Concert for George

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YEAR: 2002

A few months after George died, we all met up at Friar to think of things to do to honor his death. We all thought of a lot of things to do, but none of them seemed right.

"Maybe a nice garden," Jude suggested.
"No," John replied.
"A nice little museum," Lucy said.
"Where would it be?" John retored.
"Maybe a concert," I whispered.
"What was that love?" Paul chuckled.
"What if we had a concert for him,"
"That's a great idea!" John cheered.
"Yer just sayin that cause ye love her," Mary said under her breath.
"Who would be in the concert?" Dhani asked.
"Well, us obviously," John motioned to himself, Paul, and Ringo.
"My dad was close friends with Tom Petty and he started gettin close to Eric about 10 years ago, so they should definatly be there,"
"Billy Preston," Paul said.
"Good...who else?"
"Well if ye brought in Tom, yer gonna have to bring in the Heartbreakers," I joked.
"Alright!" John said.
"I was jokin John,"
"I don't care, it was a good idea,"
"Whatever," I slouched in my seat.
"Can I perform mum?" Dhani asked.
"Of course," she smiled.
"Can we dad?" Sean and Julian simultaniously asked.
"Sure I guess," John shrugged. "Do ye wanna perform Michelle? Yer good..."
"No, I'll just sit with the rest of the wives,"
"Alright, but if ye change yer mind, yer welcome to join,"
"Alright, thanks John,"

Weeks passed and we eventually got a hold of everyone we wanted to be in the concert. They all happily agreed and they all started practicing right away. A few times a week, all the guys would show up at Friar and practice for the conceret in November. While the guys were practicing, all the girls would come over to my house. All the kids and grandkids would come along too.

"So Mary, how are the kids?" I asked.
"They tire me out," she chuckled, "But I love 'em though,"
"Hey B, yer..." Stella started.
"7 months,"
"And yer having twins?"
"So they're due in October?"
"Mhmm, Dan and I are really excited! How are ye doin Heather?"
"Due any day now," she smiled.
"Are ye excited?" I asked.
"Yeah, I guess,"
"At least Polly's gonna be there when she's born,"
"Mum I don't know the gender," she chuckled.
"I think it's a girl,"
"Yeah, ye also thought that Polly was gonna be a boy,"
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.
"I heard my name," Polly said in a chipper voice as she walked into the room.
"Pol, what do ye think the gender of yer siblin is gonna be?"
"Oh, I think its a boy,"
"Why do ye think that?"
"I don't know,I just do,"
"Ah!" Heather said as she jumped up in her seat.
"Are ye alright mum?"
"Yeah...I'm fine..."
"Ye sure?"
"Yer lyin," I said, "what's wrong?"
"No, no, I'm fine. Really!" Soon Elliot walked though the living room and slipped right in front of Heather. "Are ye alright dear?" She asked.
"Its slippery!" he complained.
"Slippery?" I chuckled.
"Yeah!" he stood up and walked over to me. "See gram! My hands are wet!"
"Fuck," I whispered. "Mary clean him up and meet us at the hospital," I handed Elliot to Mary and helped Heather up from her chair.
"Mum I'm fine!"
"Heather honey! Yer in labor!"
"No I'm not!" she said as she cringed in pain.
"I've had 4 kids, I know when someones in labor. Now Polly, go grab the car keys and start the car,"
"Kay!" Polly did as I said and ran to the car.
"Let's go Heather," I walked her to the car.

Lucy, Lee, Jude, and Beatrice all got into one car, Mary and her kids got in another, Stella and her son got into her car, then Polly, Heather, and I got into the last car. We got an escort from a police officer so we got to the hospital in no time. The hospital admitted her right away.

