"Are you good at alchemy?" Amos asks; placing the flask back down.

I shake my head," alchemy is my weakness." I confess---Vapor was inches away from kicking me out of her alchemy class. "One time I was told to make a healing potion, but instead I made some weird poison. My teacher banned me from working alone from that day forward."

Amos laughed at my failure," how can you fail at making such an easy potion?" He said through fits of laughter.

I frown," I'm just not that skilled in alchemy. Even my brother said I should keep away from alchemy in general. He feared my terrible potion-making skills will cost the life of someone important."

"I would fear the same thing if I were him." Amos laughed harder at his own reply.

I can't believe I'm being laughed at by some kid, this is a whole new level of embarrassment.

"Are you done laughing at me now?" I said in a bored tone. "I have better things to do, y'know?"

"Okay, okay, I'm done." Amos quickly responded, wiping his eyes. Taking several deep breaths in he finally managed to calm himself down.

"So you had an alchemy teacher?" He asked---changing the topic. "Were they good?"

I could already imagine Vapor bragging about her many successful works and how they managed to turn a whole battle around. Aside from alchemy, bragging was something Vapor was very good at.

"My teacher was a very good alchemist," I began; smiling at the old memories. "The entire village relied on her works."

"Wow!" Amos bounced in his seat excitedly. "What potions did she make? Did her creations ever help a battle?"

I nod," Vapor's works helped many battles. If she had never been an alchemist my village would've been destroyed long ago."

If only her potions were strong enough to stop the last attack, a small voice sounded from the back of my head. We could be at home with Mother and Father, and maybe even Aren.

"Ara?" Amos poked my arm, eyeing me with concern. "Are you okay?"

Shaking that dark thought away I went on," she made many new potions as well. Her potions worked better than any other potion written in some book."

"Even in this one?" He clumsily held the thick book up.

"Even that one," I said with a smile. "There's no alchemist in the world that can top Vapor, she can put any typical potion to shame with her own."

I hope Vapor is proud of my description of her, I'm not exactly the greatest bragger in the world.

"If there's one alchemist that can top Vapor it'll be me!" Amos exclaimed proudly, pounding his small fist against his chest. "One day I'll top Vapor's works! I'll make potions so great that every alchemist out there will be jealous of me!"

"Every alchemist would be annoyed of you," a new voice pipes in. Glancing back I could see a sleepy Agatha joining us, she frowned deeply at her brother.

"A-Agatha?" Amos' shoulders began to tense.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"I-I was just studying." He played with his fingers, retreating to his timid nature. "Ara was just telling me about a super smart alchemist."

"My brother is the biggest geek when it comes to alchemy," Agatha said to me smiling. "I don't know if I should be proud or worried about him."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now