The nameless child

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(Just FYI, Scarlet's thoughts are strange! Like, she knows NOTHING about the human race, except that they are called humans...yeah!)
Scarlet's P.O.V.~
I looked down at the tiny human that was standing next to me. I didn't know what to do, but for some reason, I knew I had to treat it with care, not like how I treat most people. JJ told me once that these small humans were called children. Why is it so short? Eh! Whatever! It doesn't matter! I got down on my knees so that I could actually see the small child.

"Hi sweetie! I'm Scarlet! What's your name?" I asked him. I assumed he was a boy, judging on the hair, and the way his face was shaped. (I warned Ya! Her thoughts are weird! XD) The little boy looked at me, as if he was in deep thought. Then, tears started to form in his eyes.
"I-I don't know! Nobody's ever given me a name!" he said. Aw! Poor thing! I wiped away a tear that was sliding down his cheek.

"Don't cry. It's ok. Would you like to have a name?" I asked him. The boy's eyes immediately lit up.

"Yes, please!" he replied quickly, a small smile forming on his face. I thought for a moment, then it came to me.

"How about I name you Carter?" I asked. He smiled.

"Sure!" He said excitedly. He suddenly rushed forward and gave me a hug. I'm not the type of person who likes hugs as much as I used to, but I did what was right, and slowly returned it. Then, a voice came over the intercom.

"Attention! Freddy's will be closing in 15 minutes. Please remember to visit us again soon!"

Wow! Time flies! I looked the boy in the eyes.
"Where are your parents? I'll escort you to them." I asked him. This brought more tears to his eyes.

"M-my mother is dead, and my dad is a criminal," he cried. "I don't live anywhere. I-I usually stay in an alley right next to this place, in a box. Not a small box, but one of those giant boxes that hold 80 inch TV's. It's actually quite comfy."

I was surprised by his explanation, but then, I had an idea. I motioned him to come closer.
"Between you and me, you can stay here tonight," I whispered in his ear. His eyes widened.

"Really?! Oh thank you so much!" He whisper-shouted as he gave me yet another hug. So, we sat there and talked about what we would do. So, he's gonna go hide in the boy's bathroom and wait until midnight to come out. Then, we would have so much fun! Now all we had to do was wait...

(I'm sorry if this chapter is terrible! I wrote half of this while I was watching Dance Moms, and the other half while I was half asleep. So yeah...)

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