My sister's past

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JJ's P.O.V.~
When I woke up, I found myself in a long, dark hallway. The walls had fancy wallpaper with white trim on them. At least my eyes were finally adjusting to the dark.

I stood up, put one hand on the wall, and slowly guided my way down the hall. I walked for only a little bit before my hand stopped touching the wall, and started touching the air.

I looked over to my left. There was a great, big staircase leading down to the first floor, which meant that I was upstairs. I looked around one more time before I quietly started to head down the stairs.

I was about halfway down the stairs before I heard the soft "pitter-patter" of tiny little feet. I turned around and looked back up at the top of the stairs. What I saw, astonished me.

I just had time to see 2 little children walking past the top of the stairwell. One of them was a boy, and the other one was a girl. Near the middle of the stairs, the boy looked like he was about to fall asleep, so the girl picked him up and started to carry him. It was probably the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

I waited until the 2 children were out of my sight before I slowly crept back up the stairs and started to follow them. I followed them down the hallway until we got to a room fit for a little boy.

I watched from the doorway as the girl carefully put the boy into his bed, tucked him in, kissed him on his forehead, and said quietly, "Goowd night, Towby!"

Toby smiled in his sleep and rolled over onto his side. When the girl started to walk back out of the room, I quickly hid behind the door. She walked only a few doors down before entering another room, which I assumed was her bedroom.

I was about to follow her in, when I heard a quick gasp, and the girl ran out of her room and closed the door quickly but quietly behind her. She was trembling with fear.

I watched as she quickly shuffled her way down the hallway, to another door, and pushed it open. I heard the sound of floorboards creaking behind me, and quickly whipped my head around, only to find a certain puppet with a mouthful of my hair.

"Bleh!" Marionette said as he spit my hair out of his mouth. I quickly took my hand and clasped it over his mouth.

"Shhhh, she'll hear us!" I whispered as I pointed at the girl down the hall. He tried to speak, but a voice from behind him spoke for him.

"She already knows that we're here, ya know." I looked behind Marionette to find a startling surprise.

"Toy Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, and Mangle? How the heck did you guys get here? Is Carter with you?" I asked.

"Uhh we followed you, duh!" answered Toy Chica, as if I was stupid. "As for Carter..." said Toy Bonnie with a hint of worry in his voice. I crossed my arms, raised one eyebrow, and gave him a stern look, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Are you telling me...that you have NO IDEA WHERE HE IS!!" I whisper-yelled at him. His bunny ears flattened against his head shamefully. Great! The only other place that he could be is with Scarlet...but where is she!?

I took my worries off of that for a bit, and turned around to look at the little girl down the hallway. She was staring at us with her very curious, big brown eyes. Then she took her attention off of us, and proceeded to walk through the door she had opened before.

I quickly motioned for the rest of the gang to follow me. We tiptoed our way down the hallway, and peeked into the room that the little girl had entered. Inside was what looked like another boys room, only with less toys around than in Toby's room.

We watched as the little girl shuffled up to the bed, which held another sleeping boy.

"Jamie?" she asked. She poked his cheek softly a couple of times before he started to stir. Jamie reached over to the lamp on the bedside table, and turned it on. Light reflected off of both of their faces, revealing a tired Jamie and a half-weary little girl.

"Scarlet? What's wrong?" Jamie asked the little girl.

Scarlet? Wait what?! Is this MY sister Scarlet?! But that's impossible! Scarlet's 16, not 6! If that really is Scarlet, then that means that we've gone 10 years into the past! If I'm right, then I should be 5, but I don't remember a place like this, or having brothers. Well, only one way to find out, and that is to keep listening.

"Thewe's a mownstew in my woom, can I have a gwass of watew?" little Scarlet asked him. I heard Marionette scoff behind me.

"I'm not that scary, am I?" he asked me. "Ehhhh...I don't think she's talking about you..." was all that I could reply, because honestly, in the eyes of a child, anything can be scary.

Jamie was sitting all the way up in his bed now. "What's wrong with the one next to your bed?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It tastes owd..." little Scarlet admitted with her head down. I heard Jamie sigh and get out of his bed. He took little Scarlet's hand and led her out of the room and back to her own bedroom, with the rest of us trailing behind them. When we got there, Jamie opened the door and brought her inside. We continued to watch from the doorway.

"Where's the monster?" Jamie asked little Scarlet. She pointed a shaky finger at the closet. I had a feeling that it would be the closet. It was either that or under the bed. Jamie walked over to the closet and opened it up. Little Scarlet just dove under her covers on her bed. I had to stop myself from laughing, because she seriously looked like a human burrito.

Jamie chuckled a little bit, and pulled out what looked like a little red pirate fox plushie. He walked up to the little humanized burrito and set it on her head.

"It's just Foxy, Scarlet. Nothing to be afraid of," he told her with a reassuring smile. She took the little plushie and hugged it tightly. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

"Big bwodew, awe we stiw going to Fweddy's tomowow?" she asked him with stars in her eyes. "Of course we are! Would I ever back out of a promise for my little sister?" he smiled. Then Jamie tucked her in, kissed her goodnight, and walked back to his own room. So they are going to Freddy's tomorrow? Interesting!

The creaking noise of a door interrupted my thoughts as I turned my head to see that the closet door was slowly starting to open. Little Scarlet must have noticed this, too, because now she was sitting straight up in her bed, clutching her Foxy plushie tightly.

A shadow slowly peeked out of the closet. I could see its sharp teeth glistening, and on one hand was replaced by a hook. Little Scarlet started to rock back and forth, as if trying to calm herself down. She was mumbling to herself, but it was obvious loud enough for us to hear it, and she didn't have that little lisp anymore while she was talking.

"Perhaps this isn't real...perhaps that we're all dead...out he comes a-slithering...from underneath the bed."

I recognized the figure right away, and all because Scarlet has talked about him so many times, I can't even count.

"The pirate fox from Pirate's Cove, long forgotten by everyone, except me!" I could hear her say to me as a voice in the back of my mind.


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