Heather, Jude and I all piled into the Mini Cooper and rushed down to the hospital. When we got there we sprinted into the hospital and the receptionist directed us to his room.

"George!" Jude yelled as she ran through his door.
"Hi Ju-"
"Don't wasit yer strength," She said while pulling up a chair. She grabbed his hand and began whispering things to him.
"Mrs. Harrison," Doctor Grant said, "May I speak to ye outside for a minute,"
"S-Sure," she slowly siad while standing up. She followed Dr. Grant into the hall. "What do ye want?" she asked while folding her arms across her stomach.
"Well, his heart rate seems to be dropping at a rapid rate. He's probably not gonna make it through the night. I'm sorry," Jude began crying. "Ye can go back in now if ye want,"
"Is there anythin else ye can do?"
"Mrs. Harrison we've tried everythin! I'm so sorry,"
"It's okay," she lied. She pushed him aside and walked back into the room. "George," he looked to her, "the doctor just told me yer not gonna make it through the night,"
"I know," he painfully replied, "He told me before ye got here,"
"I love ye George,"
"I love ye too Jude," he gave her a tired smile.
"DAD!" Dhani yelled as he ran into the room, "I JUST HEAD! ARE YE ALRIGHT!"
"Yer fathers dyin," Jude whispered.
"Dad...ye can't die," tears came to Dhani's eyes. He walked over to George and gave him a small, weak hug. "Ye can't die," Dhani cried into the crook of his fathers neck.
"I love ye Dhani,"
"I love ye t-t-too dad," Dhani sniffed as he cried.
"I love ye girls too," George looked to Heather and I.
"We love ye too George," Heather and I cried.
Soon George's heart rate began dropping.
"No George-" Jude rushed to grab George's hand. "Yer sittin in yer garden, meditatin, by the lake, where we got married-" George cut her off.
"Jude, when yer in the garden," he struggled to talk, "imagine me poppin up in the bushes, like I always do. I'm always gonna be there, within ye, without ye," she let out a small laugh. "Jude, ye were my somethin, I always had my mind set on ye-"
"Shhh," she stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. "I love ye Mr. Harrison," she smiled at him.
"And I love ye Mrs. Harrison," he looked to all of us in the room. "When I'm gone, just remember...to love one another..." his voice had died out...his heart beat stopped. Jude held his body close and cried into his cold, dead, chest.
She got up from her chair and hugged Dhani.
"He's gone mum," Dhani hugged his mother tight.
"I know,"
Heather and I joined in on the hug.
"We should get goin..." I back out of the hug, "C'mon Heather,"
"Okay mum," Heather did her best to dry her eyes.

The car ride home was silent. Heather didn't say anything...I didn't say anything. When I walked in the house with Heather, we immediatly ran to Paul and gave him a hug.

"What's gotten into ye two?" he laughed.
"George died," I mumbled.
"What! N-No he didn't...he couldn't have..."
"Someone snuck into Friar and stabbed him..."
"Oh my god," Pau fell to the ground and began crying. Marty ran over and tried making him feel better.
"So," Heather dried her eyes again, "I'm pregnant," she tried making him feel better.
"That's wonderful darlin!" he hugged her tight, still crying about George. "I know you've been tryin for a while," he tried drying his eyes, "I'm happy for ye,"

A few days later, we had a funeral for George. People made speeches, which made all of us cry.

"My final moment with George? It was nice. I went over to Friar to hang out and help out with gardenin. He ended up doin all the work, which he didn't mind...he was always a fan of garden. George was a kind person, probably the kindest I ever met, and I don't know how this world is gonna live without him," John said, struggling to hold his tears in.

"George was my best friend. We've known each other since grade school. We had an amazin friendship, one I wouldn't trade for the world. Whenever I was in the hospital, or Michelle, or any of my kids, he was always the first to show up. He was a great writing partner and just an amzin person over all and he will be missed by everyone," Paul cried his entire speech.

"What can I say about George...George was such a kind person...one that could never be replaced...and I'd like to say more but if I do, I'll end up cryin so much no one else will be able to talk...George will be missed," Ringo quickly said.

"My last moment with George was...I can't describe it...he was half dead in his hospital bed, and some how, he was still happy...he was still smilin, which is one reason I fell in love with him. He was always happy, no matter the situation. The first thing I thought, when he passed, was: All things must pass, but I never thought ye would," Jude looked to the floor and walked away.

"I loved my dad with all my heart, he always tolerated me, he was always kind to me, even if I wasn't actin nice. He taught me how to sing and how to play guitar. I owe him the world...and I would give my life just for him to return,"
"Don't talk like that Dhani," Jude whispered from behind him.
"But it's true mum...the world needs him, a lot more than it needs me," Dhani walked away and cried in his seat.

The day after the funeral, my birthday, Jude had George creamated. My birthday was spent spreading George's ashes throughout the gardens of Friar Park.

Months passed and I decided to check on Jude, see how she was doing. Jude and I decided to walk through the garden. She stopped to smell the roses, then she looked to her left where some berry bushed sat. She let out a sigh and looked back to the roses.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Whenever I came out here, he was always hidin in the bushes, and he would always jump out and try to scare me, and I still expect him to do it," she let out a sigh, "but he never does,"

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