Too Young

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YEAR: 1981

It was the day of Julian's graduation, and we were all there, John and Sean had flown in from New York, all the McCartney's were there, the Harrison's and Cynthia.

"Nice to see ye again Cyn," John politley said.
"Lennon," she scoffed.
"Can ye put our differences aside for a day? It's our son's graduation!"
"I'm not mad at ye John, well not anymore. I'm more mad at Heather and Julian,"
"Why? Cause she's pregnant? For god sake Cyn, their 18! We were 19. Michelle and Paul were 20, what's the big deal?"
"I didn't want them to end up like us!"
"Ye don't want him to be a famous rockstar?"
"Shut up!" Heather yelled from behind them.
"We don't have to listen to ye preggy!" Cynthia said with a snotty tone in her voice.
"Fuck ye," Heather got up and waked out of the auditorium.
"That wasn't necessary Cyn," Paul said as he got up from his chair. He chased Heather out of the auditorium. He found her leaning against a wall, crying. "Don't listen to her Heather," he said while giving her a hug.
"Why does Cynthia hate me?" she cried.
"She doesn't hate ye, she's just upset that ye got pregnant this young,"
"What made ye pick me?"
"There was somethin different about ye. Somethin that I just fell in love with. When I saw the little shimmer in yer eye, I knew I had to have ye,"
"When Mary came along, did ye love me any less? Ye know, since she was yer first child,"
"Heather, ye were our first real child. Yer mother may not have given birth to ye but yer always gonna be our first," he leaned in and whispered, "and our favorite,"
Heather dried her eyes and gave him another hug, "I love ye dad,"
"I love ye too. Now let's go see yer boyfriend get outta high school," they laughed and walked back into the auditorium together.

As soon as everyone offically graduated, Heather was the first one to walk over to Julian and give him a hug.

"Aw, yer belly's gettin so big," he smiled as he cupped her stomach.
"Stop it," she chuckled. "Congratulations Jules," she said as he put his arms around her. They walked back to us with smiles on their faces; we all congratulated Julian.
"Conrats Julian!" Dhani yelled.
"Thanks little dude," Julian gave him a high five.
As we all talked, some of Julian's classmates laughed at Heather.
"Is there a problem?" Heather said.
"Ye don't deserve Julian! Yer pregnant! Ye fuckin ruined his life!"
"Fuck off," she rolled her eyes at the immature girls.
"Yer gonna be fat on yer weddin day!" they laughed.
"I don't care! I could show up lookin like Lucy Starkey on her weddin day, and he'd still love me!"
"Well," the two girls looked to each other and snickered, "at least we're not adopted!"
"She's not yer real daughter, why are ye defendin her?" they cackled some more.
"At least we're not pregnant," they continued laughing.
"Jules, get her out of here. Last thing we need is her gettin stressed,"
"Kay, c'mon Heather," he led her out of the auditorium.
"Stop fuckin talkin about her like that," I got in their faces, "Yer just jealous because her father and fiance are famous. Fuckin grow up!"
The girls stopped laughing and walked away.
"Wow Mich, I've never seen ye get that mad before. It's kinda hot," Paul chuckled.
"Shut it McCartney,"
"Alright, yer mad, I won't mess with ye,"
"Thank ye. Let's just go home,"
Paul and I hugged everyone and said our goodbyes. We gathered our kids and began walking to the car. As we walked to the car, we saw Heather breathing heavily and leaning against her car. I let go of Beatrice's hand and ran to her.
"What's wrong Heather?" she contiuned breathing heavily and looking at the ground. I grabbed her face and mad her look at me. "What's wrong! Answer me dammit!"
"I-I think I'm in labor," she kept hyperventialting.
"No, no, ye can't's too early! Yer barley 7 months!" I slammed my hand against the car. "Fuck! Get in the car! Julian, I'll be right back!" Julian nodded furiously and got Heather into the car. I ran back to Paul after instructing Julian.
"What's wrong with Heather?"
"She thinks she's in labor, I'm gonna go to the hospital with her, take the kids home," I gave him a quick kiss, "I love ye," I ran away before he could respond. I hopped into the car with Heather and Julian. Julian was driving and I was in the back with Heather, holding her hand. "Breathe Heather,"
"I'M TRYIN MUM!" she cried.
"I'm too fuckin young to be a grandmother," I sighed.
When we arrived at the hospital, the receptionist looked surprised.
"Next generations already havin kids?"
"We need help! Now!" I said.
"What's wrong with her?"
"She's 7 months pregnant and she's sayin that she's in labor,"
"Oh my-" she began flipping through paperwork, "ye can go in now. Ye know where the delivery rooms are,"
"Thank ye. C'mon Heather," I began walking her to an open room. "Shit yer lucky yer the daughter of a famous person,"
"Why?" she said, trying to distract herself.
"Cause if ye weren't, you'd be sittin in that lobby for a good hour, before someone brought ye in, and checked ye out,"
"Well then, thanks for adoptin me," she chuckled.
"Stop sayin that,"
"It's true though,"
"But I don't see ye as adopted," I grabbed her hand, "I see ye as my first kid, my little miracle,"
"I thought ye had a miscarriage in America?"
"I did, but do ye think I was expectin ye? No, I wasn't! Actually, all of ye were surprises,"
"No one was planned?" she painfully chuckled.
"Well, ye kinda were, y'know, by yer father. But Mary, Stella, James, and don't even get me started on B, none of ye were planned,"
"B must've been an unpleasant surprise," she chuckled while squeezing the life out of my hand.
"I mean love her but man, I was only ready for one," we laughed together, "lucky duck, yer only havin one,"
"How do ye know?"
"I've had 3 kids, and a set of twins, I know the difference love,"
"Wait, 3?" she became confused.
"I was 7 months before stuff went bad in America, so I like to count it," I gave her a smirk.
"Like me..." her voice died out.
"Yes but there's a difference, my baby died, I'm sure yers will be just fine,"
"Ye don't know that!"
"Heather," I chuckled, "if yer were havin a miscarrage, you'd be bleedin all over the place," I sighed, "With my luck, my miscarrage happened at the end of yer father's first big concert,"
"Oh, that's awful,"
"No, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't have ye,"
Heather began tearing up.
"I love ye mum," she clung to my arm.
"I love ye too," I gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Soon Heather began groaning in pain; she let go of my hand and latched herself onto Julian. She was constantly complaining to Julian and I. After about and hour and a half, the doctor came in to see what was wrong with Heather.
"What seems to be the problem Mrs. Lennon?"
"I'm not married yet...please call me Heather,"
"Alright, Heather, what happened? What were ye doin today?"
"I went to my boyfriend's graduation,"
"Is that it?"
"She was bein harassed by a few of his classsmates," I said.
"That could do it,"
"Do what?" Heather became concerned.
"Pre-mature birth, also since yer so young, y'know stuff like casues pre-mature births,"
"So I am in labor?" Heather's breathing became heavy again.
"Yes, ye should be ready to push soon," he patted her leg, "best of luck to ye honey," the doctor stood up from his chair and walked out.

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