I saw her standing there!

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Marionette P.O.V.~
Everybody here has told me that there is no such thing as love at first sight. However, that all changed when I saw her heading my way.

I was freaking out so much. The entire time I was thinking, "OMG! She's walking over here! She's the girl I've been dreaming of for so long! And now she's here! HERE! It's like she's walking in slow motion! She's looking at me! OH MEH GURD SHE'S LOOKING AT ME! Calm down Marionette! Where is that paper bag?! I'm hyperventilating! Ehhhhh!" I grabbed it and started breathing into it! I didn't even notice she was standing there, staring at me until-

"Um...are you ok?"

Oh god!

I threw the bag across the room, turned around and smiled like an idiot.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine! How are you? I'm Marionette!" I said with that big smile still plastered on my face.

"Man! She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" I thought. She returned the smile.

"Um...I'm fine. I'm JJ."

"That's a cool name! So..." I looked into her eyes. Those eyes...they shone just like the stars!
"You have beautiful eyes!" I told her.

JJ's P.O.V.~
"You have beautiful eyes!" He told me.
I hid my blush. He was nice, cute, and caring, anything that a girl could ask for. I liked him.

"Thank you!"

He looked away for a second, then he looked back at me.

"So...do you want me to show you around or-"
I didn't wait for a response.

"Sure! I'd love it if you'd give me a tour!" I smiled. I really wanted to spend more time with him. He seemed like someone who I could be friends with...
Or even more!

He smiled in response and gestured me to follow him.

"Come on!" he said. "Let me show you around!"

JJ and the MarionetteWhere stories live. Discover now