Plushie on the run

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JJ's P.O.V.~
My eyes fluttered open to find a puppet about 2 inches away from my face.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed, and slapped him across the face. When I realized what I had done, I started panicking.

"I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry!!" I cried, and started hugging the puppet like there was no tomorrow.


"Oops! Sorry!" I let go of him, and he quickly stood up. When I looked up at him, I couldn't help but blush from embarrassment. It was Marionette.

"Uh..." I quickly stood up and changed the subject. "Where is my sister?" I looked around. Everybody else was here, too. "And what the heck are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Helping!" Toy Chica practically screeched as she tugged at the Parts & Services door knob. "I still can't get this stupid door to open!" She gave it a few more tugs before giving up and stomping over to Mangle, who was hanging by the girls' bathroom.

"Toy Freddy! Have you found that stinking key yet?!" Toy Bonnie shouted down that hallway that I haven't seen yet. I looked down it with him. There seemed to be 4 doors leading to 4 separate rooms, 2 doorways on opposite sides of the hallway, which I assumed to be the party rooms that Marionette has told me about. At the end of the hall, was a big, spacious room, with a big wooden table in the middle of it. Toy Freddy was rummaging through some cabinets on the walls, which were filled with keys.

"NO! STOP! ASKING!" He shouted as he started shaking an entire cabinet of keys out onto the floor. I stand there for 2 whole minutes, before I think that it's about time I stopped standing here doing nothing, and started doing something to help. I started backing up away from the door.

"The farther away, the bigger the dent, and a bigger chance of you getting where you want to be faster!" I could hear Scarlet's little lecture from a while back ringing in my ears as I backed away even further. I sure hope that she's ok.

"Uh...JJ...what are you doing?!" A worried Marionette asked me.

"Something!" I answered back. "Everybody out of my way! Because this is going to hurt." I mumbled the last part.

"What!?" Mangle's eyes widened.

"Hey guys! I found-"

"AHHHHHHH!!" I screamed and charged at the door as fast as I could. I collided into it so hard, that the big, metal door actually fell off of its hinges and toppled over. There was nothing but silence behind me.

"-it..." I turned around to find Toy Freddy standing in the doorway with the key in his big, plastic bear hand. Kind of too late for that now, if you ask me.

"Eh, whatever! Let's just get going already!" Toy Chica said as she hopped over me and into the dark Parts & Services room. I stood up, brushed myself off, and ran in after her. The room reeked of decay and mold, not to mention that it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing.

I took one step forward, but I immediately stopped when I heard someone whisper in my ear, "Don't go any further! You don't know where you're going! Let me help you." I didn't recognize it, and I was scared. I squeezed my plushtrap tighter in my arms, only to realize it wasn't there.

"Get down on your hands and knees," said the voice. I guess I'll worry about finding him later. I did what the mysterious someone told me to do, and got down on the floor. At least nobody was asking me what I was doing, because I didn't know either.

"Now, follow my voice."

I crawled on over to where the sound of its voice was louder, until I bumped my head against someone's leg.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"JJ, it only me!" It was Marionette. "Are you...on the floor?"

"Yes...I can't see anything." I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and he helped me stand up.

"Really? I can see perfectly fine," He questioned. "Here. Use this." I felt a flashlight being placed into my hand. Finally! Sweet, sweet light!

My mini rejoicing party was quickly interrupted by a crash, followed by a scream, right behind Marionette. It was Carter! How did he get in here!? I thought he was in the hallway!

"Carter?! Are you ok?"

No response. I quickly pushed the button on the flashlight, and light enveloped onto Marionette's face. I didn't even realize that he was still that close to me.

He quickly shot his hands in front of his face to shield his eyes from the bright light. He started to back up slowly, but he accidentally tripped over his own foot, and launched himself backwards.

Now, in a normal situation, if someone hits their head on a wall, they would probably slide down to the floor, moan and wail in pain for a couple of minutes, and then be completely fine. But, this wasn't exactly your typical, normal situation. In this situation, there is no wall. It was more like an invisible doorway. I watched as he started to scream like a little girl, kicking his legs everywhere!

I quickly dropped the flashlight on the ground, ran as fast as I could, and took ahold of his feet. The entire upper half of his body was already through the wall, but I did the only thing I could think of, and that was pull. I pulled with all my might, but it wouldn't let me have him back.

Before long, I could finally feel my feet levitate off the ground as I got sucked into the wall, too. I could hear the screams of the others as I plunged into darkness. And deep in the back of my head, I could hear Scarlet talking to me again, this time, the memory was from a long time ago, and I knew that it wouldn't be the last time I would hear it, either.

"We've each met with terrible fates, haven't we, sister?"
...tomorrow is another day...

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