"Someone call Julian," I said.
"No he's at band rehearsal. Don't bother him," Heather painfully said.
"Mum, dad needs to be here!"
"No he doesn't Polly!" Heather fought.
"Jude call him,"
"Breathe love," I grabbed her hand and guided her through everything.
"Don't yell at me Heather Louise Lennon!"
"Heather don't yell at yer mum, its disrespectful,"
Heather and I turned out heads to see who was standing in the doorway.
"Cynthia..." Heather sounded surprised.
"Where's my son? He should be here!"
"He's at band rehearsal,"
"Mmm, sounds like someone I know," she looked to me.
"That happened once and I told him to go," I chuckled. I got up from my seat and gave Cynthia a hug. "Nice to see ye again Cyn,"
"Who are ye?" Polly asked.
"I should ask ye the same thing," Cynthia retorted.
"I'm Polly Lennon,"
"Cynthia Lennon," the two girls shook hands. "Are ye Victoria's daughter?"
"No...I'm Heather's,"
"Yer my granddaughter..." Cynthia smiled and hugged Polly.
"AHH!" Heather yelled.
"Oh bloddy hell, where's my son!"

About 15 minutes later, Julian burst through the hospital door.

"How are ye doin?"
"Did ye really just ask that?"
"Sorry," he laughed.
"Excuse me, only the spouse can be in here," the nurse said.
"Alright," we all said.

Cynthia, Polly, and I joined everyone else in the waiting room.

When the boys finished rehearsal, everyone in the family came down to the hospital and waited for the new baby to be born. Around 9 o'clock, Heather was eligible for her c-section. They put her on her meds again and began operating. At 9:13 the baby was all washed up and Heathers stomach was sewn up.

"Its a gil Mrs. Lennon,"
"What do ye wanna name her?" Julian asked.
"I like it," Julian smiled.
"What should the middle name be?"
"I like yer grandmothers name, Eleanor,"
"My mums not gonna like that, she despised her mother,"
"Like...Monroe?" She laughed.
"Yeah, why not,"
"I like it but it doesn't flow,"
"Allison Rose Lennon... I love it,"

3 months passed and it was an exact year after George died. Today was an important day, we were honoring his death with a massive concert.

"Are ye nervous?" I asked Paul as I tied his tie.
"No, I'm more sad than anythin else,"
Soon we heard Beatrice and Heathers kids crying.
"Good luck," I sighed as I kissed his cheek, "I should go help them,"
"Mum, she won't stop cryin," Beatrice complained.
"Where's Dan?"
"He's sick and he didn't want the kids in the house, cause y'known they'd get sick too. Please calm Martha down, she's gonna wake Harley,"
"Alright," I took Martha from Beatrice's arms and began rocking her in my arms. "Where'd ye get the name Harley?" I whispered.
"Dan named her, I named Martha,"
"The shows gonna start soon...let's go to the audience,"
Beatrice picked Martha up and brought her to the audience. We met up with the rest of the family in the front row.

The concert was amazing. People sang songs that George wrote, Ringo preformed a song that he wrote just for George.

Near the end if the concert, John stepped up the the mic and began talking.

"I'd like for Paul's wife, Michelle, to please come up here," John said. I began shaking my head no as I held Martha in my arms. "C'mon Mich,"
"Go mum!" Mary cheered.
Before I knew it the entire audience was cheering for me to go up on stage. I handed Martha to Mary and walked on stage.
"Sing what?"
"What is life,"
"Please Mich," Paul said, "do it for George,"
"Fine," I huffed.

I walked up to the mic and looked out to the audience. Before I knew it, Eric and John began playing.

"What I feel, I can't say
But my love is there for you anytime of day
But if it's not love that you need
Then I'll try my best to make everything succeed

Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side

What I know, I can do
If I give my love now to everyone like you
But if it's not love that you need
Then I'll try my best to make ev'rything succeed

Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side
Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side

What I feel, I can't say
But my love is there for you any time of day
But if it's not love that you need
Then I'll try my best to make everything succeed

Tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side
Oh tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side

What is my life without your love
Tell me, who am I without you, by my side

Oh tell me, what is my life without your love
Tell me who am I without you by my side."

Everyone cheered and applauded. I smiled and did a little bow then walked back to my seat in the audience.

At the end of the concert Jude called Paul down from the stage and whispered something in his ear. He smiled, gave her a quick hug, and walked back on stage.

"Jude just told me to say, with Dhani up here, it looks like we all got old...but George stayed young."

All You Need Is LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora