A little push

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Marionette's P.O.V.~
There are so many questions rushing through my head right now. Who is that girl talking to JJ? Has she come to interfere with our relationship? I decided to walk over there and see for myself.

"Here. Play with this," I told the little boy, who was now behind the counter, as I gave him a Freddy plushie off the shelf. The boy gave me a weak smile. I walked out from behind the counter and started to walk over to the two girls.

JJ's P.O.V.~
I could see Marionette starting to walk over to us. I turned back to my sister.

"He's walking over here! What do I do?" I whispered to her quickly. I'd already told her everything that had happened since I'd arrived even though she probably watched the whole thing. She had told me that she would help me in anyway that she could.

"Just introduce me to him, act nice, and give him a smile. I want to see if this boy is the right one for you!" She whispered back.

"I still haven't forgotten about what you did to the last one I dated!" I said, giving her a glare. I still cringe thinking about it. Let's just say, the boy broke my heart, I started crying, my sister saw the entire thing, she got really angry, and my ex ended up in the hospital! Um...yeah...her motto now is "She's my sister. You break her heart, I'll break your face!"

She was surprised. "'Ey, he deserved it!" she said, shooting her hands up in defense.

By the time she finished, Marionette was right next to me, looking at us weirdly.

"Um...JJ...who is this?" he asked, pointing at my sister.

"Marionette, this is my sister, Scarlet! Scarlet, this is Marionette, my...um...friend," I replied, hesitating a bit on the 'friend' part. Did I seriously just friend zone him? Scarlet smiled.
"Hi!" she said. Marionette raised an eyebrow.

"Um...Scarlet, can I talk to JJ alone?!" Marionette asked.

"Sure!" Scarlet replied as she quickly scooted over to the prize corner. Marionette turned back to me and sighed.

"I didn't know you had a sister," he said. "No offense...but she's strange!" I laughed.

"She can be!" I answered. "One time, she forgot what snow was, so when she saw it, she started acting like Jack Skelington from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She was prancing everywhere, saying "What's this? What's this?" She looked weird!" Marionette started laughing. I didn't even notice Scarlet sneak up behind him.

"That was an interesting story about-" Marionette started to say, but was interrupted by shouting behind him.

"WOAH!" Scarlet half-spoke, half-shouted. Marionette was practically shoved forward by Scarlet, until he was about 1 inch away from my face. I could feel my heart racing. He was blushing madly. But he quickly straighten himself up, and whipped his head around to face Scarlet. She shot her hands up in defense.

"Someone pushed me, I swear!" She replied frantically. I just shrugged it off. She tried, but it wasn't a very good strategy. I guess tomorrow we'd just have to try again.

I walked back to the prize corner to look for the little boy I set down there earlier, but I didn't see him anywhere. All that was there was a little Freddy plushie.

"Marionette, where is the boy?" I asked.
"I don't know. He was there when I last saw him." he replied. We both started looking frantically for him, until Marionette tapped me on the shoulder.

"What? Did you find him?" I asked.

"Yes! He's over there...with HER!" He answered as he turned my head to look the direction that he was looking. No! He's with Scarlet!? Scarlet has never seen a child in her life! She doesn't know how to treat them! I could see her staring down at him.

Then, she did something I didn't even expect her to do. She got down on her knees, eye level with the child, and said, "Hi, sweetie! I'm Scarlet! What's your name?"

JJ and the MarionetteWhere stories live. Discover now