2 Down, 2 to Go

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YEAR: 1960

Lucy walked in the house the next morning, same outfit as yesterday, hair wasn't brushed, and her heels in her hand.

"So Lucy, I see ye went home with Ringo last night." I looked over my shoulder as I was at the stove, making breakfast.
"Fuck off ye prude."
"Hey! I've had sex!"
"I know, I know." She walked over to the living room and threw her heels on the couch. "But, have ye ever had sex on the first date?" She grabbed a strip of bacon off the plate next to the stove.
"No, cause I'm not a slut!"
"So I'm a slut?" Lucy let out a chuckle as she took another bite.
"I didn't say that."
"But it was implied."
Paul walked out of my room and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl.
"Mornin Paulie." Lucy gave him a wave and a wink.
"Morning Mrs. Starr." He gave her a smile as she rolled her eyes.
"Ey! Diamonds, stars, get it?"
"Ha ha, very funny." Lucy rolled her eyes as she took another strip of bacon.
"Hey, Paulie, I made ye an omelette." I handed Paul his breakfast.
"Awe thank ye," he leaned down and gave me a kiss, "I love ye so much."
"Love ye too, now eat before it gets cold." I turned back to the stove to finish making my breakfast.

Breakfast was rather quite, until we heard a knock at the door.
"Are we expectin anyone?" Lucy twisted her face as she got up from the table and made her way over to the door. "Oh, hello John, Cynthia."
They stepped through the door. They both had big, foolish grins on their faces and Cynthia was covering her left hand.
"What are ye two doin here?" I had a confused tone in my voice. Cynthia revealed her hand.
"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Cynthia couldn't contain her excitement. My face went blank as Cynthia held up her diamond covered ring finger.
"Oh, um, congratulations," I looked down at the floor, "excuse me." I got up from the table and walked to my room. Paul got up from the table as well.
"Congrats you two."
He gave them a fake smile and followed me into my room. When he walked in he saw me sitting on my bed, crying. He rushed over to me and hugged me tight. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and continued crying.
"Shhh," he rubbed the back of my head, "it'll be alright love."
"I know, but ye don't do that!"
"I know."
Lucy walked up to my bedroom door and placed her ear against it, to see what was going on. She could hear muffled crying. Lucy walked back into the living room.
"John, I need to have a word with ye. Now!" John rolled his eyes and stumbled into Lucy's bedroom.
"What?" Lucy slapped him across the face. "Ow! Ye bitch! What was that for?"
"Alright Lucy, calm down."
"Oh when isn't she crying." Lucy became very mad, a lone tear ran down her face, she couldn't believe what John was saying.
"Ye don't even care."
"Not really."
"OK, fine, I'd like ye to imagine ye self in Paul and Michelle's situation. Close ye eyes." John did as Lucy instructed. "Alright now ye the first person in ye friend group to get engaged, ye so happy she said yes, then she says no later that day cause her sister talked her out of it. Ye devastated ye never want to date again, then I come to ye house and drag ye to mine and save the engagement. Ye so happy that I did what I did, the engagement party was a success then the next day, ye best friend gets engaged." John opened his eyes.
"Yeah, alright, what I did was a shitty move."
"I know it was, now go knock on Michelle's door and apologize."
"Now Lennon!" John let out a huff and walked to my room and opened the door. Lucy walked back into the living room.
"Oh yay Lucy! So I've already picked out a date! The 23rd of August, 1962!"
"Ok um, Cyn, I wouldn't tell Mich that ye already picked out a date, she's not in the best mood right now."
"Alright, I'll wait, I'm just glad I got to tell someone." Cynthia hugged Lucy, Lucy twisted her face again.

Later that day, Paul and I took a walk down to the pier. We held hands the entire time. It was really cold, there was snow everywhere.
"So, not the best start to Christmas Eve, huh love."
"Yeah, but its alright now, I'm alone, with you."
We walked around the empty, snow covered pier and eventually found a clear park bench to sit on. We took a seat and rested my head against Paul's shoulder, we were still holding each others hands.
"Do ye remember the first time we sat on this bench love?"
"Yeah I do, we were so young."
"I know, only been datin for a year, still in high school."
"Now we're engaged."
"Yeah, we are love." He gave me a light kiss on the forehead. We sat there for a while, I don't think either of us knew, but we didn't care.

We went home later that day to get everything ready for Christmas. Lucy, Cynthia, and I wrapped some gifts for the boys. Cynthia got John a new hat and a harmonica. Since Lucy and Ringo have been together for a day she got him a new pair of drum sticks and since George didn't have a girlfriend she got him a new guitar and she was going to make him some biscuits in the morning. And I got Paul a bracelet and a new amp for his guitars.

Back at the boys apartment they were wrapping gifts as well. They were all there, Paul, John, Ringo, even George.
"So what did ye get Michelle?" Ringo asked. "Yeah, what did ye get the lovely bird."
"A necklace and a pair of earrings. What did ye get Cynthia, John?"
"A fur coat."
"HOW DID YE AFFORD THAT?" George came out of the kitchen, holding a sandwich.
"It was Mimi's, she gave it to me to give to Cyn. So Rings, what did ye get for Lucy?"
"I haven't been datin her long, so I just got her a new pair of heels, she looks very nice in red, so I got her these." He held up a nice pair of red heels. "Did ye get anythin for anyone George?"
"Yeah I got somethin for Jude."
"But ye two aren't datin."
"I know, that's why I'm giving it to Michelle to give to Jude."
"That's sweet, I hope she takes ye back." Paul patted Georges back.
"I hope so too."

Christmas went by rather fast and before we knew it, it was a new year, a new start, and hopefully, a new chance for our boys to become famous.

Hey guys, just a quick authors note. I just wanted to say that I'm going to be skipping the year 1961 and 1962 because I don't think anything major happened so next chapter will be in 1963. Alright, that's all. Ta!

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