The bad boy fights- Chapter thirty eight; Kidnapped{Part four}

Start from the beginning


I laid back on my bed, turning my back to him. "No your not, Justin. Just leave me the fuck alone and don't speak to me."

"Not happening, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, closing my eyes and sleeping once again.


"Wake up, bitch!" A loud, girl voice screamed in my ear. It made me jump and open my eyes, only to come face-to-face with my boyfriends ex. I jumped back, but she just sighed, clearly in frustration. Then grabbed my wrists, harshly and pulled me towards the room.

She was hurting my wrists. I immediately wished it was Justin instead of Lexis. She was just mean. At least Justin seemed like he had part of a little heart. He at least tried to be gentle. Damn, bitch.

I bit down on my tongue so that I didn't say anything, the whole time. She drug me into the same room and strapped me back to the chair. I sighed, getting sick and tired of this.

"When are you people going to stop this shit?"I asked. Lexis smirked at me and stood up. "Trust me, darling. It won't be long." my eyes winded as she turned her back to me and flipped on a laptop. She then put Skype on and sat down beside it.

The camera was facing me.

When it came on, my camera was the only one on. I tried getting free but that wasn't working.

"Aw... Shes cute. I can see why Zach takes a liking to her so much." A deep voice said from the other line. Lexis scoffed. "Its just because she looks exactly like me." The deeper voice laughed. "Well, once Zach gets down here, I want you to bring the girl. We need both of them here. It will make Zach agree quicker."

"Agree to what?"

"Well for one, telling the cops he made the drug. And if he doesn't do that, then we kill you. Easy peasy." I silently gasped. My eyes were wide. I can't believe this. They're going to kill me. They will. Zach's stubborn as fuck. So yeah, he won't give in. And I won't let him. I don't want him to go to jail.

I want him to save me and take me back home. I want him back with me. Home is anywhere safe with Zach. I love him more than anything. I never thought I'd say that. Really. About a guy? Seriously, I never would've guessed I'd say or think that.

"Oh looky, your boyfriends calling now. Lets just add him to the call." I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head down, using my hair to block me out. I can't see Zach's face. I want to see him, yeah. But not like this. I want to see him when we're both safe and free from these people.

"What do you want, Mike? I'm sick of waiting." I clench my fists and bite down on my teeth. "Now now, Zachary. Be nice if you want your girlfriend to live.... longer."

"Alex?" Zach's soft voice, saying that, is what made me look up at the camera. I didn't even realise a tear dropped down my face until then. "Hi Zach." I mumbled. I saw Zach's face in the screen. He was mad. His nostrils flared and his eyebrows blended together.

"Tell me where she is, Mike. Now." Mike made a 'Tsk, Tsk, tsk' noise before letting out a long breath. "I don't think so, lover boy. But I will tell you where I am at so I can talk to you about what needs to be done."

"Tell me now, and I'll do it. Just don't hurt Alex." I shook my head and struggled. "Zach no! Don't you even think about it! They just want-" once again, this bitch cut me off by slapping my damn face.

"Lexis! Don't touch her! Im going to kill you!" Zach screamed. Lexis just laughed and grabbed my chin, making me face the camera. "You can't. Your so far away and have no clue where she is."

"I will once I find you."Lexis scoffed. "Please, Zachary. For once in your life, do something someone cares about." Lexis turned back to me and punched me again, this time, knocking me out.


"Hey, your awake."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Justin was hovering over me and I put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him away. I then sat up on the bed. I then realised I was back in 'my room'. I sighed and rubbed my face.

Ow! Fuck! My jaw hurts! Dammit. I instantly pulled my hand away and scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. "What happened?" I asked. Justin sighed and leaned over, grabbing an ice pack. He then handed it to me. "You don't remember anything?"

I took the ice pack and softly put it on my jaw, flinching when it hurt. "Not really. Just that I was talking to some guy named Mike and Zach." ZACH! Oh my gosh he's going to give in once they tell him the deal.

"Well... you must've done something I get on Lexis's nerves because she punched and slapped you. Which made you pass out." I groaned and crossed my legs, using my free hand to hold them together.

"I just was trying to tell him to not give in. I don't want him to go to jail." Justin hook his head and pulled one leg onto the bed. "You know if he doesn't, you'll get tortured right." I shrugged, looking down at my legs. I didn't even have to think about it before I spoke.

"If he goes to jail, I won't be able to see him. I just need to deal with the pain," Until the cops finally show up. I hope Zach is smart enough to do so when he finds out where I am. But like I'd tell Justin that. He's on the opposite side. Hell no.

Justin looked at the floor a minute, ignoring me. Or thinking about what I said. He waited a minute before nodding and smiling. He then looked up at me. "Your a nice person. Alex. I respect that. Your determined to get out of here, even if your not alive when you get out. That's good."

A small smile came onto my face for the first time since I've been here. Justin nodded at me and then just stared. I looked down at my feet. After a while of that, he sighed and stood up. He ruffled my hair and fell down onto his bed. "Get some sleep. We're leaving tomorrow."

I narrowed my eyes, placing the ice pack on the table. "What do you mean?"

Justin pulled the covers up to his waist and turned on his side, his back facing me. "While you were out, we had a meeting. They said Zach was going to New Jersey to find Mike. So tomorrow morning we're all leaving and going up there."

"Oh..." I mumbled, laying down on the bed. Somehow, I'm exited. But another part of me is scared. They said stuff about torturing me and trying to kill me to get it out of him. And if that's the case.... then the only reason we're going up there is so Zach can watch me suffer.

I need to talk to Zach. I need to tell him to not give in. I can't just sit back and watch him go to jail for something he didn't do. Just because some assholes want him too. That's pretty sick, and selfish, If you ask me.

I roll onto my side, towards Justin. I take a deep breath before speaking. "Hey Justin?" Justin stirs before rolling over to face me. He looks tired. Or like he just woke up. "Oh. Im sorry. Did I wake you up?"

He shook his head. "Nah. What is it? You need to piss or something?" I shook my head. "I just wanted to thank you."

Justin's eyebrows furrowed, confusingly. "Thanking me? For what?" I sighed and moved around, getting comfortable. "You've been the nicest person here to me. And you make sure I eat and sleep. If not for you, I would've been sleep deprived and starving. So thank you." Justin smiled from ear to ear. He then nodded. "No problem, Alex."

"Also... do you mind me asking how you got in a place like this? You seem like a guy with a nice heart." Justin smiled faded and he sighed, looking at the ground. "About a year or two ago, my uncle, Zach's dad, offered me a job. My family is really poor so I needed the money. Then after a month of working on cars and getting paid a hella lot, he told me the only way to keep the job was to join this gang. I thought I just had to come to their stupid ass meetings but no. I had to do everything they said. Now, I'm just stuck and I can't get out."

I smiled at him. "I always thought you were different." His lips separated and he looked up at me. Even in the dark, I could see a red tint to his cheeks. I laughed and hook my head, turning my back to him.

I then feel asleep about five minutes after that.

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