Coma nightmares

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JJ's P.O.V.~
5 days until the party...

I could slowly feel myself waking up, but surprisingly, not in Freddy Fazbear's. It looked like a child's bedroom.

"What did he do this time?"

I was startled, looking around everywhere, but I saw no sign of the source of a voice.

"He locked you in your room again, didn't he?"

He? Who's he? I yawned, placed one hand on the bed, and heard a cute little "honk", which startled me and caused me to draw my hand away. I looked down at what I had placed my hand on, and to my surprise, there was a yellow bear plushie, smiling at me. It kind of scared me at first, but it scared me even more when it started to talk.

"Don't be scared. I am here with you."

Ok. That's creepy. I might as well look around this room while I have the chance. I jumped off the bed, and walked over to a pile of stuffed animals on the floor. They looked kind of like, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, but Foxy's head was missing! What's up with that!? I picked one up.

"These are my friends," I thought to myself, and I put the stuffed animal back. There was a mirror near the door of my bedroom. I walked over to it. I was curious about what I looked like.

I gasped. I looked exactly like Carter, but something was different about this image then when I first saw him.

There were tears dripping down my face, my eyes red from crying, and I looked utterly terrified. What is happening? I looked back at, what I assumed to be, Carter's bed, and saw that the yellow bear's eyes were following me. Ok. Now THAT is creepy! I've got to get out of here!

I ran to the door and turned the knob, but it didn't open. I tried again, and again, and again. The door still wouldn't budge. I started to panic. What if nobody was coming to let me out? What if someone forgot about me? What if nobody cared about me?

That last question hit me hard, like a bullet. I collapsed to the ground, curled up in a ball, and started crying. I was crying rivers, and I was doing it very loudly. That last question kept repeating in my head, over and over, I couldn't get it to stop.

"Nobody cared about me! Nobody cared! Nobody cares! Nobody cares!"

I heard a loud knock on the door, but my mind chose to ignore it. I was in too much emotional pain to answer it, anyways. More questions kept flooding into my mind.

"Nobody cared about him, either! Is this what it feels like to be alone?! Is this why my sister acts the way she does?! Because she thinks nobody cares?! What does this mean?!"

I heard the doorknob jiggle. I stopped rocking back and forth, and just stared at the door. Was someone there? Had someone come to save me? More banging on the door. Then, low and behold, I heard a very familiar voice.


I was too astonished to say anything. Marionette had come to save me? More banging.


I tried to speak, but my voice was tired out by how much I had been crying. It felt like sandpaper.

"JJ!! Wake up!!"

What!? I couldn't think anymore, because then the question popped back into my head, causing me to continue crying. But, I could slowly hear the question fade away, and Marionette's demand growing louder, as I returned to darkness.

"Nobody cared about me!"







"Wake up!!"

JJ and the MarionetteWhere stories live. Discover now