When the star is seen!

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Little Scarlet's P.O.V.~
"COME ON, JAMIE!!!" I said as I pulled my brother along. Toby was helping me, by the way. We were so close to Freddy's, that I started to reach out for the door handle.

"Scarlet! Calm down! We are on the other side of the parking lot!" Jamie laughed. I started to laugh with him. Jamie is so silly. He's the best big brother EVER!

I start to drag him across the parking lot, when suddenly I get tackled to the ground. I opened my eyes to find a very familiar face staring at me.

"JADE!" I shouted as I wrapped my arms around the blue masked gal and gave her a hug. I looked up to see her older brother, Timothy. "Hi, Timmy!" I said cheerfully, and gave him a smile. He waved and smiled back, then he started to talk about big kid stuff with Jamie.

Did I mention that Timmy was dressed up as Freddy? And that Jamie was dressed up as Goldie? And that Toby was dressed up as Foxy the Pirate? I would have dressed up too, but I just decided to stick with my normal attire.

"MOVE YE WEE CHILDREN!! PURPLE PEOPLE COMING THROUGH!!" Shouted another girl, coming full speed at us. "AHHHHHH-"
*CRASH* I groaned. I think she elbowed me in the stomach that time.

"-Donnatalia Queen...the next time we meet up, please do it like a normal person, and slow down," I groaned again. The purple haired, purple masked gal hopped up and helped me to my feet.

"Sorry! I'm just excited! This is Oliver and Mason's first time to Freddy's!" she said excitedly. "Ok...I know who Oliver is, that's you right there," I said as I pointed at the little boy dressed up as Bonnie the bunny. "But...who the heck is Mason?"

"That would be me..." a quiet voice said from behind Oliver. A boy about my age stepped out from behind him, and he was dressed up almost like a puppet. "I'm Mason...hi..." he mumbled. Shy kid.

I was about to respond, when all of a sudden, I heard Jade scream from behind me, "LOOK OUT! HERE COMES THE CRAZY TRAIN!!" Oh jeez...

I turned around just in time to hear a high-pitched voice scream-sing, "I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!!!" extremely off-key, before I got tackled to the ground AGAIN!! It wouldn't take a genius to figure out who it was...

"Natalie Oswald..." I spoke calmly, but couldn't keep it in any longer. "WHY?! EVERYTIME!! I AM LEGITIMATELY ANGRY NOW!!! I AM LEGITIMATELY FREAKING ANGRY!!!! I DON'T KNOW IF YOU CAN TELL, IN THE TONE OF MY VOICE, BUT I AM FREAKING ANGRY!!!!" I shouted at her.

She squeaked and tried to hide behind Mason, the only person who didn't know her, and probably wouldn't care? WRONG! Well, the part about not caring, I mean.

"Woman, go away..," was all that he said, and with a straight face, too. What is wrong with this kid? It's like all of the life has been sucked out of him...oh well. Mommy says that I shouldn't judge people, anyways.

"Well, what are we waiting for?! LET'S GO!!" squealed Natalie's little sister, Samantha. She was 3 years old, and was dressed like Chica the Chicken. I smiled at the little girl.

Without another word, Toby started to drag both me AND Jamie to the pizzeria doors, same with everybody else, each being dragged by the other. Mason just sulked along, like he didn't even want to be here.

Before we opened the doors, I turned my head to look behind me, doing a head count.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11...12...13...14...15..," I slowed down. Something wasn't right here...I swear there were only 9 people, including myself, before. I turned my head, and sure enough, those weird looking robots from last night were standing there. They were following me everywhere, but I didn't expect them to follow me here!

I turned to Jamie. "I see them. They are right over there," I whispered to him, and pointed in their direction. I had told him everything that had happened last night. Jamie looked over at them, raised one eyebrow, and looked back down at me.

"Can only you see them? I don't see anything. Only cars," he replied, patting my head. I nodded. Nobody could see them but me. Kids my age call me stupid, a retard even, because they don't believe I can't see the past, the future, and worst of all, the dead, walking around as if they are still alive. It scares me.

"Why don't you walk over and say hi?" smiled Jamie. Seriously? Well ok...

I shuffled my way over to the nicest looking one. She had brown hair with pink highlights, and a heart shaped necklace. She smiled at me and bent down to my eye level.

"Hello, little one! What's your name?" she asked me. Her voice sounded very smooth and friendly, but something told me that that was probably something that she said every single day...

"One question, though...Past or Future?" I asked her. She looked at me strangely, which isn't surprising to me. I'm used to it. They always get confused when I ask that question. "Are you from the past, or are you from the future?"

"Depends," she replied. "What year is it?"

"1976," I answer proudly. "Now, back to the question, and THEN I will tell you my name."

Her eyes widened at my response, but mellowed down just as quickly. "Ok...last time I checked it was 1986...so future?" She said questioningly, still unsure about what I was saying.

"Cool! I usually never see people from the future, I usually see people from the past! Anyways, the name is Scarlet, Scarlet Maria Thorndike! I have so many questions to ask! What am I like in the future? What do I look like? What do me brothers look like? Jamie and Toby? How about my friends? What do they look like?" I asked, probably way too fast.

The animatronic looked at me strangely. Then she said something I thought I would never have to hear in my life.

"Jamie? Toby? I'm sorry...but who are they? I don't recall you having siblings..."

JJ and the Marionetteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें