There's a new girl in town...

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Marionette's P.O.V.~
When I woke up at 7 am, I jumped out of my box and started organizing the prizes in the prize corner again, because somehow they got messed up again. While I was busy doing that, I didn't notice the bell ring at the front door, or the footsteps marching past me, until I heard the voice of the manager from up front. "Ok people, listen up! I've got an announcement to make!"

Everybody turned to look at the manager, who was standing on the stage with some papers in his hand.

"Last night, at about 3 am, I came back to the pizzeria to retrieve some papers. All of a sudden, I heard a crash in the alley. I walked over there and found something that will be an excellent addition to the Fazbear family. Everybody say hello to JJ, our new addition to the Fazbear family!"

JJ's P.O.V.~
"Everybody say hello to JJ, our new addition to the Fazbear family!" I stepped out from behind the curtain, exposing myself. I just stood there like an idiot, just expecting something to happen so that I could crawl away from being the center of attention. So I finally just said, "Hello! I'm JJ! Nice to meet you all!" Then I stepped down from the stage. As I walked away, I heard the manager say, "Ok. Party's over! We open our doors in 3 hours!" "Um...Mr.Manager...?" I asked shyly.

"Yes, JJ?"

"Um, where will I be staying?"

"Oh! That's right! I need to assign you to somewhere! Let's see..." He looked around the pizzeria. " about you assist Marionette over by the prize corner! It can get really lonely over there, just a little heads up!"

"Ok. Yes sir! Thank you!"

I started to walk towards the prize corner, completely unaware of the blushing puppet staring at me and getting really tensed about how I was heading right towards him.

JJ and the MarionetteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin