Sisterly Arguements

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Marionette's P.O.V.~
It's about 11:30 pm right now, the doors of the pizzeria closed well over an hour ago, and I haven't seen that little boy, that Scarlet was talking to earlier, leave. I did see him head to the bathrooms, but I didn't see him leave. Strange...I turned to JJ. She knew her better than anyone in the entire facility.

"JJ?" I asked her. She turned away from whatever she was doing.


"Have you seen anything suspicious going on with Scarlet today? It looks like she' something."

" you want me to check?"

"You can if you want to."

So she did! She walked over to Scarlet, who was leaning against the stage, and talked to her. The two of them chatted for a bit, before JJ finally walked back over to me.

"Well?" I asked.

"Nothing seems suspicious to me," she said, and jumped back behind the counter. "Besides, she's always like that. It's not like that should make her suspicious or anything."

Suddenly, I heard the clock strike midnight, and I watched as all of the toys came to life. But, as soon as all of the toys were awake, I quickly noticed that Scarlet was no longer leaning on the stage. In fact, I don't know where she went. It's like she disappeared into thin air.



"Where's Scarlet?"

JJ's P.O.V.~
"Where's Scarlet?"

I looked around frantically for my sister, but I didn't see her anywhere. "If she seriously tries to sneak up on me, so help me, I'll-" My thoughts were interrupted by someone whispering "Psst" in my ear. I looked behind me, but no one was there. I knew almost immediately that it was my sister.

"What do you want?" I whispered to her invisible self, just quiet enough, so that Marionette wouldn't hear.

"I need to talk to you! Meet me in the women's bathroom," she quietly replied back.

"Why there?"

"Because nobody actually goes inside the bathrooms. Duh!"

"Ok, fine!" After that small conversation was over, I could hear her move towards the hallway that held the bathrooms. I waited a few minutes before heading over there myself.
I've never been to this part of the facility before, because I mainly am supposed to stay in the prize corner. It was actually kind of spooky. Pretty dim lighting. But that might just be for at night, to conserve power, you know?
At the end of the hallway was a metal door that said 'Parts and Services' on it, which I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to enter, to the left was a doorway leading who knows where, and to the right was the bathrooms. Finally! I entered the women's bathroom very quietly, and leaned up against the wall near the sinks.

"Well? What do you want to talk about?" I asked Scarlet, who was probably somewhere in the room where I couldn't see her.

"About this!" She answered as she walked into the bathroom...with the boy from earlier behind her!! Ok. I know that she's done some crazy stuff in her life, but this is ridiculous! Children aren't supposed to be in here after hours, and I tried to make that very clear to her, but she just crossed her arms and raised one eyebrow.

"JJ, Carter doesn't live anywhere! I thought it would be nice for him to stay here for just one night! It's not that big of a deal!" She said with that angry tone in her voice that I know and don't like. She walked out of the bathroom and into the dim hallway, but I followed her, because I demand answers!

"Yes! It is a big deal! You're breaking the rules! And Carter? Who the heck is Carter?!" I asked, my voice slightly rising in volume. My sister looked a bit flustered.

"That's..." She looked behind her at the boy who was now hiding behind her. "...what I decided to call him..." She whipped her head back to face me, this time, with her hands on her hips. "Is that a problem?!" Ok! She had just crossed the line right there! I'm officially very mad at her right now!

I took a deep breath, facepalmed myself, then said,"'re NOT supposed to name him...once you NAME him, you start getting ATTACHED TO HIM!!" My voice was incredibly loud now. I was full on shouting! "NOW PUT THAT BOY BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM, OR SO HELP ME-"

"OR WHAT!? ARE YOU GOING TO PUNISH ME?! OH NO! I'M SO SCARED!!!" She interrupted, shouting back at me sarcastically, her hair starting to spark. But I didn't really care at that moment. She deserved to know that what she was doing is wrong!

"MAYBE I WILL!" I said, shoving her a bit. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! BURN ME TO DEATH?!"

"YOU KNOW I'M VERY WELL CAPABLE OF DOING THAT, JULIE J. GARCIA!" She shouted with an evil grin on her face.

"DO NOT CALL ME BY MY FULL NAME!!! YOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE THAT!! MISS SCARLET MARIA THORNDIKE!!! WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO RUIN SOMETHING ELSE FOR A CHANGE!!" As soon as I said that, I immediately regretted it. I knew that I had made a big mistake, and I tried to take it back, but it was too late. Carter was now up against the wall, quivering in fear. There was fire in Scarlet's eyes, and her hair was completely on fire now, too. I knew that she was going to try and hurt me.

"THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE!?" She threw a giant chain at me, that had magically appeared in her hand. It wrapped itself around me, and threw me against the wall. As I was hunched over in pain, she continued shouting.

"ADMIT IT! I'M JUST AN EMBARRASSMENT TO YOU!" She tried throwing the chain at me again, but I quickly rolled out of the way. I pulled a pipe off the wall to attack with. "I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU!!"

"I WOULDN'T WANT TO FIGHT ME EITHER!!" She attacking me again, but I quickly counter-attacked, hitting her with the pipe, which sent her flying.


"I DON'T CARE!!" She stomped her foot like a little kid, and threw her chain at me, it now getting caught on the pipe.



"I'M NOT JUST GONNA LET YOU STAND THERE AND REMIND ME OF EVERYTHING THAT I HATE ABOUT MYSELF!!" She whipped the chain, causing the pipe to fly out of my hands and hit me in the face. Everything was blurry for a bit, but I soon saw Scarlet run, tears running down her face, straight into the Parts and Service room.

"No..." I could feel myself slowly pass out. "Anywhere but there..."

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