd been crying.
"George broke up with me!" She continued crying. "An-and I don't even know the birds name!"
"Its Pattie." Jude looked up from the table.
"How do ye know her name?"
"Paul told me. He's making me have dinner with her tonight."
"Jude calm down."
"Hey Mich," I twisted my face and looked to Lucy, "don't ye have a baby to feed?"
"Shit!" I stood up from the table and rushed to the kitchen to get Heather her food. "Here ye go darlin."
"Thank mummy!"
"Welcome." I kissed her head and sat back down.
"She can talk!" Cynthia sounded surprised.
"Of course she can talk! She's almost 2!"
"Jules never talks."
"Ye heard John, he's a nowhere man, doesn't like people." I took a sip of my tea. "He'll be talkin in no time, don't worry."
"I guess yer right."
"So Jude, since yer no longer with George, where are ye gonna live?"
"Mimi said I can move in with her."
"Really? Again?"
"Mimi? Like Johns Mimi?" Cynthia was confused.
"Yeah, she took care of us when we were in high school. Very nice lady."
"She hates me!" Cynthia complained.
"Why?" Lucy became interested.
"Cause John and I got married too young and we were movin too fast."
"That's no reason to hate someone!"
"Well for Mimi, it is. And where would ye even fit in the house?"
"Well, Victoria took Johns old room, since Prudence is like what, 5?" Jude looked to me to confirm, I nodded. "So Prudence is taking Michelle's old room and I get my room back."
"I see," Cynthia took a sip of her tea, "good luck with that."

Later that day, the girls went home and I made dinner for 5. Pattie, George, Paul, Heather, and me. Paul got home around 5:30. I was upstairs putting my make up on and Heather was on the couch watching the telly.
"Ello princess." Heather let out an excited gasp.
"DADDY!" I walked downstairs in a red halter dress and red flats. Paul looked to me.
"At the age of 21, yer still wearing the kind of clothes ye were wearing when ye were 16."
"Do ye want me to change?" I looked down at my dress and let out a sigh.
"Of course not," he grabbed my waist and pulled me close, "that's why I fell in love with ye."
"For me clothes?"
"No," he gave me a soft kiss, "for you."
As Paul and I were gazing into each others eyes, someone knocked at the door.
"They're early." I let out a chuckle and walked to the door.
"Ello Michelle." George walked in and gave me a hug.
"Hi George." Then a beautiful girl followed George in.
"Hello," she had a very soft, sweet voice, "I'm Pattie."
She stuck out her hand to introduce herself.
"Hello Pattie!"
"Ye have a lovely home!"
"Oh, thank ye."
"Yer very welcome." She gave me a nice smile. I showed them to the dining room where dinner was already ready. "This looks wonderful Michelle."
"Thank ye."
Pattie gave me another smile. I went into the living room and got Heather and put her in her high chair. We all sat down and began to eat.
"So Pattie, I heard ye were in A Hard Days Night."
"Yes, I am, but only for a few minutes. That's actually how I met George." She looked to him and smiled.
"Aw, that's nice."
"It was actually a funny scene, I didn't talk to George at all. Paul was the one to come up to me."
"Really?" I looked to Paul and laughed.
"Yes," she let out a chuckle, "then a while later John hits on me."
"That doesn't surprise me."
"Its scripted though." Pattie sounded confused. Paul, George, and I all looked to each other and laughed. "What's so funny?"
"Nothin, Johns just a ladies man, that all."
"Oh," she gave all of us another smile. "By the way Michelle, I love yer dress."
"Thank ye." I gave Pattie a nice smile.
The rest of dinner was rather quiet. George would make a joke every once in a while but that's all.
"Well, it was very nice meetin ye Michelle."
"It was amazin meetin ye too Pattie."
Pattie gave me a quick hug.
"Call me soon, I'd love to get coffee sometime."
"Well, goodbye."
I closed the door behind her.
"See, she's nice isn't she."
"Very nice. Glad I met her. Well, I'm headin to bed."
"Alright love." He gave me a kiss and I headed upstairs. When I was upstairs, Paul didn't think I heard him, but I did. He whispered, "I love ye."
I whispered back, "I love ye too."

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