First day

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~10 am opening time~
Marionette's P.O.V.~
There's not usually that many children in here for the first part of the day, but even though there were only about 15 kids in the establishment, all of them immediately noticed JJ. They all ran over to us and started asking questions, like:

"Are you new here?"
"You're beautiful!"
"Are you staying?!"

JJ just couldn't stop laughing. Finally the staff had to lure the children away from us so that we could breathe.

I couldn't stop looking over at her. Her laugh sounded so light and bubbly. Her hair was so night black, that you could practically see the moon and all of the stars intertwined into it. And those eyes...those eyes shone brighter than any gem, brighter than any star.

I could hold her hand. Is that romantic at all? I think it is. I've seen people do it tons of times on TV. It shouldn't be that hard, can it?

I looked out at all of the children, who were all in the arcade, earning tickets so that they could come back over to us and get stuff from JJ and I.

Then I looked back over at JJ. She was just staring at the entrance doors, completely in another world. This was my chance! I slowly crept my hand over to hers, but before I could reach it, she pulled her hand up to scratch her ear. She wasn't making this easy, that's for sure.

JJ's P.O.V.~
I could see Marionette trying to reach for my hand. Wow! This boy actually thinks he can get away with that? I pulled my hand up to my ear to scratch it, even though it didn't even itch. I like to play 'hard to get'.

I could see him out of the corner of my eye, pouting, and I had to hold back my laughter. It was the cutest face ever. I kind of felt sorry for him, so I just walked over to him and asked him a random question.

"So Marionette? When does the restaurant close?" I asked as I slowly slipped my hand into his, and I gave him my cutest smile. Marionette just stood there like a deer in headlights.
" think it c-closes at 8:30." he stammered as his cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh really? Thanks! Just wondering!"
Then we started talking and stuff.  But on my mind right now, was how I was going to tell him how I really felt about him, and what he would say in return.

JJ and the MarionetteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang