Dreams can come true...

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Flashback to about an hour and a half ago...
Foxy's P.O.V.~
All I can see is darkness. It always was and always will be dark in here, except for the few times that an employee just so happens to come back here and tear us apart even more.

We only get to wander from midnight until 6 AM, but even then, we don't act like the friendly animatronics that we used to be like. Something takes control of us, and it causes us to do strange things, like talk about people whom we don't even know.

I was pondering these thoughts a lot, especially during the quiet time sometime before midnight, when the janitor had finished cleaning and had already left. But as soon as the clock struck midnight, I could feel my machinery slowly whirring to life.

I watched as the rest of my friends came to life as well. I knew that the toys wouldn't bother us, since none of them would ever dare to step foot in here. The Parts & Service's room is kind of like death to them. They think that once you go in, you never come back out.

I kind of didn't like to talk to my friends much, and they respected that. So, I just sat there and listened to them talk about complete strangers. That was, until I heard loud voices coming from somewhere near the bathrooms.

"...NOW PUT THAT THAT BOY BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM, OR SO HELP ME..." yelled one of the voices. I could tell she was female, and one of the animatronics here. But, it wasn't Toy Chica or Mangle, and Chica was in here with us. So she must be that new animatronic that was found about 2 days ago in an alley.

"OR WHAT?! ARE YOU GOING TO PUNISH ME?! OH NO! I'M SO SCARED!!" replied the other voice sarcastically. My ears perked up. That voice sounded female, human, and all too familiar to me. I just couldn't put my finger on her name! It was right on the tip of my tongue!

This arguing went on for a while, until it started to sound like it was getting brutal out there. I pushed myself further into the corner where I was sitting. I was shaking all over. What were they doing?

It wasn't until I heard sobbing and running footsteps coming closer to the door, that I made myself go limp to look like I was still turned off. All of my friends did the same thing.

Moments later, the door flew open, and someone ran inside and slammed the door behind her. She crumpled down to the floor and started to cry into her knees.

I wanted to go over there and give her a hug and tell her that everything was going to be O.K., but I knew that I shouldn't. It would be too risky.

After a couple of minutes of crying, she stood up and locked the door to Parts & Service's. I guess she doesn't want anyone to follow her. A few seconds later, the doorknob rattled, as if someone was trying to get in. The girl jumped and ran over to the only wall in the room that was not covered in wires and cables.

There was a faint red glow, and then she stepped through the wall. Then, she was gone. I remember standing up and walking over to the wall myself. But, before I could walk through it, someone stood in front of me, as if trying to stop me.

"What do ye want, Goldie? Can't ye see that I'm trying to follow her?" I asked the golden bear. Goldie sighed and looked at the floor.

"If you're going after her..." he said softly as he lowered his hands. "Then I'm coming with you!"

End of flashback...

I stood in front of a little lassie who looked an awful lot like the lass I was following. She was shaking with fear, which of course made me feel terrible. I wasn't exactly the prettiest sight to see.

"It's ok...I'm not going to hurt ye..." I said calmly and reassuring to her. The little lassie looked at me and gave me a crooked smile.

"I know..." she said. "You just scawed me..." She hugged the little plushie that looked like me, tighter. There were also 2 other plushies on the bed with her, and both of them were golden. I couldn't see them well, since they were deep in the shadows, but I swear I saw one of them moving...

"Well then, I'm gonna go, so that ye can get ye beauty sleep. Good night," I said to her as I turned around and started to walk out of the room. The little lass begged for me to come back, so of course I turned around to see her again.

"What's wrong?" I asked her in a calm voice. She pointed at her closet. I don't know why children think that there's something in there. It's strange...

"It's just a closet..." I told her. She then frowned, stuck her hand under her pillow, and pulled out a few pieces of paper with drawings on them. She held one up for me to see. It was a drawing of a very torn up looking robot, dangling from the ceiling with its mouth wide open. The weird thing is that it's head kind of looked like Mangle's...

"Hey! That looks like Mangle!" I said as I looked closer at the picture. The little lassie nodded. I sighed. I think I'm starting to figure out what she's implying.

"Ye think that she's going to come out of the closet and scare ye?" I asked her. She nodded again. I walked over to the closet with my hand on my forehead. "Oh jeez! How am I supposed to do this?" I mumbled to myself. "Um...its empty!" I said as I swung the door open. "See?!" She shrieked and hid under her covers.

"No monsters in here!" I told her as I walked into the closet. I turned around and faced the little lump on the bed. She slowly emerged from under her covers and looked at me. I was still in the closet, probably looking really stupid, too.

"...Well now there is..." I said sarcastically. At this, the little lassie flashed me a smile. I felt all warm inside. Her smile faded after a while. "But I'm not going to scare ye!" I said as I exited the closet and shut the door. "I'm off duty."

Her expression didn't change. I sighed, and pulled a chair, that was nearby, in front of the closet door, and sat on it.

"How about I just sit here...until ye fall asleep?" She just sat there, staring at me with tired eyes. "Ok um..." What could I do to make her fall asleep? "Go to sleep hmm hmm...uh now!" She just kept staring at me.

"Uhhh...ye..." I pointed at her.
"Go..." I made a walking motion with my hand.
"To..." I held up two fingers.
"Sleep!" I rested my head on the top of my hands, and started to make really loud snoring noises. I could hear her giggling through my closed eyes. Then, her giggling stopped suddenly. I opened my eyes, and looked at the now sleeping lassie.

I smiled and walked out of the room, even though I knew that the toys were out there. Before I could even turn the corner to face them, I blinked, and it was daytime. I stumbled back a bit.

I watched the little lassie practically zoomed down the hallway to her big brother's room. I could hear her shouting, "JAMIE! JAMIE! JAMIE! IT'S MORNING TIME! TIME TO GO TO FWEDDY'S!" She started to drag him out of his bedroom, still half sleeping.

"But Scarlet...let me wake up first!" He laughed. He wrangled himself out of the little lassie's grasp, and head back to his bedroom. "Why don't you wake up Toby and invite some of your friends to come along with us while I get dressed?"

"Yes! I'll go do that right now!" she shouted as she zoomed off towards her little brother's bedroom. After he was awake, Scarlet ran downstairs, grabbed her little backpack, grabbed the phone, and made 3 phone calls. When Jamie was all dressed and ready, Scarlet and Toby grabbed each of his hands, and dragged him out the door, to head to the last place where Scarlet ever smiled.

Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

(OMG! 1460 words! ITS SOOOOO LONG!! Sorry if it's not that good! I'm just trying to get through Scarlet's past as quickly as possible, so that we can get to the actual story story XD)

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